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Detailed description

Encode and Decode operations according to the SPB standard.

See the HSM technical documentation.


void SPBActivateCertificate (String szDomain, byte bCA, String szSN) throws TacException
 Activates a certificate that has already been imported into HSM.
void SPBActivateCertificate (String szDomain, byte bCA, String szSN, int dwParam) throws TacException
 Activates a certificate that has already been imported into HSM.
void SPBSetISPBMap (String strISPB, String strKeyId, String strCertId) throws TacException
 Creates a map with the institution's key and certificate in a slot.
byte[] SPBGenerateCSR (String sPrivateKeyName, String sRazaoSocial, String sISPB, String sSISBACEN, int iSequencial, boolean bProducao, String sCidade, String sUF) throws TacException
 Generates a new CSR based on an existing key (RSA 2048).
byte[] SPBGenerateCSR (String sPrivateKeyName, String sSubject) throws TacException
 Generates a new CSR based on an existing key (RSA 2048).
byte[] generatePKCS10CSR (String szKeyId, String szDN, int dwOutType) throws TacException
 It generates a CSR.
void SPBImportCertificate (String szDomain, byte[] bCertificate) throws TacException
 Import a certificate into an HSM namespace.
void SPBImportCertificate (String szDomain, byte[] bCertificate, boolean isActive) throws TacException
 Import a certificate into an HSM namespace.
void SPBImportCertificate (String szDomain, byte[] bCertificate, boolean isActive, int dwParam) throws TacException
 Import a certificate into an HSM namespace.
void SPBImportPKCS12 (String path, String pass, String domain, boolean isActivate, int dwFlags) throws TacException
 Imports a certificate from a PKCS#12 container into the HSM.
byte[] SPBGetCertificate (String strIdCertificate) throws TacException
 Retrieves a certificate stored in a namespace in the HSM.
byte[] SPBDecode (String szSrcISPB, String szDstISPB, byte[] pbMsgIn, boolean bAcceptExpiredCert, boolean bAutoUpdateCert) throws TacSPBException, IOException
 Decodes a message in the SPB standard, checking signatures, decrypting, but does not check encoding.
byte[] SPBDecode (String szSrcISPB, String szDstISPB, byte[] pbMsgIn, boolean bAcceptExpiredCert, boolean bAutoUpdateCert, boolean bEncodingCheck) throws TacSPBException, IOException
 Decrypts a message in the SPB standard, checking signatures and decrypting.
byte[] SPBDecode (String szSrcISPB, String szDstISPB, byte[] pbMsgIn, boolean bAcceptExpiredCert, boolean bAutoUpdateCert, boolean bEncodingCheck, int dwFlags) throws TacSPBException, IOException
 Decrypts a message in the SPB standard, checking signatures and decrypting.
byte[] SPBDecode (String szSrcISPB, String szDstISPB, byte[] pbMsgIn) throws TacException, IOException
byte[] SPBEncode (String szSrcISPB, String szDstISPB, byte[] pbMsgIn, byte bSpecialTreatment) throws TacException
 Encodes a message with the SPB header, signing, encrypting and including all the header fields defined in the RSFN security manual.
byte[] SPBEncode (String szSrcISPB, String szDstISPB, byte[] pbMsgIn, byte bSpecialTreatment, int dwFlags) throws TacException
 Encodes a message with the SPB header, signing, encrypting and including all the header fields defined in the RSFN security manual.


SPBActivateCertificate() [1/2]

void SPBActivateCertificate ( String szDomain,
byte bCA,
String szSN ) throws TacException

Activates a certificate that has already been imported into HSM.

If another certificate is active, it will be inactivated. Only one certificate will remain active per institution, per domain within an HSM namespace.

szDomainSPB operating domain
bCAnumber of the CA that issued the certificate
szSNSerial number of the certificate to be activated.

SPBActivateCertificate() [2/2]

void SPBActivateCertificate ( String szDomain,
byte bCA,
String szSN,
int dwParam ) throws TacException

Activates a certificate that has already been imported into HSM.

