| Dinamo (byte[] session) |
| Defines a previously opened session handle to be used in this instance.
| Dinamo () |
void | openSession (String strAddr, String strUsrId, String strPwd) throws TacException |
| Establishes an encrypted connection with the HSM.
void | openSession (String strAddr, String strUsrId, String strPwd, boolean bLoadBalance) throws TacException |
| Establishes an encrypted connection with the HSM.
void | openSession (String strAddr, String strUsrId, String strPwd, String strOtp, boolean bLoadBalance) throws TacException |
| Establishes an encrypted connection with the HSM using OTP.
void | openSession (String strAddr, String strUsrId, String strPwd, String strOtp) throws TacException |
| Establishes an encrypted connection with the HSM using OTP.
void | openSession (String strAddr, String strUsrId, String strPwd, int nPort, int nFlags) throws TacException |
| Establishes an encrypted connection to the HSM using the load balance settings.
void | openSession (String strAddr, String strUsrId, String strPwd, String strOtp, int nPort, int nFlags) throws TacException |
| Establishes an encrypted connection with the HSM using the load balance and OTP configurations.
void | setOpenSession (byte[] session) |
| Defines a previously opened session handle to be used in this instance.
void | openSession (String strAddr, TacAccessToken stAToken, int nPort, int nFlags) throws TacException |
| Establishes an encrypted connection with the HSM using AToken.
void | openSession (String strAddr, byte[] jbaAToken, int nPort, int nFlags) throws TacException |
| Establishes an encrypted connection with the HSM using AToken.
void | openSession (String strAddr, TacAccessToken stAToken, int nPort, boolean bLoadBalance, boolean bSessionCache, boolean bEncrypted) throws TacException |
| Establishes a connection with the HSM using AToken.
void | openSession (String strAddr, byte[] jbaAToken, int nPort, boolean bLoadBalance, boolean bSessionCache, boolean bEncrypted) throws TacException |
| Establishes a connection with the HSM using AToken.
void | openSession (String strAddr, String strUsrId, String strPwd, int nPort, boolean bLoadBalance, boolean bSessionCache, boolean bEncrypted) throws TacException |
| Establishes an encrypted connection with the HSM.
void | openSession (String strAddr, String strUsrId, String strPwd, String strOtp, int nPort, boolean bLoadBalance, boolean bSessionCache, boolean bEncrypted) throws TacException |
| Establishes an encrypted connection with the HSM using OTP.
void | closeSession (int nFlags) throws TacException |
| Terminates the connection to the HSM.
void | closeSession (boolean bPhysicallyClose) throws TacException |
| Terminates the connection to the HSM.
void | closeSession () throws TacException |
| Ends the session by handing back the open connection to the management pool.
long | getCID () throws TacException |
| Retrieves the CID (Correlation ID) of the current session.
TacAccessToken | issueAToken (long lExpiration) throws TacException |
| Issues an Access Token for the user's session in the HSM.
void | revokeAToken(TacAccessToken accessToken) throws TacException |
| Revoke a user's Access Token session in the HSM.
TacAccessToken[] | listAToken () throws TacException |
| Lists the user's Access Tokens in the HSM.
int | getATokenCounter () throws TacException |
| Recovers the Access Token counter for the entire HSM.
void | runATokenGC () throws TacException |
| Runs the Garbage Collector for HSM session tokens.
HSMStatInfo | getStatInfo () throws TacException |
| Retrieves HSM statistics information, such as session, CPU and memory usage figures.
HSMAllInfo | getHSMInfo () throws TacException |
| Retrieves HSM status information.
String | getHSMStringInfo () throws TacException |
| Retrieves HSM status information.
String | getFirmwareVersion () throws TacException |
| Retrieves the HSM firmware version.
String | getModel () throws TacException |
| Recover the HSM model.
String | getSerialNumber () throws TacException |
| Retrieves the HSM's serial number.
void | deleteUser (String userId) throws TacException |
| Remove a User.
