Java API
HSM Dinamo
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Detailed description

Symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic hash operations.


byte[] createHash (int nAlgId, byte[] hKey, int nFlags) throws TacException
 Creates a context for Hash calculation.
byte[] createHash (int nAlgId) throws TacException
 Creates a context for calculating the hash.
byte[] genEcdhKey (int dwOP, String szPriKey, byte[] pbInData) throws TacException
 It generates a shared secret/key using the ECDH (Elliptc Curve Diffie-Hellman) key-agreement protocol.
byte[] genEcdhKeyX963 (int dwOP, String szPriKey, String szTargetKeyName, int dwTargetKeyAlg, int dwTargetKeyAttributes, byte[] pbPubKey, byte[] pbKDFData, int dwFlags) throws TacException
 Generates a shared secret/key using the ANSI X9.63 standard ECDH (Elliptc Curve Diffie-Hellman) key-agreement protocol.
byte[] genEcdhKeyX963Sha256 (String szPriKey, String szTargetKeyName, int dwTargetKeyAlg, boolean isExportable, boolean isTemporary, byte[] pbPubKey, byte[] pbKDFData) throws TacException
 Generates a shared secret/key using the key-agreement protocol ECDH (Elliptc Curve Diffie-Hellman) standard ANSI X9.63 SHA256.
byte[] getRand (int size) throws TacException
 Generates a pseudo-random buffer, generated in the HSM, for cryptographic use.
byte[] encrypt (String strKeyId, byte[] byInput) throws TacException
 Encrypts a data buffer.
byte[] encrypt (String strKeyId, byte[] byInput, int flags) throws TacException
 Encrypts a data buffer.
byte[] encrypt (String strKeyId, byte[] byInput, byte[] byIV, int dwPadding, int dwMode) throws TacException
 Encrypts data.
byte[] encrypt (String strKeyId, byte[] byInput, byte[] byIV, int dwPadding, int dwMode, int flags) throws TacException
 Encrypts data.
byte[] decrypt (String keyId, byte[] input) throws TacException
 Decrypts data, often encrypted by the DEncrypt function.
byte[] decrypt (String keyId, byte[] input, int flags) throws TacException
 Decrypts data, often encrypted by the DEncrypt function.
byte[] decrypt (String keyId, byte[] input, byte[] byIV, int dwPadding, int dwMode) throws TacException
 Decrypts data, often encrypted by the DEncrypt function.
byte[] decrypt (String keyId, byte[] input, byte[] byIV, int dwPadding, int dwMode, int flags) throws TacException
 Decrypts data, often encrypted by the DEncrypt function.
int verifySignature (String keyId, int algHash, byte[] bSignature, byte[] bMessage) throws TacException
 Check a message.
int verifySignature (String keyId, int algHash, int padding, byte[] bSignature, byte[] bMessage) throws TacException
 Check a message.
int verifySignature (byte[] hPublicKey, byte[] hHash, byte[] bSignature) throws TacException
 Check a message.
int verifySignature (byte[] hPublicKey, int hashAlg, byte[] bSignature, byte[] bMessage) throws TacException
 Check a message.
byte[] signHash (String keyId, int algHash, byte[] bMessage) throws TacException
 Signs a piece of data based on its content.
byte[] sign (String keyId, int algHash, byte[] bMessage) throws TacException
 Signs a piece of data based on its content.
byte[] sign (String keyId, int algHash, int padding, byte[] bMessage) throws TacException
 Signs a piece of data based on its content.
byte[] signHashedData (String keyId, int algHash, byte[] bHash) throws TacException
 Signs a piece of data based on its previously computed hash.
byte[] signHashedData (String keyId, int algHash, byte[] bHash, boolean useOID) throws TacException
 Signs a piece of data based on its previously computed hash.
byte[] signHashedData (String keyId, int algHash, byte[] bHash, int nFlags) throws TacException
 Signs a piece of data based on its previously computed hash.
byte[] signHashedData (byte[] privateKeyHandle, int algHash, byte[] bHash, int nFlags) throws TacException
 Signs a piece of data based on its previously computed hash.
byte[] generateHash (int algId, int flags, byte[] data) throws TacException
 Generates a hash in just one call.
byte[] generateHash (int algId, byte[] data) throws TacException
 Generates a hash in just one call.
void initHash (int algId, int flags) throws TacException
 Initializes a piecewise hash operation.
void initHash (int algId) throws TacException
 Initializes a piecewise hash operation.
void updateHash (byte[] data) throws TacException
 Updates a hash operation with more data.
byte[] endHash () throws TacException
 Finalizes a hash operation.
byte[] generateMAC (int algId, String macKey, int flags, byte[] data) throws TacException
 Generates a MAC in just one call.
byte[] generateMAC (int algId, String macKey, byte[] data) throws TacException
 Generates a MAC in just one call.
void initMAC (int algId, String macKey, int flags) throws TacException
 Initializes a MAC operation in parts.
void initMAC (int algId, String macKey) throws TacException
 Initializes a MAC operation in parts.
void updateMAC (byte[] data) throws TacException
 Updates a MAC operation with more data.
byte[] endMAC () throws TacException
 Ends a MAC operation.


