Java API
HSM Dinamo
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Return Codes

API return code values and descriptions.

The HSM API return code values are classified as follows:

Value meaning
Negative HSM communication network. Client library codes.
1 a 100 Local encryption. Client library codes.
101 a 200 External communication. Related to communication between the local workstation or server and the target host (for example when establishing a TSL tunnel in Pix APIs). Client library codes.
1001 a 3999 Client library. Client library codes.
5000 a 36000 General. HSM codes.
36000 and above Replication. HSM codes.

The return codes displayed on the local HSM console and in the log events are in hexadecimal representation prefixed by 8000, in the form 8000xxxx, where xxxx is the corresponding hexadecimal returned by the HSM API.

Always check the log file of the client library and the HSM, as this can provide important information to help you solve problems.

In the event of an error, please also consult the troubleshooting guides in the manual.