String[] | listUsers () throws TacException |
| List HSM users.
boolean | isExistUser (String user) throws TacException |
| Check if the user exists in the HSM.
void | createUser (String userId, String userPwd, int authMask) throws TacException |
| Create a User.
void | changePassword (String newPassword) throws TacException |
| Change the current user's password.
void | setUserBlockStatus (String user, boolean isBlocked) throws TacException |
| Sets a user's lock status.
void | blockUser (String user) throws TacException |
| Block a user.
void | unblockUser (String user) throws TacException |
| Unblocks a user.
boolean | isUserBlocked (String user) throws TacException |
| Checks if the user is blocked.
int | getUserInvalidLoginAttempts (String user) throws TacException |
| Recovers the number of invalid login attempts by a user.
HSMCounterInfo | getHSMCounterInfo () throws TacException |
| Retrieves information from HSM system counters.
int | getUserACL (String user) throws TacException |
| Gets the bitmask of the user's authorizations.
void | setUserAuthMask (String user, int authMask) throws TacException |
| Defines the bitmask of user authorizations.
void | updateUserObjPermission (String user, boolean create, boolean read, boolean del, boolean update) throws TacException |
| Updates the current user's object access authorizations for another user.
void | updateUserSysPermission (String user, boolean create, boolean list, boolean log, boolean backup, boolean firmware) throws TacException |
| Updates a user's system authorizations.
void | setUserOperator (String user) throws TacException |
| Transforms a user into an operator user.
void | assignUserOATHHotp (String user, byte[] seed) throws TacException |
| It associates a HOTP token in the OATH standard with an HSM user for 2-factor authentication.
void | assignUserOATHHotp (String user, byte[] seed, byte truncationOffset, byte type) throws TacException |
| It associates a HOTP token in the OATH standard with an HSM user for 2-factor authentication.
void | assignUserOATHTotp (String user, byte[] seed, byte truncationOffset, byte type, int timeStep, long t0) throws TacException |
| It associates a TOTP token in the OATH standard with an HSM user for 2-factor authentication.
void | assignUserOATHTotp (String user, byte[] seed) throws TacException |
| It associates a TOTP token in the OATH standard with an HSM user for 2-factor authentication.
void | unassignUserOATH (String user, int param) throws TacException |
| Disassociates a TOTP token from an HSM user.
void | unassignUserOATH (String user) throws TacException |
| Disassociates a TOTP token from an HSM user.
void | resynchUserOATH (String user, String otp1, String otp2, int param) throws TacException |
| Resynchronizes an HSM user's HOTP(event) token.
void | resynchUserOATH (String user, String otp1, String otp2) throws TacException |
| Resynchronizes an HSM user's HOTP(event) token.
byte[] | getUserKey (String strKeyName, int nFlags) throws TacException |
| Retrieves the context of a key, as long as the current User has access, stored within the HSM.
byte[] | getUserKey (String strKeyName) throws TacException |
| Retrieves the context of a key, as long as the current User has access, stored within the HSM.
byte[] | getUserKeyOffline (String strKeyName, int algId, boolean isTemporary, boolean isExportable) throws TacException |
| Retrieves the context of a key, without verifying the information passed, as long as the current User has access, stored within the HSM.
void | deleteKey (String keyId) throws TacException |
| Turn off the key.
void | deleteKeyIfExists (String keyId) throws TacException |
| Delete the key if it exists.
byte[] | createKeyMaterial (int keyAlg) throws TacException |
| It creates a new cryptographic key and returns its content without persisting it in the HSM.
void | createKey (String keyId, int keyAlg, boolean exportable) throws TacException |
| It creates and stores a cryptographic key associated with an algorithm according to the parameters entered within the HSM.
void | createKey (String keyId, int keyAlg) throws TacException |
| It creates and stores a cryptographic key associated with an algorithm according to the parameters entered within the HSM.
void | createKey (String keyId, int keyAlg, int dwFlags) throws TacException |
| It creates and stores a cryptographic key associated with an algorithm according to the parameters entered within the HSM.
byte[] | exportKey (String szKey, int dwBlobType) throws TacException |
| Exports an HSM key to the local machine.
byte[] | exportKey (String szKey, byte[] hKEKey, int dwBlobType) throws TacException |
| Exports an HSM key to the local machine.