createHash() [1/2]

byte[] createHash ( int nAlgId,
byte[] hKey,
int nFlags ) throws TacException

Creates a context for Hash calculation.

nAlgIdIdentifier of the algorithm to be used
hKeyKey context to be used
Context for hash calculation
See also
getUserKey(String nKey)

createHash() [2/2]

byte[] createHash ( int nAlgId) throws TacException

Creates a context for calculating the hash.

nAlgIdIndicates the algorithm associated with the hash context.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_MD5 MD5 hash algorithm.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA1 SHA1 hash algorithm.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SSL_SHA1_MD5 Hash for client authentication in SSLv3.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_224 SHA2 hash algorithm - 224.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_256 SHA2 hash algorithm - 256.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_384 SHA2 hash algorithm - 384.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_512 SHA2 hash algorithm - 512
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_224 SHA3 hash algorithm - 224.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_256 SHA3 hash algorithm - 256.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_384 SHA3 hash algorithm - 384.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_512 SHA3 hash algorithm - 512
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_IDENTITY_FUNC Identity function algorithm.


byte[] genEcdhKey ( int dwOP,
String szPriKey,
byte[] pbInData ) throws TacException

It generates a shared secret/key using the ECDH (Elliptc Curve Diffie-Hellman) key-agreement protocol.

dwOPIndicates the algorithm associated with the hash context.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.DN_GEN_KEY_KDF_RAW_SECRET The method returns the ECDH secret key without derivation.
We recommend deriving a key from this to communicate with the peer. The parameter passed in pbInData must be a buffer containing the peer's public key in DER format.
szPriKeyString containing the identifier of the private key within the HSM. This identifier must not contain spaces or special characters. Uppercase and lowercase characters are case sensitive.
pbInDataFunction input data. Must be filled in as described in the dwOP options.
Buffer containing the output key/secret.


byte[] genEcdhKeyX963 ( int dwOP,
String szPriKey,
String szTargetKeyName,
int dwTargetKeyAlg,
int dwTargetKeyAttributes,
byte[] pbPubKey,
byte[] pbKDFData,
int dwFlags ) throws TacException

Generates a shared secret/key using the ANSI X9.63 standard ECDH (Elliptc Curve Diffie-Hellman) key-agreement protocol.

dwOPIndicates the algorithm used.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.DN_GEN_KEY_X9_63_SHA256 Derives an ECDH secret key in the ANSI X9.63 standard using SHA256.
szPriKeyIdentifier of the private key within the HSM.
szTargetKeyNameIdentifier of the key that will be generated in the HSM. Only alphanumeric characters and underline '_' with a maximum length of TacNDJavaLib.MAX_OBJ_ID. Uppercase and lowercase characters are case sensitive. This parameter can be null if you want the contents of the generated key to be returned by the method.
dwTargetKeyAlgAlgorithm of the key that will be generated in the HSM. See options in the createKey method.
dwTargetKeyAttributesAdditional parameters of the key that will be generated in the HSM. See createKey.
pbPubKeyThe other party's public key, in DER format. The maximum size of the pbPubKey and pbKDFData buffers together must not exceed TacNDJavaLib.DN_ECDH_GEN_KEY_MAX_DATA.
pbKDFDataData that will be used to derive the key. The maximum size of the pbPubKey and pbKDFData buffers together must not exceed TacNDJavaLib.DN_ECDH_GEN_KEY_MAX_DATA.
dwFlagsReserved for future use. You must pass 0.
Exit key/secret.


byte[] genEcdhKeyX963Sha256 ( String szPriKey,
String szTargetKeyName,
int dwTargetKeyAlg,
boolean isExportable,
boolean isTemporary,
byte[] pbPubKey,
byte[] pbKDFData ) throws TacException

Generates a shared secret/key using the key-agreement protocol ECDH (Elliptc Curve Diffie-Hellman) standard ANSI X9.63 SHA256.

szPriKeyIdentifier of the private key within the HSM.
szTargetKeyNameIdentifier of the key that will be generated in the HSM. Only alphanumeric characters and underline '_' with a maximum length of TacNDJavaLib.MAX_OBJ_ID. Uppercase and lowercase characters are case sensitive. This parameter can be null if you want the contents of the generated key to be returned by the method.
dwTargetKeyAlgAlgorithm of the key that will be generated in the HSM. See options in the createKey method.
isTemporaryInforms whether the key, which will be generated in the HSM, is temporary.
isExportableInforms whether the key, which will be generated in the HSM, is exportable.
pbPubKeyThe other party's public key, in DER format. The maximum size of the pbPubKey and pbKDFData buffers together must not exceed TacNDJavaLib.DN_ECDH_GEN_KEY_MAX_DATA.
pbKDFDataData that will be used to derive the key. The maximum size of the pbPubKey and pbKDFData buffers together must not exceed TacNDJavaLib.DN_ECDH_GEN_KEY_MAX_DATA.
Output key/segment. Returns null if szTargetKeyName is NOT null.


byte[] getRand ( int size) throws TacException

Generates a pseudo-random buffer, generated in the HSM, for cryptographic use.

sizeSize of the buffer that will be generated.
Pseudo-random buffer.

