Java API
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Detailed description

Data tokenization and anonymization operations.

See the HSM technical documentation.


SVaultGenTokenResponse GenSVaultToken (int op, SVaultGenTokenInfo tokenInfo, int reserved) throws TacException
 It tokenizes a piece of data, generating a token blob and its respective token.
SVaultGenTokenResponse GenSVaultToken(SVaultGenTokenInfo tokenInfo ) throws TacException
 It tokenizes a piece of data, generating a token blob and its respective token.
SVaultGenTokenResponse GenSVaultDigitToken (byte CKS, byte maskFlags, String MK, String secret) throws TacException
 It tokenizes digits, generating a token blob and its respective token.
SVaultGenTokenResponse GenSVaultStringToken (byte maskFlags, String MK, String secret) throws TacException
 It tokenizes a UTF-8 string, generating a token blob and its respective token.
String GetSVaultTokenBlobData (int op, String MK, String mask, byte[] tokenBlob) throws TacException
 Retrieves the secret or token of tokenized data using a token blob.
String GetSVaultSecret (String MK, String mask, byte[] tokenBlob) throws TacException
 Retrieves the secret of tokenized data using a token blob.
String GetSVaultToken (String MK, String mask, byte[] tokenBlob) throws TacException
 Retrieves the token of tokenized data using a token blob.


GenSVaultToken() [1/2]

SVaultGenTokenResponse GenSVaultToken ( int op,
SVaultGenTokenInfo tokenInfo,
int reserved ) throws TacException

It tokenizes a piece of data, generating a token blob and its respective token.

opType of operation. Must be 0.
tokenInfoDetails of the tokenization operation
reservedReserved for future use (must be 0).

GenSVaultToken() [2/2]

SVaultGenTokenResponse GenSVaultToken ( SVaultGenTokenInfo tokenInfo) throws TacException

It tokenizes a piece of data, generating a token blob and its respective token.

tokenInfoDetails of the tokenization operation


SVaultGenTokenResponse GenSVaultDigitToken ( byte CKS,
byte maskFlags,
String MK,
String secret ) throws TacException

It tokenizes digits, generating a token blob and its respective token.

CKSDefines the type of checksum for the generation of tokens. It can be one of the options in the table below
Value Operation
TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_CKS_NULL It doesn't generate a checksum. It only generates the token.
TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_CKS_CPF Generates the 2 check digits in the CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas) standard on the token. The secret must contain only numbers and include the check digits.
TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_CKS_CNPJ Generates the 2 verification digits in the CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica) standard on the token. The secret must contain only numbers and include the check digits.
TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_CKS_PAN Generates a PAN (Primary Account Number) with a valid check digit in the token. The secret must be complete and contain only numbers.
TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_CKS_IEL Generates the 2 check digits in the pattern of the voter registration number on the token. The secret must contain only numbers and include the check digits.
maskFlagsGeneration options. It can be one of the options in the table below
Value Operation
0 It does not use masks for token generation or secret recovery.
TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_F_MASK_TOKEN It uses masks to generate the token. The mask can be passed when retrieving the token or secret.
TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_F_MASK_SECRET It uses masks to generate the secret. The mask can be passed when retrieving the token or secret.
MKName of the key used for data protection
secretThe secret must be a string with numbers only. It should have a minimum size of TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_MIN_TL and a maximum size of TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_MAX_TL.


SVaultGenTokenResponse GenSVaultStringToken ( byte maskFlags,
String MK,
String secret ) throws TacException

It tokenizes a UTF-8 string, generating a token blob and its respective token.

maskFlagsGeneration options. It can be one of the options in the table below
Value Operation
0 It does not use masks for token generation or secret recovery.
TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_F_MASK_TOKEN It uses masks to generate the token. The mask can be passed when retrieving the token or secret.
TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_F_MASK_SECRET It uses masks to generate the secret. The mask can be passed when retrieving the token or secret.
MKName of the key used for data protection
secretThe secret must be a UTF-8 string. It must have a minimum size of TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_MIN_TL and a maximum size of TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_MAX_TL.


String GetSVaultTokenBlobData ( int op,
String MK,
String mask,
byte[] tokenBlob ) throws TacException

Retrieves the secret or token of tokenized data using a token blob.

This API also allows the recovery of the masked secret or token.

opType of operation. This can be one of the options below.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_GET_OP_SECRET Get the secret back.
TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_GET_OP_TOKEN Recover the token.
MKName of the key used for data protection.
maskMask pattern that will be applied to the secret or token, according to the one defined when generating the token blob in GenSVaultToken(). Buffer with a minimum size of TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_MIN_TL and a maximum of TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_MIN_TL containing the mask. It can be an empty string "" so as not to use masking. The mask is a UTF-8 string containing the characters that will be applied to the data to mask it. Pass '\0' in the positions where you want the data to be displayed. See the notes for examples.
tokenBlobBuffer of size TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_TOKEN_BLOB_LEN, generated by the GenSVaultToken() API, containing the blob token.
Return as defined in op
Examples with a secret of value "123456789".
  1. With the "***" mask we get the following result: "***456789".
  2. With the mask "9999" we will have the following result: "999956789".
  3. With the mask "***\0\0\0***" we will have the following result: "***456***".


String GetSVaultSecret ( String MK,
String mask,
byte[] tokenBlob ) throws TacException

Retrieves the secret of tokenized data using a token blob.

This API also allows the masked secret to be recovered.

MKName of the key used for data protection.
maskMask pattern that will be applied to the secret or token, according to the one defined when generating the token blob in GenSVaultToken(). Buffer with a minimum size of TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_MIN_TL and a maximum of TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_MIN_TL containing the mask. It can be an empty string "" so as not to use masking. The mask is a UTF-8 string containing the characters that will be applied to the data to mask it. Pass '\0' in the positions where you want the data to be displayed. See the notes on GetSVaultTokenBlobData() for examples.
tokenBlobBuffer of size TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_TOKEN_BLOB_LEN, generated by the GenSVaultToken() API, containing the blob token.


String GetSVaultToken ( String MK,
String mask,
byte[] tokenBlob ) throws TacException

Retrieves the token of tokenized data using a token blob.

This API also allows the masked token to be recovered.

MKName of the key used for data protection.
maskMask pattern that will be applied to the secret or token, according to the one defined when generating the token blob in GenSVaultToken(). Buffer with a minimum size of TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_MIN_TL and a maximum of TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_MIN_TL containing the mask. It can be an empty string "" so as not to use masking. The mask is a UTF-8 string containing the characters that will be applied to the data to mask it. Pass '\0' in the positions where you want the data to be displayed. See the notes on GetSVaultTokenBlobData() for examples.
tokenBlobBuffer of size TacNDJavaLib.D_SVAULT_TOKEN_BLOB_LEN, generated by the GenSVaultToken() API, containing the blob token.