byte[] | exportKey (byte[] hKey, byte[] hKEKey, int dwBlobType) throws TacException |
| Exports an HSM key to the local machine.
void | importKey (String szKey, int dwBlobType, int nAlgId, byte[] pbInData, boolean isExportable) throws TacException |
| Import a key from the local machine to the HSM.
void | importKey (String szKey, int dwBlobType, int nAlgId, int dwFlags, byte[] pbInData, int dwInDataLen) throws TacException |
| Import a key from the local machine to the HSM.
void | importKey (String szKey, byte[] hKEKey, int dwBlobType, int nAlgId, int dwFlags, byte[] pbInData, byte[] hKey) throws TacException |
| Import a key from the local machine to the HSM.
byte[] | importKey (String szKey, int dwBlobType, int nAlgId, int dwFlags, byte[] pbInData) throws TacException |
| Import a key from the local machine to the HSM.
void | importKey (String szKey, byte[] hKEKey, int dwBlobType, int nAlgId, int dwFlags, byte[] pbInData, int dwInDataLen, byte[] hKey) throws TacException |
| Import a key from the local machine to the HSM.
void | PKCS12Import (String szPathFile, String szPassword, String szKey, String szCert, boolean isExportable) throws TacException |
| Imports a key/certificate from a file in PKCS#12 format into the HSM.
void | importPKCS12 (String szPathFile, String szPassword, String szKey, String szCert, boolean isExportable) throws TacException |
| Imports a key/certificate from a file in PKCS#12 format into the HSM.
void | importPKCS12 (byte[] pbPkcs12, String szPassword, String szKey, String szCert, boolean isExportable) throws TacException |
| Imports a key/certificate from a buffer in PKCS#12 format into the HSM.
void | importPKCS12 (byte[] pbPkcs12, String szPassword, String szKey, int nKeyAttr, String szCert, String szPubKey, int nReserved) throws TacException |
| Imports a key/certificate from a buffer in PKCS#12 format into the HSM.
byte[] | exportPKCS12 (String password, String key, String cert, String strReserved, int dwFlags) throws TacException |
| Exports an HSM key and certificate in PKCS#12 format.
byte[] | exportPKCS12 (String password, String key, String cert) throws TacException |
| Exports an HSM key and certificate in PKCS#12 format.
byte[] | PKCS8ExportKey (String szKeyId, String szSecret) throws TacException |
| Exports an asymmetric key in a file in PKCS#8 format to the HSM.
void | PKCS8ImportKey (String szKeyId, String szSecret, int dwKeyAlg, byte[] bKeyEnvelope, boolean isExportable) throws TacException |
| Imports an asymmetric key from a file in PKCS#8 format into the HSM.
int | getAlgId (byte[] ctxKey) throws TacException |
| Retrieves the key's algorithm.
int | getAlgId (String keyId) throws TacException |
| Retrieves the key's algorithm.
byte[] | readObject (String szObject) throws TacException |
| Exports an HSM object to the local machine.
void | writeObject (String szObject, byte[] jbObjectData) throws TacException |
| Import an object from the local machine to the HSM.
byte[] | getKeyHandle (String keyId) throws TacException |
| Retrieves a key handle.
void | releaseKeyHandle (byte[] keyHandle) throws TacException |
| Releases a key handle.
boolean | isKeyExportable (byte[] keyHandle) throws TacException |
| Check that the key is exportable.
boolean | isKeyExportable (String keyId) throws TacException |
| Check that the key is exportable.
void | setObjLabel (String objId, String label) throws TacException |
| Defines the label attribute of the object's metadata.
void | createMap (String mapId, String objId1, int objId1Alg, String objId2, int objId2Alg) throws TacException |
| Creates a mapping object (MAP) within the HSM.
String[] | listObjects () throws TacException |
| Lists the HSM objects.
SVaultGenTokenResponse | GenSVaultToken (int op, SVaultGenTokenInfo tokenInfo, int reserved) throws TacException |
| It tokenizes a piece of data, generating a token blob and its respective token.