encrypt() [1/4]

byte[] encrypt ( String strKeyId,
byte[] byInput ) throws TacException

Encrypts a data buffer.

strKeyIdKey identifier.
byInputBuffer containing the data to be encrypted.
Returns the encrypted data.

encrypt() [2/4]

byte[] encrypt ( String strKeyId,
byte[] byInput,
int flags ) throws TacException

Encrypts a data buffer.

strKeyIdKey identifier.
byInputBuffer containing the data to be encrypted.
flagsIndicates additional options for operation.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.D_NO_RSA_PADDING Does not pad RSA PKCS#1.5. Can be used together with the TacNDJavaLib.D_FORCE_ACTUAL_RSA flag.
TacNDJavaLib.D_FORCE_ACTUAL_RSA It uses the RSA key directly. Encryption with a private key and decryption with a public key. Can be used in conjunction with the TacNDJavaLib.D_NO_RSA_PADDING flag.
Returns the encrypted data.
This API supports RSA operations performed directly on this function. The data to be operated on must have a length equal to or less than the size of the key minus 11 bytes. When using the public key for encryption, the padding used is PKCS#1 type 2 and in the decryption process, the padding is checked and removed. For operations with the private key, PKCS#1 type 1 padding is used. The HSM will check the padding formatting even when the operation has no padding defined, as in TacNDJavaLib.D_NO_RSA_PADDING.

encrypt() [3/4]

byte[] encrypt ( String strKeyId,
byte[] byInput,
byte[] byIV,
int dwPadding,
int dwMode ) throws TacException

Encrypts data.

strKeyIdKey identifier.
byInputBuffer containing the data to be encrypted.
byIVBuffer containing the IV(Initialization Vector). Can be passed null to Not used or use the default. Initialization vector used with blockchain algorithms according to their symmetric encryption mode of operation. The size of the initialization vector depends on the symmetric algorithm used, since it has the same length as the block operation.
Only valid for symmetric keys.
dwPaddingThe library can work with the following forms of padding.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.D_NO_PADDING No padding is done, the data passed for encryption must already be a multiple of the size of the operation block.
TacNDJavaLib.D_PKCS5_PADDING Padding is done following the standard defined in PKCS#5.
TacNDJavaLib.D_ZERO_PADDING If the length of the data is not a multiple of the size of the operation block, it is completed with leading zeros until it reaches a size supported by the algorithm. This type of padding should not be used with data where there may be bytes with a value of zero, as it can lead to ambiguity in the decryption operation. If the data contains only ASCII text, for example, there is no problem.

Only valid for symmetric keys.
dwModeIndicates the encryption operating mode of the block algorithm.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_ECB Electronic Codebook (ECB)
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_CBC Cipher Block Chain (CBC)
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_GCM Galois/Counter Mode. The authentication tag is located right after the encrypted/decrypted data with the size of (returned size - message size in clear text).
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_KW AESWRAP according to the RFC-3394 standard. Used in encryption and decryption operations of other keys. The padding used is the one defined in the default, any other value will be ignored. Use the standard IV with value 0xA6A6A6A6A6A6A6A60000000000000000.
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_KWP AESWRAP with padding according to the RFC-5649 standard. Used in encryption and decryption operations of other keys. The padding used is the one defined in the default, any other value will be ignored. Use the standard IV with value 0xA65959A6000000000000000000000000.
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_OFB Output-Feedback. Not yet supported.
Valid only for symmetric keys and block algorithms.

Only valid for symmetric keys and block algorithms.
Returns the encrypted data.

encrypt() [4/4]

byte[] encrypt ( String strKeyId,
byte[] byInput,
byte[] byIV,
int dwPadding,
int dwMode,
int flags ) throws TacException

Encrypts data.

strKeyIdKey identifier.
byInputBuffer containing the data to be encrypted.
byIVBuffer containing the IV(Initialization Vector). Can be passed null to Not used or use the default. Initialization vector used with blockchain algorithms according to their symmetric encryption mode of operation. The size of the initialization vector depends on the symmetric algorithm used, since it has the same length as the block operation.
Only valid for symmetric keys.
dwPaddingThe library can work with the following forms of padding.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.D_NO_PADDING No padding is done, the data passed for encryption must already be a multiple of the size of the operation block.
TacNDJavaLib.D_PKCS5_PADDING Padding is done following the standard defined in PKCS#5.
TacNDJavaLib.D_ZERO_PADDING If the length of the data is not a multiple of the size of the operation block, it is completed with leading zeros until it reaches a size supported by the algorithm. This type of padding should not be used with data where there may be bytes with a value of zero, as it can lead to ambiguity in the decryption operation. If the data contains only ASCII text, for example, there is no problem.

Only valid for symmetric keys.
dwModeIndicates the encryption operating mode of the block algorithm.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_ECB Electronic Codebook (ECB)
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_CBC Cipher Block Chain (CBC)
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_GCM Galois/Counter Mode. The authentication tag is located right after the encrypted/decrypted data with the size of (returned size - message size in clear text).
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_KW AESWRAP according to the RFC-3394 standard. Used in encryption and decryption operations of other keys. The padding used is the one defined in the default, any other value will be ignored. Use the standard IV with value 0xA6A6A6A6A6A6A6A60000000000000000.
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_KWP AESWRAP with padding according to the RFC-5649 standard. Used in encryption and decryption operations of other keys. The padding used is the one defined in the default, any other value will be ignored. Use the standard IV with value 0xA65959A6000000000000000000000000.
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_OFB Output-Feedback. Not yet supported.
Valid only for symmetric keys and block algorithms.