If another certificate is active, it will be inactivated. Only one certificate will remain active per institution, per domain within an HSM namespace.

szDomainSPB operating domain
bCAnumber of the CA that issued the certificate
szSNSerial number of the certificate to be activated.
dwParamThe following table of flags is supported.
Value Meaning
0 It uses the SPB (Brazilian Payment System) standard.
TacNDJavaLib.ND_SPB_USE_CIP1 It uses the CIP (Camara Interbancaria de Pagamentos)/C3 Nuclea standard.


void SPBSetISPBMap ( String strISPB,
String strKeyId,
String strCertId ) throws TacException

Creates a map with the institution's key and certificate in a slot.

strISPB- Map identification (can be ISPB)
strKeyId- Key identification
strCertId- Certificate identification
TacExceptionThrows exception in case of signature errors

SPBGenerateCSR() [1/2]

byte[] SPBGenerateCSR ( String sPrivateKeyName,
String sRazaoSocial,
String sISPB,
int iSequencial,
boolean bProducao,
String sCidade,
String sUF ) throws TacException

Generates a new CSR based on an existing key (RSA 2048).

sPrivateKeyNameKey id in the HSM.
sRazaoSocialName of the entity's corporate name, in accordance with the RSFN Security Manual.
sISPBISPB code (08 digits). This is the institution's CNPJ base number.
sSISBACENThe institution's SISBACEN code (05 characters).
iSequencialUnique sequential numbering for generating the key pair, in accordance with the RSFN Security Manual.
bProducaoTrue to indicate a production environment certificate and false to indicate a homologation environment certificate.
sCidadeCity name. Optional parameter, can indicate NUL.
sUFState name (02 characters). Optional parameter, can indicate NUL.
Byte array with CSR. Just direct it to a file.

SPBGenerateCSR() [2/2]

byte[] SPBGenerateCSR ( String sPrivateKeyName,
String sSubject ) throws TacException

Generates a new CSR based on an existing key (RSA 2048).

sPrivateKeyNameKey id in the HSM.
sSubjectDN (Dinstinguished Name) of the CSR to generate the Subject field of the certificate. The DN fields must be separated by '/'.
Byte array with CSR. Just direct it to a file.


byte[] generatePKCS10CSR ( String szKeyId,
String szDN,
int dwOutType ) throws TacException

It generates a CSR.

szKeyIdkey name
szDNString ending in zero of maximum length CORE_P10_CSR_DN_MAX_LEN, containing the DN (Dinstinguished Name) for generating the CSR. DN fields must be separated by '/'.
dwOutTypeOutput Format P10_CSR_DER(1) or P10_CSR_PEM(2)

SPBImportCertificate() [1/3]

void SPBImportCertificate ( String szDomain,
byte[] bCertificate ) throws TacException

Import a certificate into an HSM namespace.

szDomainname of the domain the certificate will be imported into
bCertificatebyte array containing the certificate (PEM or DER format)

SPBImportCertificate() [2/3]

void SPBImportCertificate ( String szDomain,
byte[] bCertificate,
boolean isActive ) throws TacException

Import a certificate into an HSM namespace.

szDomainname of the domain the certificate will be imported into
bCertificatebyte array containing the certificate (PEM or DER format)
isActiveactivates certificate after import

SPBImportCertificate() [3/3]

void SPBImportCertificate ( String szDomain,
byte[] bCertificate,
boolean isActive,
int dwParam ) throws TacException

Import a certificate into an HSM namespace.

szDomainname of the domain the certificate will be imported into
bCertificatebyte array containing the certificate (PEM or DER format)
isActiveactivates certificate after import
dwParamThe following table of flags is supported.
Value Meaning
0 It uses the SPB (Brazilian Payment System) standard.
TacNDJavaLib.ND_SPB_USE_CIP1 It uses the CIP (Camara Interbancaria de Pagamentos)/C3 Nuclea standard.
TacNDJavaLib.ND_SPB_USE_ANY Accepts the CIP/C3 Nuclea and SPB standard. Detection is done internally.