SVaultGenTokenResponse | GenSVaultToken(SVaultGenTokenInfo tokenInfo ) throws TacException |
| It tokenizes a piece of data, generating a token blob and its respective token.
SVaultGenTokenResponse | GenSVaultDigitToken (byte CKS, byte maskFlags, String MK, String secret) throws TacException |
| It tokenizes digits, generating a token blob and its respective token.
SVaultGenTokenResponse | GenSVaultStringToken (byte maskFlags, String MK, String secret) throws TacException |
| It tokenizes a UTF-8 string, generating a token blob and its respective token.
String | GetSVaultTokenBlobData (int op, String MK, String mask, byte[] tokenBlob) throws TacException |
| Retrieves the secret or token of tokenized data using a token blob.
String | GetSVaultSecret (String MK, String mask, byte[] tokenBlob) throws TacException |
| Retrieves the secret of tokenized data using a token blob.
String | GetSVaultToken (String MK, String mask, byte[] tokenBlob) throws TacException |
| Retrieves the token of tokenized data using a token blob.
byte[] | createHash (int nAlgId, byte[] hKey, int nFlags) throws TacException |
| Creates a context for Hash calculation.
byte[] | createHash (int nAlgId) throws TacException |
| Creates a context for calculating the hash.
byte[] | genEcdhKey (int dwOP, String szPriKey, byte[] pbInData) throws TacException |
| It generates a shared secret/key using the ECDH (Elliptc Curve Diffie-Hellman) key-agreement protocol.
byte[] | genEcdhKeyX963 (int dwOP, String szPriKey, String szTargetKeyName, int dwTargetKeyAlg, int dwTargetKeyAttributes, byte[] pbPubKey, byte[] pbKDFData, int dwFlags) throws TacException |
| Generates a shared secret/key using the ANSI X9.63 standard ECDH (Elliptc Curve Diffie-Hellman) key-agreement protocol.
byte[] | genEcdhKeyX963Sha256 (String szPriKey, String szTargetKeyName, int dwTargetKeyAlg, boolean isExportable, boolean isTemporary, byte[] pbPubKey, byte[] pbKDFData) throws TacException |
| Generates a shared secret/key using the key-agreement protocol ECDH (Elliptc Curve Diffie-Hellman) standard ANSI X9.63 SHA256.
byte[] | getRand (int size) throws TacException |
| Generates a pseudo-random buffer, generated in the HSM, for cryptographic use.
byte[] | encrypt (String strKeyId, byte[] byInput) throws TacException |
| Encrypts a data buffer.
byte[] | encrypt (String strKeyId, byte[] byInput, int flags) throws TacException |
| Encrypts a data buffer.
byte[] | encrypt (String strKeyId, byte[] byInput, byte[] byIV, int dwPadding, int dwMode) throws TacException |
| Encrypts data.
byte[] | encrypt (String strKeyId, byte[] byInput, byte[] byIV, int dwPadding, int dwMode, int flags) throws TacException |
| Encrypts data.
byte[] | decrypt (String keyId, byte[] input) throws TacException |
| Decrypts data, often encrypted by the DEncrypt function.
byte[] | decrypt (String keyId, byte[] input, int flags) throws TacException |
| Decrypts data, often encrypted by the DEncrypt function.
byte[] | decrypt (String keyId, byte[] input, byte[] byIV, int dwPadding, int dwMode) throws TacException |
| Decrypts data, often encrypted by the DEncrypt function.
byte[] | decrypt (String keyId, byte[] input, byte[] byIV, int dwPadding, int dwMode, int flags) throws TacException |
| Decrypts data, often encrypted by the DEncrypt function.
int | verifySignature (String keyId, int algHash, byte[] bSignature, byte[] bMessage) throws TacException |
| Check a message.
int | verifySignature (String keyId, int algHash, int padding, byte[] bSignature, byte[] bMessage) throws TacException |
| Check a message.
int | verifySignature (byte[] hPublicKey, byte[] hHash, byte[] bSignature) throws TacException |
| Check a message.
int | verifySignature (byte[] hPublicKey, int hashAlg, byte[] bSignature, byte[] bMessage) throws TacException |
| Check a message.