Only valid for symmetric keys and block algorithms.
flagsIndicates additional options for operation.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.D_NO_RSA_PADDING Does not pad RSA PKCS#1.5.Can be used together with the TacNDJavaLib.D_FORCE_ACTUAL_RSA flag.
TacNDJavaLib.D_FORCE_ACTUAL_RSA It uses the RSA key directly. Encryption with private key decryption with public key. Can be used in conjunction with the TacNDJavaLib.D_NO_RSA_PADDING flag.
Returns the encrypted data.
This API supports RSA operations performed directly on this function. The data to be operated on must have a length equal to or less than the size of the key minus 11 bytes. When using the public key for encryption, the padding used is PKCS#1 type 2 and in the decryption process, the padding is checked and removed. For operations with the private key, PKCS#1 type 1 padding is used. The HSM will check the formatting of the padding even when the operation has no padding defined, as in TacNDJavaLib.D_NO_RSA_PADDING. RSA encryption and decryption operations are only enabled in non-restricted mode (NRM).

decrypt() [1/4]

byte[] decrypt ( String keyId,
byte[] input ) throws TacException

Decrypts data, often encrypted by the DEncrypt function.

keyIdKey identifier.
inputBuffer containing the data to be decrypted. For block symmetric operations, the size of the data must always be a multiple of the block used by the algorithm in question.
Returns the decrypted data.

decrypt() [2/4]

byte[] decrypt ( String keyId,
byte[] input,
int flags ) throws TacException

Decrypts data, often encrypted by the DEncrypt function.

keyIdKey identifier.
inputBuffer containing the data to be decrypted. For block symmetric operations, the size of the data must always be a multiple of the block used by the algorithm in question.
flagsIndicates additional options for operation.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.D_NO_RSA_PADDING Does not pad RSA PKCS#1.5.Can be used together with the TacNDJavaLib.D_FORCE_ACTUAL_RSA flag.
TacNDJavaLib.D_FORCE_ACTUAL_RSA It uses the RSA key directly. Encryption with private key decryption with public key. Can be used in conjunction with the TacNDJavaLib.D_NO_RSA_PADDING flag.
Returns the decrypted data.
This API supports RSA operations performed directly on this function. The data to be operated on must have a length equal to or less than the size of the key minus 11 bytes. When using the public key for encryption, the padding used is PKCS#1 type 2 and in the decryption process, the padding is checked and removed. For operations with the private key, PKCS#1 type 1 padding is used. The HSM will check the formatting of the padding even when the operation has no padding defined, as in TacNDJavaLib.D_NO_RSA_PADDING. RSA encryption and decryption operations are only enabled in non-restricted mode (NRM).

decrypt() [3/4]

byte[] decrypt ( String keyId,
byte[] input,
byte[] byIV,
int dwPadding,
int dwMode ) throws TacException

Decrypts data, often encrypted by the DEncrypt function.

keyIdKey identifier.
inputBuffer containing the data to be decrypted. For block symmetric operations, the size of the data must always be a multiple of the block used by the algorithm in question.
byIVBuffer containing the IV(Initialization Vector). Can be passed null to Not used or use the default. Initialization vector used with blockchain algorithms according to their symmetric encryption mode of operation. The size of the initialization vector depends on the symmetric algorithm used, since it has the same length as the block operation.

Only valid for symmetric keys.
dwPaddingThe library can work with the following forms of padding.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.D_NO_PADDING No padding is done, the data passed for encryption must already be a multiple of the size of the operation block.
TacNDJavaLib.D_PKCS5_PADDING Padding is done following the standard defined in PKCS#5.
TacNDJavaLib.D_ZERO_PADDING If the length of the data is not a multiple of the size of the operation block, it is completed with leading zeros until it reaches a size supported by the algorithm. This type of padding should not be used with data where there may be bytes with a value of zero, as it can lead to ambiguity in the decryption operation. If the data contains only ASCII text, for example, there is no problem.

Only valid for symmetric keys.
dwModeIndicates the encryption operating mode of the block algorithm.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_ECB Electronic Codebook (ECB)
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_CBC Cipher Block Chain (CBC)
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_GCM Galois/Counter Mode. The authentication tag is located right after the encrypted/decrypted data with the size of (returned size - message size in clear text).
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_KW AESWRAP according to the RFC-3394 standard. Used in encryption and decryption operations of other keys. The padding used is the one defined in the default, any other value will be ignored. Use the standard IV with value 0xA6A6A6A6A6A6A6A60000000000000000.
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_KWP AESWRAP with padding according to the RFC-5649 standard. Used in encryption and decryption operations of other keys. The padding used is the one defined in the default, any other value will be ignored. Use the standard IV with value 0xA65959A6000000000000000000000000.
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_OFB Output-Feedback. Not yet supported.
Valid only for symmetric keys and block algorithms.

