Java API
HSM Dinamo
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Detailed description

Managing the life cycle of cryptographic keys in HSM.


byte[] getUserKey (String strKeyName, int nFlags) throws TacException
 Retrieves the context of a key, as long as the current User has access, stored within the HSM.
byte[] getUserKey (String strKeyName) throws TacException
 Retrieves the context of a key, as long as the current User has access, stored within the HSM.
byte[] getUserKeyOffline (String strKeyName, int algId, boolean isTemporary, boolean isExportable) throws TacException
 Retrieves the context of a key, without verifying the information passed, as long as the current User has access, stored within the HSM.
void deleteKey (String keyId) throws TacException
 Turn off the key.
void deleteKeyIfExists (String keyId) throws TacException
 Delete the key if it exists.
byte[] createKeyMaterial (int keyAlg) throws TacException
 It creates a new cryptographic key and returns its content without persisting it in the HSM.
void createKey (String keyId, int keyAlg, boolean exportable) throws TacException
 It creates and stores a cryptographic key associated with an algorithm according to the parameters entered within the HSM.
void createKey (String keyId, int keyAlg) throws TacException
 It creates and stores a cryptographic key associated with an algorithm according to the parameters entered within the HSM.
void createKey (String keyId, int keyAlg, int dwFlags) throws TacException
 It creates and stores a cryptographic key associated with an algorithm according to the parameters entered within the HSM.
byte[] exportKey (String szKey, int dwBlobType) throws TacException
 Exports an HSM key to the local machine.
byte[] exportKey (String szKey, byte[] hKEKey, int dwBlobType) throws TacException
 Exports an HSM key to the local machine.
byte[] exportKey (byte[] hKey, byte[] hKEKey, int dwBlobType) throws TacException
 Exports an HSM key to the local machine.
void importKey (String szKey, int dwBlobType, int nAlgId, byte[] pbInData, boolean isExportable) throws TacException
 Import a key from the local machine to the HSM.
void importKey (String szKey, int dwBlobType, int nAlgId, int dwFlags, byte[] pbInData, int dwInDataLen) throws TacException
 Import a key from the local machine to the HSM.
void importKey (String szKey, byte[] hKEKey, int dwBlobType, int nAlgId, int dwFlags, byte[] pbInData, byte[] hKey) throws TacException
 Import a key from the local machine to the HSM.
byte[] importKey (String szKey, int dwBlobType, int nAlgId, int dwFlags, byte[] pbInData) throws TacException
 Import a key from the local machine to the HSM.
void importKey (String szKey, byte[] hKEKey, int dwBlobType, int nAlgId, int dwFlags, byte[] pbInData, int dwInDataLen, byte[] hKey) throws TacException
 Import a key from the local machine to the HSM.
void PKCS12Import (String szPathFile, String szPassword, String szKey, String szCert, boolean isExportable) throws TacException
 Imports a key/certificate from a file in PKCS#12 format into the HSM.
void importPKCS12 (String szPathFile, String szPassword, String szKey, String szCert, boolean isExportable) throws TacException
 Imports a key/certificate from a file in PKCS#12 format into the HSM.
void importPKCS12 (byte[] pbPkcs12, String szPassword, String szKey, String szCert, boolean isExportable) throws TacException
 Imports a key/certificate from a buffer in PKCS#12 format into the HSM.
void importPKCS12 (byte[] pbPkcs12, String szPassword, String szKey, int nKeyAttr, String szCert, String szPubKey, int nReserved) throws TacException
 Imports a key/certificate from a buffer in PKCS#12 format into the HSM.
byte[] exportPKCS12 (String password, String key, String cert, String strReserved, int dwFlags) throws TacException
 Exports an HSM key and certificate in PKCS#12 format.
byte[] exportPKCS12 (String password, String key, String cert) throws TacException
 Exports an HSM key and certificate in PKCS#12 format.
byte[] PKCS8ExportKey (String szKeyId, String szSecret) throws TacException
 Exports an asymmetric key in a file in PKCS#8 format to the HSM.
void PKCS8ImportKey (String szKeyId, String szSecret, int dwKeyAlg, byte[] bKeyEnvelope, boolean isExportable) throws TacException
 Imports an asymmetric key from a file in PKCS#8 format into the HSM.
int getAlgId (byte[] ctxKey) throws TacException
 Retrieves the key's algorithm.
int getAlgId (String keyId) throws TacException
 Retrieves the key's algorithm.
byte[] readObject (String szObject) throws TacException
 Exports an HSM object to the local machine.
void writeObject (String szObject, byte[] jbObjectData) throws TacException
 Import an object from the local machine to the HSM.
byte[] getKeyHandle (String keyId) throws TacException
 Retrieves a key handle.
void releaseKeyHandle (byte[] keyHandle) throws TacException
 Releases a key handle.
boolean isKeyExportable (byte[] keyHandle) throws TacException
 Check that the key is exportable.
boolean isKeyExportable (String keyId) throws TacException
 Check that the key is exportable.
void setObjLabel (String objId, String label) throws TacException
 Defines the label attribute of the object's metadata.
void createMap (String mapId, String objId1, int objId1Alg, String objId2, int objId2Alg) throws TacException
 Creates a mapping object (MAP) within the HSM.
String[] listObjects () throws TacException
 Lists the HSM objects.