byte[] | signHash (String keyId, int algHash, byte[] bMessage) throws TacException |
| Signs a piece of data based on its content.
byte[] | sign (String keyId, int algHash, byte[] bMessage) throws TacException |
| Signs a piece of data based on its content.
byte[] | sign (String keyId, int algHash, int padding, byte[] bMessage) throws TacException |
| Signs a piece of data based on its content.
byte[] | signHashedData (String keyId, int algHash, byte[] bHash) throws TacException |
| Signs a piece of data based on its previously computed hash.
byte[] | signHashedData (String keyId, int algHash, byte[] bHash, boolean useOID) throws TacException |
| Signs a piece of data based on its previously computed hash.
byte[] | signHashedData (String keyId, int algHash, byte[] bHash, int nFlags) throws TacException |
| Signs a piece of data based on its previously computed hash.
byte[] | signHashedData (byte[] privateKeyHandle, int algHash, byte[] bHash, int nFlags) throws TacException |
| Signs a piece of data based on its previously computed hash.
byte[] | generateHash (int algId, int flags, byte[] data) throws TacException |
| Generates a hash in just one call.
byte[] | generateHash (int algId, byte[] data) throws TacException |
| Generates a hash in just one call.
void | initHash (int algId, int flags) throws TacException |
| Initializes a piecewise hash operation.
void | initHash (int algId) throws TacException |
| Initializes a piecewise hash operation.
void | updateHash (byte[] data) throws TacException |
| Updates a hash operation with more data.
byte[] | endHash () throws TacException |
| Finalizes a hash operation.
byte[] | generateMAC (int algId, String macKey, int flags, byte[] data) throws TacException |
| Generates a MAC in just one call.
byte[] | generateMAC (int algId, String macKey, byte[] data) throws TacException |
| Generates a MAC in just one call.
void | initMAC (int algId, String macKey, int flags) throws TacException |
| Initializes a MAC operation in parts.
void | initMAC (int algId, String macKey) throws TacException |
| Initializes a MAC operation in parts.
void | updateMAC (byte[] data) throws TacException |
| Updates a MAC operation with more data.
byte[] | endMAC () throws TacException |
| Ends a MAC operation.
String | generateDUKPT (byte[] baKSI, byte[] baDID_CTR, int dwParam) throws TacException |
| It generates a DUKPT key within the HSM using a KSI (Key Serial Identification), a DID (Device ID) and a CTR (Transaction Counter) from the same KSN (Key Serial Number).
String | generateDUKPTName (byte[] baKSI, byte[] baDID_CTR) throws TacException |
| Generates the name of the DUKPT from an entered KSI and CTR.
String | generateBDKName (byte[] baKSI) throws TacException |
| Generates the BDK name from a KSI (Key Serial Identification).
byte[] | translatePINBlock (String srcPEK, String dstPEK, int transBlockType, String PAN, byte[] inPINBlock) throws TacException |
| It translates a PIN block, decrypting it with one key and encrypting it with another.
byte[] | exportTR31 (String kbpk, String key, int usage, byte mode, byte export) throws TacException |
| Exports a key in TR-31 format according to the ASC X9 TR 31-2018 standard.
void | importTR31 (String kbpk, String key, int keyAttributes, byte[] keyBlock) throws TacException |
| Import a key in TR-31 format according to the ASC X9 TR 31-2018 standard.
byte[] | signPKCS7 (String keyId, String keyCertId, String certs, int attributes, byte[] content) throws TacException |
| It generates a signature or co-signature following the PKCS#7 standard (Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard).
byte[] | signXML (byte bHashMode, int nFlags, String strKeyId, String strCertId, byte[] baUnsignedXml, byte[] baFilter) throws TacException |
| Digitally signs an XML document using the W3C XML digital signature standards.
byte[] | signXML (String strPrivKeyName, int nHashAlg, String strCertId, byte[] baUnsignedXml, byte[] baFilter) throws TacException |
| Digitally signs an XML document using the W3C XML digital signature standards.
byte[] | signXML (byte[] hKey, byte[] hHash, String strCertId, int nUnsignedXml, byte[] baUnsignedXml, int[] naSignedXmlSize, int nFilterSize, byte[] baFilter) throws TacException |
| Digitally signs an XML document using the W3C XML digital signature standards.