Only valid for symmetric keys and block algorithms.
Returns the decrypted data.

decrypt() [4/4]

byte[] decrypt ( String keyId,
byte[] input,
byte[] byIV,
int dwPadding,
int dwMode,
int flags ) throws TacException

Decrypts data, often encrypted by the DEncrypt function.

keyIdKey identifier.
inputBuffer containing the data to be decrypted. For block symmetric operations, the size of the data must always be a multiple of the block used by the algorithm in question.
byIVBuffer containing the IV(Initialization Vector). Can be passed null to Not used or use the default. Initialization vector used with blockchain algorithms according to their symmetric encryption mode of operation. The size of the initialization vector depends on the symmetric algorithm used, since it has the same length as the block operation.

Only valid for symmetric keys.
dwPaddingThe library can work with the following forms of padding.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.D_NO_PADDING No padding is done, the data passed for encryption must already be a multiple of the size of the operation block.
TacNDJavaLib.D_PKCS5_PADDING Padding is done following the standard defined in PKCS#5.
TacNDJavaLib.D_ZERO_PADDING If the length of the data is not a multiple of the size of the operation block, it is completed with leading zeros until it reaches a size supported by the algorithm. This type of padding should not be used with data where there may be bytes with a value of zero, as it can lead to ambiguity in the decryption operation. If the data contains only ASCII text, for example, there is no problem.

Only valid for symmetric keys.
dwModeIndicates the encryption operating mode of the block algorithm.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_ECB Electronic Codebook (ECB)
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_CBC Cipher Block Chain (CBC)
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_GCM Galois/Counter Mode. The authentication tag is located right after the encrypted/decrypted data with the size of (returned size - message size in clear text).
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_KW AESWRAP according to the RFC-3394 standard. Used in encryption and decryption operations of other keys. The padding used is the one defined in the default, any other value will be ignored. Use the standard IV with value 0xA6A6A6A6A6A6A6A60000000000000000.
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_KWP AESWRAP with padding according to the RFC-5649 standard. Used in encryption and decryption operations of other keys. The padding used is the one defined in the default, any other value will be ignored. Use the standard IV with value 0xA65959A6000000000000000000000000.
TacNDJavaLib.MODE_OFB Output-Feedback. Not yet supported.
Valid only for symmetric keys and block algorithms.

Only valid for symmetric keys and block algorithms.
flagsIndicates additional options for operation.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.D_NO_RSA_PADDING Does not pad RSA PKCS#1.5.Can be used together with the TacNDJavaLib.D_FORCE_ACTUAL_RSA flag.
TacNDJavaLib.D_FORCE_ACTUAL_RSA It uses the RSA key directly. Encryption with private key decryption with public key. Can be used in conjunction with the TacNDJavaLib.D_NO_RSA_PADDING flag.
Returns the decrypted data.
This API supports RSA operations performed directly on this function. The data to be operated on must have a length equal to or less than the size of the key minus 11 bytes. When using the public key for encryption, the padding used is PKCS#1 type 2 and in the decryption process, the padding is checked and removed. For operations with the private key, PKCS#1 type 1 padding is used. The HSM will check the padding formatting even when the operation has no padding defined, as in TacNDJavaLib.D_NO_RSA_PADDING.

verifySignature() [1/4]

int verifySignature ( String keyId,
int algHash,
byte[] bSignature,
byte[] bMessage ) throws TacException

Check a message.

Uses PKCS#1 padding.

keyIdIdentifier of the private key from which the public key will be extracted for verification.
algHashHash algorithm used to verify the signature. See options in initHash().
bMessageMessage for signature verification.

verifySignature() [2/4]

int verifySignature ( String keyId,
int algHash,
int padding,
byte[] bSignature,
byte[] bMessage ) throws TacException

Check a message.

keyIdIdentifier of the private key from which the public key will be extracted for verification.
algHashHash algorithm used to verify the signature. See options in initHash().
paddingPadding used in the signature. See options in setPadding().
bMessageMessage for signature verification.

verifySignature() [3/4]

int verifySignature ( byte[] hPublicKey,
byte[] hHash,
byte[] bSignature ) throws TacException

Check a message.

hPublicKeyHandle of the public key. importKey().
hHashHandle of the message hash. See initHash().

verifySignature() [4/4]

int verifySignature ( byte[] hPublicKey,
int hashAlg,
byte[] bSignature,
byte[] bMessage ) throws TacException

Check a message.

hPublicKeyHandle of the public key. See importKey().
hashAlgHash algorithm. See options in initHash().
bMessageMessage for signature verification.


byte[] signHash ( String keyId,
int algHash,
byte[] bMessage ) throws TacException

Signs a piece of data based on its content.

keyIdPrivate key identifier.
algHashHash algorithm used in the signature. See options in initHash().
The generated signature.
The format of the generated signature complies with the specifications of PKCS#1 v.1.5, using padding type 1 when an RSA key is used, with the use of ECC keys the signature will be in the DER standard.
Use sign().

sign() [1/2]

byte[] sign ( String keyId,
int algHash,
byte[] bMessage ) throws TacException

Signs a piece of data based on its content.