getUserKey() [1/2]

byte[] getUserKey ( String strKeyName,
int nFlags ) throws TacException

Retrieves the context of a key, as long as the current User has access, stored within the HSM.

This function does not create a new key.

strKeyNameKey identifier in the HSM.
Byte array representing a handle to the key and not its contents.
TacExceptionException for errors in retrieving the key context.

getUserKey() [2/2]

byte[] getUserKey ( String strKeyName) throws TacException

Retrieves the context of a key, as long as the current User has access, stored within the HSM.

This function does not create a new key.

strKeyNameKey identifier in the HSM.
Byte array representing a handle to the key and not its contents.
TacExceptionException for errors in retrieving the key context.


byte[] getUserKeyOffline ( String strKeyName,
int algId,
boolean isTemporary,
boolean isExportable ) throws TacException

Retrieves the context of a key, without verifying the information passed, as long as the current User has access, stored within the HSM.

This function does not create a new key.

strKeyNameKey identifier in the HSM.
algIdKey algorithm.
isTemporaryTells you if the key is temporary.
isExportableInforms whether the key is exportable.
Byte array representing a handle to the key and not its contents.
TacExceptionException for errors in retrieving the key context.


void deleteKey ( String keyId) throws TacException

Turn off the key.

keyIdKey identifier


void deleteKeyIfExists ( String keyId) throws TacException

Delete the key if it exists.

It does not return an error if it does not exist.

keyIdKey identifier


byte[] createKeyMaterial ( int keyAlg) throws TacException

It creates a new cryptographic key and returns its content without persisting it in the HSM.

keyAlgAlgorithm to be used:
Symmetric Keys
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_DES 56-bit DES with odd parity.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_3DES_112 112-bit 3DES-EDE(Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt) with odd parity.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_3DES_168 168-bit 3DES-EDE(Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt) with odd parity.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_DESX DESX of 192 bits. The effective size is 118 bits.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_AES_128 128-bit AES.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_AES_192 AES with 192 bits.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_AES_256 256-bit AES.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ARC4 ARC4 with 128 bits.

createKey() [1/3]

void createKey ( String keyId,
int keyAlg,
boolean exportable ) throws TacException

It creates and stores a cryptographic key associated with an algorithm according to the parameters entered within the HSM.

The key generated will be exportable.

keyIdKey identifier
keyAlgAlgorithm to be used:
Symmetric Keys
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_DES 56-bit DES with odd parity.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_3DES_112 112-bit 3DES-EDE(Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt) with odd parity.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_3DES_168 168-bit 3DES-EDE(Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt) with odd parity.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_DESX DESX of 192 bits. The effective size is 118 bits.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_AES_128 128-bit AES.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_AES_192 AES with 192 bits.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_AES_256 256-bit AES.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ARC4 ARC4 with 128 bits.

RSA Asymmetric Keys
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_512 RSA with 512-bit module.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_1024 RSA with 1024-bit modulus.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_2048 RSA with 2048-bit module.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_4096 RSA with 4096-bit module.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_1152 RSA with 1152-bit module.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_1408 RSA with 1408-bit module.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_1984 RSA with 1984-bit module.