byte[] | signPIX (String strKeyId, String strCertId, int nFlags, byte[] baUnsignedPIXEnvelope) throws TacException |
| Digitally signs an XML in ISO 20.022 format following the PIX standard defined in the SPI (Instant Payment System).
byte[] | signPIX (String strKeyId, String strCertId, byte[] baUnsignedPIXEnvelope) throws TacException |
| Digitally signs an XML in ISO 20.022 format following the PIX standard defined in the SPI (Instant Payment System).
byte[] | signPIXDict (String strKeyId, String strCertId, int nFlags, byte[] baUnsignedDictEnvelope) throws TacException |
| Digitally signs an XML in XMLDSig format following the DICT standard defined in the SPI (Instant Payment System).
byte[] | signPIXDict (String strKeyId, String strCertId, byte[] baUnsignedDictEnvelope) throws TacException |
| Digitally signs an XML in XMLDSig format following the DICT standard defined in the SPI (Instant Payment System).
boolean | verifyPIX (String strChainId, String strCRLId, int nFlags, byte[] baSignedPIXEnvelope) throws TacException |
| Checks the signature of a digitally signed XML document in ISO 20.022 format following the PIX standard defined in the SPI (Instant Payment System).
boolean | verifyPIX (String strChainId, String strCRLId, byte[] baSignedPIXEnvelope) throws TacException |
| Checks the signature of a digitally signed XML document in ISO 20.022 format following the PIX standard defined in the SPI (Instant Payment System).
boolean | verifyPIXDict (String strChainId, String strCRLId, int nFlags, byte[] baSignedDictEnvelope) throws TacException |
| Checks the signature of a digitally signed XML document in XMLDSig format following the DICT standard defined in the SPI (Instant Payment System).
boolean | verifyPIXDict (String strChainId, String strCRLId, byte[] baSignedDictEnvelope) throws TacException |
| Checks the signature of a digitally signed XML document in XMLDSig format following the DICT standard defined in the SPI (Instant Payment System).
byte[] | signPIXJWS (String strKeyId, byte[] baHeader, byte[] baPayload) throws TacException |
| Makes a JWS RFC 7515 signature following the PIX standard defined in the SPI (Instant Payment System).
String | signPIXJWS (String strKeyId, String strHeader, String strPayload) throws TacException |
| Makes a JWS RFC 7515 signature following the PIX standard defined in the SPI (Instant Payment System).
JwsComponents | checkPIXJWS (String strChainId, String strCRLId, byte[] baJWS, int nFlags) throws TacException |
| Validates an RFC 7515 signed JWS following the PIX standard defined in the SPI (Instant Payment System).
JwsComponents | checkPIXJWS (String strChainId, String strCRLId, String strJWS, int nFlags) throws TacException |
| Validates an RFC 7515 signed JWS following the PIX standard defined in the SPI (Instant Payment System).
boolean | checkPIXJWS (String strChainId, String strCRLId, byte[] baJWS) throws TacException |
| Validates an RFC 7515 signed JWS following the PIX standard defined in the SPI (Instant Payment System).
boolean | checkPIXJWS (String strChainId, String strCRLId, String strJWS) throws TacException |
| Validates an RFC 7515 signed JWS following the PIX standard defined in the SPI (Instant Payment System).
PIXResponse | postPIX (String strKeyId, String strCertId, String strPIXCertChainId, String strURL, String[] straRequestHeaderList, byte[] baRequestData, int nTimeOut, boolean bUseGzip, boolean bVerifyHostName) throws TacException |
| It makes a secure HTTP POST request following the PIX standard defined in SPI (Instant Payment System).
PIXResponse | postPIX (String strKeyId, String strCertId, String strPIXCertChainId, String strURL, String[] straRequestHeaderList, byte[] baRequestData, int nTimeOut, int nParam) throws TacException |
| It makes a secure HTTP POST request following the PIX standard defined in SPI (Instant Payment System).