Uses standard padding.

keyIdPrivate key identifier.
algHashHash algorithm used in the signature. See options in initHash().
The generated signature.
The format of the generated signature complies with the specifications of PKCS#1 v.1.5, using padding type 1 when an RSA key is used, with the use of ECC keys the signature will be in the DER standard.

sign() [2/2]

byte[] sign ( String keyId,
int algHash,
int padding,
byte[] bMessage ) throws TacException

Signs a piece of data based on its content.

keyIdPrivate key identifier.
algHashHash algorithm used in the signature. See options in initHash().
paddingPadding used in the signature. See options in setPadding().
The generated signature.

signHashedData() [1/4]

byte[] signHashedData ( String keyId,
int algHash,
byte[] bHash ) throws TacException

Signs a piece of data based on its previously computed hash.

keyIdPrivate key identifier.
algHashHash algorithm used in the signature.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_MD5 MD5 hash algorithm.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA1 SHA1 hash algorithm.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SSL_SHA1_MD5 Hash for client authentication in SSLv3.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_224 SHA2 hash algorithm - 224.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_256 SHA2 hash algorithm - 256.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_384 SHA2 hash algorithm - 384.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_512 SHA2 hash algorithm - 512
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_224 SHA3 hash algorithm - 224.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_256 SHA3 hash algorithm - 256.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_384 SHA3 hash algorithm - 384.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_512 SHA3 hash algorithm - 512
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_IDENTITY_FUNC Identity function algorithm.
bHashPreviously computed hash of the message according to the algorithm defined in algHash.
The generated signature.
The format of the generated signature complies with the specifications of PKCS#1 v.1.5, using padding type 1 when an RSA key is used, with the use of ECC keys the signature will be in the DER standard.

signHashedData() [2/4]

byte[] signHashedData ( String keyId,
int algHash,
byte[] bHash,
boolean useOID ) throws TacException

Signs a piece of data based on its previously computed hash.

keyIdPrivate key identifier.
algHashHash algorithm used in the signature.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_MD5 MD5 hash algorithm.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA1 SHA1 hash algorithm.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SSL_SHA1_MD5 Hash for client authentication in SSLv3.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_224 SHA2 hash algorithm - 224.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_256 SHA2 hash algorithm - 256.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_384 SHA2 hash algorithm - 384.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_512 SHA2 hash algorithm - 512
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_224 SHA3 hash algorithm - 224.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_256 SHA3 hash algorithm - 256.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_384 SHA3 hash algorithm - 384.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_512 SHA3 hash algorithm - 512
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_IDENTITY_FUNC Identity function algorithm.
bHashPreviously computed hash of the message according to the algorithm defined in algHash.
useOIDWhen this argument is set to false, the object identifier (OID) is not placed in front of the hash value, as provided for in PKCS#7, DigestInfo attribute.
The generated signature.
The format of the generated signature complies with the specifications of PKCS#1 v.1.5, using padding type 1 when an RSA key is used, with the use of ECC keys the signature will be in the DER standard.

signHashedData() [3/4]

byte[] signHashedData ( String keyId,
int algHash,
byte[] bHash,
int nFlags ) throws TacException

Signs a piece of data based on its previously computed hash.

keyIdPrivate key identifier.
algHashHash algorithm used in the signature.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_MD5 MD5 hash algorithm.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA1 SHA1 hash algorithm.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SSL_SHA1_MD5 Hash for client authentication in SSLv3.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_224 SHA2 hash algorithm - 224.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_256 SHA2 hash algorithm - 256.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_384 SHA2 hash algorithm - 384.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_512 SHA2 hash algorithm - 512
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_224 SHA3 hash algorithm - 224.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_256 SHA3 hash algorithm - 256.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_384 SHA3 hash algorithm - 384.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_512 SHA3 hash algorithm - 512
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_IDENTITY_FUNC Identity function algorithm.
bHashPreviously computed hash of the message according to the algorithm defined in algHash.
nFlagsYou must pass 0 or some modifier defined in the list below.
Value Meaning
NO_HASH_OID When this flag is specified, the object identifier (OID) is not placed in front of the hash value, as provided for in PKCS#7, DigestInfo attribute.
By default, this OID is always added to the signature.
The generated signature.
The format of the generated signature complies with the specifications of PKCS#1 v.1.5, using padding type 1 when an RSA key is used, with the use of ECC keys the signature will be in the DER standard.

signHashedData() [4/4]

byte[] signHashedData ( byte[] privateKeyHandle,
int algHash,
byte[] bHash,
int nFlags ) throws TacException

Signs a piece of data based on its previously computed hash.