void SPBImportPKCS12 ( String path,
String pass,
String domain,
boolean isActivate,
int dwFlags ) throws TacException

Imports a certificate from a PKCS#12 container into the HSM.

pathFile path
dwFlagsAdditional key parameters.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.NONEXPORTABLE_KEY The key cannot leave the HSM.
TacNDJavaLib.EXPORTABLE_KEY The key can be exported from the HSM.
TacNDJavaLib.TEMPORARY_KEY The key will only exist while the session is active. It will be destroyed after the session is closed.
domainDomain for import
isActivateActivates the certificate during import


byte[] SPBGetCertificate ( String strIdCertificate) throws TacException

Retrieves a certificate stored in a namespace in the HSM.

strIdCertificateidentificação do certificado no formato "<ISPB>@<Dominio>". Por exemplo: "11223344@SPR".

SPBDecode() [1/4]

byte[] SPBDecode ( String szSrcISPB,
String szDstISPB,
byte[] pbMsgIn,
boolean bAcceptExpiredCert,
boolean bAutoUpdateCert ) throws TacSPBException, IOException

Decodes a message in the SPB standard, checking signatures, decrypting, but does not check encoding.

szSrcISPBidentificação do ISPB de origem no formato "<ISPB>@<Dominio>". Por exemplo: "11223344@SPR".
szDstISPBidentificação do ISPB de destino no formato "<ISPB>@<Dominio>". Por exemplo: "11223344@SPR".
pbMsgInmessage encoded in the SPB standard passed as an array of bytes
bAcceptExpiredCerttrue if the HSM should accept expired certificates in certificate exchange messages
bAutoUpdateCerttrue to indicate that the HSM should automatically update the certificate of the institution that sent an SPB certificate exchange message
Byte array with the decoded message.
TacExceptionError in HSM operation.
IOExceptionWriting error in the decoding memory (streams).

SPBDecode() [2/4]

byte[] SPBDecode ( String szSrcISPB,
String szDstISPB,
byte[] pbMsgIn,
boolean bAcceptExpiredCert,
boolean bAutoUpdateCert,
boolean bEncodingCheck ) throws TacSPBException, IOException

Decrypts a message in the SPB standard, checking signatures and decrypting.

szSrcISPBidentificação do ISPB de origem no formato "<ISPB>@<Dominio>". Por exemplo: "11223344@SPR".
szDstISPBidentificação do ISPB de destino no formato "<ISPB>@<Dominio>". Por exemplo: "11223344@SPR".
pbMsgInmessage encoded in the SPB standard passed as an array of bytes
bAcceptExpiredCerttrue if the HSM should accept expired certificates in certificate exchange messages
bAutoUpdateCerttrue to indicate that the HSM should automatically update the certificate of the institution that sent an SPB certificate exchange message
bEncodingCheckturns on coding range validation
Byte array with the decoded message.
TacExceptionError in HSM operation.
IOExceptionWriting error in the decoding memory (streams).

SPBDecode() [3/4]

byte[] SPBDecode ( String szSrcISPB,
String szDstISPB,
byte[] pbMsgIn,
boolean bAcceptExpiredCert,
boolean bAutoUpdateCert,
boolean bEncodingCheck,
int dwFlags ) throws TacSPBException, IOException

Decrypts a message in the SPB standard, checking signatures and decrypting.