PIXResponse | putPIX (String strKeyId, String strCertId, String strPIXCertChainId, String strURL, String[] straRequestHeaderList, byte[] baRequestData, int nTimeOut, boolean bUseGzip, boolean bVerifyHostName) throws TacException |
| It makes a secure HTTP PUT request following the PIX standard defined in the SPI (Instant Payment System).
PIXResponse | putPIX (String strKeyId, String strCertId, String strPIXCertChainId, String strURL, String[] straRequestHeaderList, byte[] baRequestData, int nTimeOut, int nParam) throws TacException |
| It makes a secure HTTP PUT request following the PIX standard defined in the SPI (Instant Payment System).
PIXResponse | getPIX (String strKeyId, String strCertId, String strPIXCertChainId, String strURL, String[] straRequestHeaderList, int nTimeOut, boolean bUseGzip, boolean bVerifyHostName) throws TacException |
| It makes a secure HTTP GET request following the PIX standard defined in the SPI (Instant Payment System).
PIXResponse | getPIX (String strKeyId, String strCertId, String strPIXCertChainId, String strURL, String[] straRequestHeaderList, int nTimeOut, int nParam) throws TacException |
| It makes a secure HTTP GET request following the PIX standard defined in the SPI (Instant Payment System).
PIXResponse | deletePIX (String strKeyId, String strCertId, String strPIXCertChainId, String strURL, String[] straRequestHeaderList, int nTimeOut, boolean bUseGzip, boolean bVerifyHostName) throws TacException |
| It makes a secure HTTP DELETE request following the PIX standard defined in SPI (Instant Payment System).
PIXResponse | deletePIX (String strKeyId, String strCertId, String strPIXCertChainId, String strURL, String[] straRequestHeaderList, int nTimeOut, int nParam) throws TacException |
| It makes a secure HTTP DELETE request following the PIX standard defined in SPI (Instant Payment System).
PIXHTTPReqDetails | getPIXHTTPReqDetails () throws TacException |
| Retrieves the details of the last PIX HTTP request (POST, GET...) made in this session.
long | getPIXHTTPReqCode () throws TacException |
| Retrieves the return code of the last PIX HTTP request (POST, GET...) made in this session.
byte[] | generateOATHHotpBlob (String masterKey) throws TacException |
| Generates a blob OATH HOTP(HMAC-based One-Time Password).
byte[] | generateOATHHotpBlob (String masterKey, byte seedLen) throws TacException |
| Generates a blob OATH HOTP(HMAC-based One-Time Password).
byte[] | generateOATHHotpBlob (String masterKey, byte seedLen, byte truncationOffset) throws TacException |
| Generates a blob OATH HOTP(HMAC-based One-Time Password).
byte[] | importOATHHotpBlob (String masterKey, byte[] seed) throws TacException |
| Generates a blob OATH HOTP(HMAC-based One-Time Password).
byte[] | generateOATHTotpBlob (String masterKey) throws TacException |
| Generates a blob OATH TOTP(Time-based One-Time Password).
byte[] | generateOATHTotpBlob (String masterKey, byte seedLen, byte truncationOffset, int timeStep, long t0) throws TacException |
| Generates a blob OATH TOTP(Time-based One-Time Password).
byte[] | importOATHTotpBlob (String masterKey, byte[] seed, byte truncationOffset, int timeStep, long t0, boolean useDefaultMovingFactor, long movingFactor) throws TacException |
| Generates a blob OATH TOTP(Time-based One-Time Password).
byte[] | importOATHTotpBlob (String masterKey, byte[] seed) throws TacException |
| Generates a blob OATH TOTP(Time-based One-Time Password).
byte[] | getOATHSeed (String masterKey, byte[] blob) throws TacException |
| Retrieves the seed from the blob OATH.