privateKeyHandleHandle of the private key. Retrieved by the getKeyHandle() method.
algHashHash algorithm used in the signature.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_MD5 MD5 hash algorithm.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA1 SHA1 hash algorithm.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SSL_SHA1_MD5 Hash for client authentication in SSLv3.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_224 SHA2 hash algorithm - 224.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_256 SHA2 hash algorithm - 256.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_384 SHA2 hash algorithm - 384.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_512 SHA2 hash algorithm - 512
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_224 SHA3 hash algorithm - 224.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_256 SHA3 hash algorithm - 256.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_384 SHA3 hash algorithm - 384.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_512 SHA3 hash algorithm - 512
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_IDENTITY_FUNC Identity function algorithm.
bHashPreviously computed hash of the message according to the algorithm defined in algHash.
nFlagsYou must pass 0 or some modifier defined in the list below.
Value Meaning
NO_HASH_OID When this flag is specified, the object identifier (OID) is not placed in front of the hash value, as provided for in PKCS#7, DigestInfo attribute.
By default, this OID is always added to the signature.
The generated signature.
The format of the generated signature complies with the specifications of PKCS#1 v.1.5, using padding type 1 when an RSA key is used, with the use of ECC keys the signature will be in the DER standard.

generateHash() [1/2]

byte[] generateHash ( int algId,
int flags,
byte[] data ) throws TacException

Generates a hash in just one call.

algIdIndicates the HASH algorithm.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_MD5 MD5 hash algorithm.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA1 SHA1 hash algorithm.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SSL_SHA1_MD5 Hash for client authentication in SSLv3.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_224 SHA2 hash algorithm - 224.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_256 SHA2 hash algorithm - 256.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_384 SHA2 hash algorithm - 384.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_512 SHA2 hash algorithm - 512
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_224 SHA3 hash algorithm - 224.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_256 SHA3 hash algorithm - 256.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_384 SHA3 hash algorithm - 384.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_512 SHA3 hash algorithm - 512
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_IDENTITY_FUNC Identity function algorithm.
flagsZero must be spent.
Hash generated.

generateHash() [2/2]

byte[] generateHash ( int algId,
byte[] data ) throws TacException

Generates a hash in just one call.

algIdIndicates the HASH algorithm.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_MD5 MD5 hash algorithm.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA1 SHA1 hash algorithm.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SSL_SHA1_MD5 Hash for client authentication in SSLv3.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_224 SHA2 hash algorithm - 224.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_256 SHA2 hash algorithm - 256.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_384 SHA2 hash algorithm - 384.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_512 SHA2 hash algorithm - 512
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_224 SHA3 hash algorithm - 224.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_256 SHA3 hash algorithm - 256.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_384 SHA3 hash algorithm - 384.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_512 SHA3 hash algorithm - 512
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_IDENTITY_FUNC Identity function algorithm.
Hash generated.

initHash() [1/2]

void initHash ( int algId,
int flags ) throws TacException

Initializes a piecewise hash operation.

It must be finalized with endHash.

algIdIndicates the HASH algorithm.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_MD5 MD5 hash algorithm.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA1 SHA1 hash algorithm.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SSL_SHA1_MD5 Hash for client authentication in SSLv3.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_224 SHA2 hash algorithm - 224.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_256 SHA2 hash algorithm - 256.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_384 SHA2 hash algorithm - 384.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_512 SHA2 hash algorithm - 512
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_224 SHA3 hash algorithm - 224.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_256 SHA3 hash algorithm - 256.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_384 SHA3 hash algorithm - 384.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_512 SHA3 hash algorithm - 512
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_IDENTITY_FUNC Identity function algorithm.
flagsZero must be spent.
The piecemeal operation MUST be initialized with initHash, the data passed with updateHash and finished with endHash.
updateHash can be called once or several times until the entire content of the message is sent and then endHash to finish the operation and generate the HASH.
A multi-part operation cannot be interspersed with other operations within the same session until it is finished with endHash.

initHash() [2/2]

void initHash ( int algId) throws TacException

Initializes a piecewise hash operation.

It must be finalized with endHash.

algIdIndicates the HASH algorithm.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_MD5 MD5 hash algorithm.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA1 SHA1 hash algorithm.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SSL_SHA1_MD5 Hash for client authentication in SSLv3.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_224 SHA2 hash algorithm - 224.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_256 SHA2 hash algorithm - 256.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_384 SHA2 hash algorithm - 384.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA2_512 SHA2 hash algorithm - 512
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_224 SHA3 hash algorithm - 224.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_256 SHA3 hash algorithm - 256.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_384 SHA3 hash algorithm - 384.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_SHA3_512 SHA3 hash algorithm - 512
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_IDENTITY_FUNC Identity function algorithm.
The piecemeal operation MUST be initialized with initHash, the data passed with updateHash and finished with endHash.
updateHash can be called once or several times until the entire content of the message is sent and then endHash to finish the operation and generate the HASH.
A multi-part operation cannot be interspersed with other operations within the same session until it is finished with endHash.


void updateHash ( byte[] date) throws TacException

Updates a hash operation with more data.

The piecemeal operation MUST be initialized with initHash, the data passed with updateHash and finished with endHash.
updateHash can be called once or several times until the entire content of the message is sent and then endHash to finish the operation and generate the HASH.
A multi-part operation cannot be interspersed with other operations within the same session until it is finished with endHash.


byte[] endHash ( ) throws TacException

Finalizes a hash operation.