szSrcISPBidentificação do ISPB de origem no formato "<ISPB>@<Dominio>". Por exemplo: "11223344@SPR". Também pode ser passado o nome do map correspondente, fora do padrão de nomenclatura do módulo SPB em casos específicos, ver dwFlags.
szDstISPBidentificação do ISPB de destino no formato "<ISPB>@<Dominio>". Por exemplo: "11223344@SPR". Também pode ser passado o nome do map correspondente, fora do padrão de nomenclatura do módulo SPB em casos específicos, ver dwFlags.
pbMsgInmessage encoded in the SPB standard passed as an array of bytes
bAcceptExpiredCerttrue if the HSM should accept expired certificates in certificate exchange messages
bAutoUpdateCerttrue to indicate that the HSM should automatically update the certificate of the institution that sent an SPB certificate exchange message
bEncodingCheckturns on coding range validation
dwFlagsDefines decoding details, and can take on the following values described in the table below.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ND_SPB_OUT_NO_PADDING Removes padding from the end of the SPB message after decryption.
TacNDJavaLib.ND_SPB_OUT_WITH_PADDING Keeps the padding at the end of the SPB message after decryption.
TacNDJavaLib.ND_SPB_USE_CIP1 Uses the CIP(Camara Interbancaria de Pagamentos)/C3 Nuclea standard. When this flag is not set, the SPB (Brazilian Payment System) standard is used.
TacNDJavaLib.ND_SPB_RAW Mode without SPB-specific checks. Only accepts the use of the MAP name as parameters for szSrcISPB e szDstISPB.
Byte array with the decoded message.
TacExceptionError in HSM operation.
IOExceptionWriting error in the decoding memory (streams).

SPBDecode() [4/4]

byte[] SPBDecode ( String szSrcISPB,
String szDstISPB,
byte[] pbMsgIn ) throws TacException, IOException

This is a method provided for convenience. It differs from the above method only in the list of arguments that must be used.

SPBEncode() [1/2]

byte[] SPBEncode ( String szSrcISPB,
String szDstISPB,
byte[] pbMsgIn,
byte bSpecialTreatment ) throws TacException

Encodes a message with the SPB header, signing, encrypting and including all the header fields defined in the RSFN security manual.

szSrcISPBidentificação do ISPB de origem no formato "<ISPB>@<Dominio>". Por exemplo: "11223344@SPR".
szDstISPBidentificação do ISPB de destino no formato "<ISPB>@<Dominio>". Por exemplo: "11223344@SPR".
pbMsgInMessage passed as an array of bytes. HSM does not perform automatic format conversion. In the SPB standard, the defined format is UTF16-BE, and it is up to the API caller to ensure that the message is using the correct format.
bSpecialTreatmentSpecial treatment indicator. Item 5.6 of the RSFN security header manual.

SPBEncode() [2/2]

byte[] SPBEncode ( String szSrcISPB,
String szDstISPB,
byte[] pbMsgIn,
byte bSpecialTreatment,
int dwFlags ) throws TacException

Encodes a message with the SPB header, signing, encrypting and including all the header fields defined in the RSFN security manual.

szSrcISPBidentificação do ISPB de origem no formato "<ISPB>@<Dominio>". Por exemplo: "11223344@SPR". Também pode ser passado o nome do map correspondente, fora do padrão de nomenclatura do módulo SPB em casos específicos, ver dwFlags.
szDstISPBidentificação do ISPB de destino no formato "<ISPB>@<Dominio>". Por exemplo: "11223344@SPR". Também pode ser passado o nome do map correspondente, fora do padrão de nomenclatura do módulo SPB em casos específicos, ver dwFlags.
pbMsgInMessage passed as an array of bytes. HSM does not perform automatic format conversion. In the SPB standard, the defined format is UTF16-BE, and it is up to the API caller to ensure that the message is using the correct format.
bSpecialTreatmentSpecial treatment indicator. Item 5.6 of the RSFN security header manual.
dwFlagsDefines decoding details, and can take on the following values described in the table below.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ND_SPB_ENCODE_GEN_01 Generates a GEN 01 message.
TacNDJavaLib.ND_SPB_USE_CIP1 Uses the CIP(Camara Interbancaria de Pagamentos)/C3 Nuclea standard. When this flag is not set, the SPB (Brazilian Payment System) standard is used.
TacNDJavaLib.ND_SPB_ENCODE_HEADER_V3 Encodes the message using the security header version 3. In future this option will be set by default. The V3 header is available from version 5.0.16 of the HSM firmware.
TacNDJavaLib.ND_SPB_RAW Mode without SPB-specific checks. Only accepts the use of the MAP name as parameters for szSrcISPB e szDstISPB.