String | getNextOATHOTP (String masterKey, int otpLen, byte[] oathBlob) throws TacException |
| Generates the next OTP from the OATH informed blob.
byte[] | checkOATHBlobOTP (String masterKey, String otp, byte[] oathBlob) throws TacException |
| Checks an OTP value for a given blob OATH.
byte[] | resyncOATHBlobOTP (String masterKey, String otp1, String otp2, byte[] oathBlob) throws TacException |
| Re-synchronizes a blob OATH by displaying two continuous OTP values.
void | SPBActivateCertificate (String szDomain, byte bCA, String szSN) throws TacException |
| Activates a certificate that has already been imported into HSM.
void | SPBActivateCertificate (String szDomain, byte bCA, String szSN, int dwParam) throws TacException |
| Activates a certificate that has already been imported into HSM.
void | SPBSetISPBMap (String strISPB, String strKeyId, String strCertId) throws TacException |
| Creates a map with the institution's key and certificate in a slot.
byte[] | SPBGenerateCSR (String sPrivateKeyName, String sRazaoSocial, String sISPB, String sSISBACEN, int iSequencial, boolean bProducao, String sCidade, String sUF) throws TacException |
| Generates a new CSR based on an existing key (RSA 2048).
byte[] | SPBGenerateCSR (String sPrivateKeyName, String sSubject) throws TacException |
| Generates a new CSR based on an existing key (RSA 2048).
byte[] | generatePKCS10CSR (String szKeyId, String szDN, int dwOutType) throws TacException |
| It generates a CSR.
void | SPBImportCertificate (String szDomain, byte[] bCertificate) throws TacException |
| Import a certificate into an HSM namespace.
void | SPBImportCertificate (String szDomain, byte[] bCertificate, boolean isActive) throws TacException |
| Import a certificate into an HSM namespace.
void | SPBImportCertificate (String szDomain, byte[] bCertificate, boolean isActive, int dwParam) throws TacException |
| Import a certificate into an HSM namespace.
void | SPBImportPKCS12 (String path, String pass, String domain, boolean isActivate, int dwFlags) throws TacException |
| Imports a certificate from a PKCS#12 container into the HSM.
byte[] | SPBGetCertificate (String strIdCertificate) throws TacException |
| Retrieves a certificate stored in a namespace in the HSM.
byte[] | SPBDecode (String szSrcISPB, String szDstISPB, byte[] pbMsgIn, boolean bAcceptExpiredCert, boolean bAutoUpdateCert) throws TacSPBException, IOException |
| Decodes a message in the SPB standard, checking signatures, decrypting, but does not check encoding.
byte[] | SPBDecode (String szSrcISPB, String szDstISPB, byte[] pbMsgIn, boolean bAcceptExpiredCert, boolean bAutoUpdateCert, boolean bEncodingCheck) throws TacSPBException, IOException |
| Decrypts a message in the SPB standard, checking signatures and decrypting.
byte[] | SPBDecode (String szSrcISPB, String szDstISPB, byte[] pbMsgIn, boolean bAcceptExpiredCert, boolean bAutoUpdateCert, boolean bEncodingCheck, int dwFlags) throws TacSPBException, IOException |
| Decrypts a message in the SPB standard, checking signatures and decrypting.
byte[] | SPBDecode (String szSrcISPB, String szDstISPB, byte[] pbMsgIn) throws TacException, IOException |
byte[] | SPBEncode (String szSrcISPB, String szDstISPB, byte[] pbMsgIn, byte bSpecialTreatment) throws TacException |
| Encodes a message with the SPB header, signing, encrypting and including all the header fields defined in the RSFN security manual.
byte[] | SPBEncode (String szSrcISPB, String szDstISPB, byte[] pbMsgIn, byte bSpecialTreatment, int dwFlags) throws TacException |
| Encodes a message with the SPB header, signing, encrypting and including all the header fields defined in the RSFN security manual.
byte[] | bchainSignHash (byte bType, byte bHashMode, byte[] pbHash, String strPk) throws TacException |
| Sign a hash using the blockchain module.
byte[] | bchainGetPubKey (byte bType, String jszId) throws TacException |
| Recover a public key from a private key using the blockchain module.
void | setIv (byte[] hKey, byte[] pbIv) throws TacException |
| Sets the key initialization vector.
void | setMode (byte[] hKey, int dwMode) throws TacException |
| Defines the key's operating mode.
void | setPadding (byte[] hKey, int dwPadding) throws TacException |
| Defines the type of padding to be used by the key.
void | finalize () |