HASH generated.
The piecemeal operation MUST be initialized with initHash, the data passed with updateHash and finished with endHash.
updateHash can be called once or several times until the entire content of the message is sent and then endHash to finish the operation and generate the HASH.
A multi-part operation cannot be interspersed with other operations within the same session until it is finished with endHash.

generateMAC() [1/2]

byte[] generateMAC ( int algId,
String macKey,
int flags,
byte[] data ) throws TacException

Generates a MAC in just one call.

algIdIndicates the MAC algorithm.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_MD5 HMAC MD5 algorithm. hmacKey must be the name of the key used in HMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_SHA1 HMAC SHA1 algorithm. hmacKey must be the name of the key used in HMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_SHA2_256 HMAC SHA2 algorithm - 256. hmacKey must be the name of the key used in HMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_SHA2_384 HMAC SHA2 algorithm - 384. hmacKey must be the name of the key used in HMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_SHA2_512 HMAC SHA2 algorithm - 512. hmacKey must be the name of the key used in HMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_CMAC_DES CMAC 3DES algorithm. hmacKey must be the name of the 3DES key used in CMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_CMAC_AES CMAC AES algorithm. hmacKey must be the name of the AES key used in CMAC.
macKeyMAC key name.
flagsZero must be spent.
MAC generated.

generateMAC() [2/2]

byte[] generateMAC ( int algId,
String macKey,
byte[] data ) throws TacException

Generates a MAC in just one call.

algIdIndicates the MAC algorithm.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_MD5 HMAC MD5 algorithm. hmacKey must be the name of the key used in HMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_SHA1 HMAC SHA1 algorithm. hmacKey must be the name of the key used in HMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_SHA2_256 HMAC SHA2 algorithm - 256. hmacKey must be the name of the key used in HMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_SHA2_384 HMAC SHA2 algorithm - 384. hmacKey must be the name of the key used in HMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_SHA2_512 HMAC SHA2 algorithm - 512. hmacKey must be the name of the key used in HMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_CMAC_DES CMAC 3DES algorithm. hmacKey must be the name of the 3DES key used in CMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_CMAC_AES CMAC AES algorithm. hmacKey must be the name of the AES key used in CMAC.
macKeyMAC key name.
MAC generated.

initMAC() [1/2]

void initMAC ( int algId,
String macKey,
int flags ) throws TacException

Initializes a MAC operation in parts.

It must be finalized with endMAC.

algIdIndicates the MAC algorithm.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_MD5 HMAC MD5 algorithm. hmacKey must be the name of the key used in HMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_SHA1 HMAC SHA1 algorithm. hmacKey must be the name of the key used in HMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_SHA2_256 HMAC SHA2 algorithm - 256. hmacKey must be the name of the key used in HMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_SHA2_384 HMAC SHA2 algorithm - 384. hmacKey must be the name of the key used in HMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_SHA2_512 HMAC SHA2 algorithm - 512. hmacKey must be the name of the key used in HMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_CMAC_DES CMAC 3DES algorithm. hmacKey must be the name of the 3DES key used in CMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_CMAC_AES CMAC AES algorithm. hmacKey must be the name of the AES key used in CMAC.
macKeyMAC key name.
flagsZero must be spent.
The piecewise operation MUST be initialized with initMAC, the data passed with updateMAC and finished with endMAC.
updateMAC can be called once or several times until the entire content of the message has been sent and then endMAC to finish the operation and generate the MAC.
A multi-part operation cannot be interspersed with other operations within the same session until it is finished with endMAC.

initMAC() [2/2]

void initMAC ( int algId,
String macKey ) throws TacException

Initializes a MAC operation in parts.

It must be finalized with endMAC.

algIdIndicates the MAC algorithm.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_MD5 HMAC MD5 algorithm. hmacKey must be the name of the key used in HMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_SHA1 HMAC SHA1 algorithm. hmacKey must be the name of the key used in HMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_SHA2_256 HMAC SHA2 algorithm - 256. hmacKey must be the name of the key used in HMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_SHA2_384 HMAC SHA2 algorithm - 384. hmacKey must be the name of the key used in HMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_SHA2_512 HMAC SHA2 algorithm - 512. hmacKey must be the name of the key used in HMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_CMAC_DES CMAC 3DES algorithm. hmacKey must be the name of the 3DES key used in CMAC.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_CMAC_AES CMAC AES algorithm. hmacKey must be the name of the AES key used in CMAC.
macKeyMAC key name.
The piecewise operation MUST be initialized with initMAC, the data passed with updateMAC and finished with endMAC.
updateMAC can be called once or several times until the entire content of the message has been sent and then endMAC to finish the operation and generate the MAC.
A multi-part operation cannot be interspersed with other operations within the same session until it is finished with endMAC.


void updateMAC ( byte[] date) throws TacException

Updates a MAC operation with more data.

The piecewise operation MUST be initialized with initMAC, the data passed with updateMAC and finished with endMAC.
updateMAC can be called once or several times until the entire content of the message has been sent and then endMAC to finish the operation and generate the MAC.
A multi-part operation cannot be interspersed with other operations within the same session until it is finished with endMAC.


byte[] endMAC ( ) throws TacException

Ends a MAC operation.

MAC generated.
The piecewise operation MUST be initialized with initMAC, the data passed with updateMAC and finished with endMAC.
updateMAC can be called once or several times until the entire content of the message has been sent and then endMAC to finish the operation and generate the MAC.
A multi-part operation cannot be interspersed with other operations within the same session until it is finished with endMAC.