ECC Asymmetric Keys
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP112R1 SECG/WTLS curve over a finite prime body of 112 bits(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP112R2 SECG curve over a finite prime body of 112 bits(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 2).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP128R1 SECG curve over a 128-bit finite prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP128R2 SECG curve over a 128-bit finite prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 2).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP160K1 SECG curve over a finite prime body of 160 bits(koblitz domain parameters ).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP160R1 SECG curve over a finite prime body of 160 bits(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP160R2 SECG/WTLS curve over a 160-bit finite prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 2).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP192K1 SECG curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(koblitz domain parameters ).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP192R1 SECG/X9.62/NIST curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP224K1 SECG curve over a 224-bit finite prime body(koblitz domain parameters ).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP224R1 SECG/NIST curve over a 224-bit finite prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP256K1 SECG curve over a 256-bit finite prime body(koblitz domain parameters ).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP256R1 SECG/X9.62 curve over a 256-bit finite prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP384R1 SECG/NIST curve over a finite prime body of 384 bits(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP521R1 SECG/NIST curve over a finite prime body of 521 bits(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V1 X9.62 curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(version 1 domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V2 X9.62 curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(version 2 domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V3 X9.62 curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(version 3 domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V1 X9.62 curve over a 239-bit finite prime body(version 1 domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V2 X9.62 curve over a 239-bit finite prime body(version 2 domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V3 X9.62 curve over a 239-bit finite prime body(version 3 domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME256V1 X9.62 curve over a 256-bit finite prime body(version 1 domain parameters).
exportableThe key can be exported from the HSM if set to true.

createKey() [2/3]

void createKey ( String keyId,
int keyAlg ) throws TacException

It creates and stores a cryptographic key associated with an algorithm according to the parameters entered within the HSM.

The key generated will be exportable.

keyIdKey identifier
keyAlgAlgorithm to be used:

Symmetric Keys
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_DES 56-bit DES with odd parity.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_3DES_112 112-bit 3DES-EDE(Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt) with odd parity.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_3DES_168 168-bit 3DES-EDE(Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt) with odd parity.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_DESX DESX of 192 bits. The effective size is 118 bits.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_AES_128 128-bit AES.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_AES_192 AES with 192 bits.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_AES_256 256-bit AES.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ARC4 ARC4 with 128 bits.

RSA Asymmetric Keys
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_512 RSA with 512-bit module.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_1024 RSA with 1024-bit modulus.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_2048 RSA with 2048-bit module.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_4096 RSA with 4096-bit module.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_1152 RSA with 1152-bit module.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_1408 RSA with 1408-bit module.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_1984 RSA with 1984-bit module.

ECC Asymmetric Keys
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP112R1 SECG/WTLS curve over a finite prime body of 112 bits(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP112R2 SECG curve over a finite prime body of 112 bits(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 2).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP128R1 SECG curve over a 128-bit finite prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP128R2 SECG curve over a 128-bit finite prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 2).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP160K1 SECG curve over a finite prime body of 160 bits(koblitz domain parameters ).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP160R1 SECG curve over a finite prime body of 160 bits(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP160R2 SECG/WTLS curve over a 160-bit finite prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 2).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP192K1 SECG curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(koblitz domain parameters ).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP192R1 SECG/X9.62/NIST curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP224K1 SECG curve over a 224-bit finite prime body(koblitz domain parameters ).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP224R1 SECG/NIST curve over a 224-bit finite prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP256K1 SECG curve over a 256-bit finite prime body(koblitz domain parameters ).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP256R1 SECG/X9.62 curve over a 256-bit finite prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP384R1 SECG/NIST curve over a finite prime body of 384 bits(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP521R1 SECG/NIST curve over a finite prime body of 521 bits(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V1 X9.62 curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(version 1 domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V2 X9.62 curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(version 2 domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V3 X9.62 curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(version 3 domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V1 X9.62 curve over a 239-bit finite prime body(version 1 domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V2 X9.62 curve over a 239-bit finite prime body(version 2 domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V3 X9.62 curve over a 239-bit finite prime body(version 3 domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME256V1 X9.62 curve over a 256-bit finite prime body(version 1 domain parameters).

createKey() [3/3]

void createKey ( String keyId,
int keyAlg,
int dwFlags ) throws TacException

It creates and stores a cryptographic key associated with an algorithm according to the parameters entered within the HSM.

keyIdKey identifier
keyAlgAlgorithm to be used:

Symmetric Keys
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_DES 56-bit DES with odd parity.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_3DES_112 112-bit 3DES-EDE(Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt) with odd parity.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_3DES_168 168-bit 3DES-EDE(Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt) with odd parity.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_DESX DESX of 192 bits. The effective size is 118 bits.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_AES_128 128-bit AES.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_AES_192 AES with 192 bits.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_AES_256 256-bit AES.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ARC4 ARC4 with 128 bits.

RSA Asymmetric Keys
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_512 RSA key pair with 512-bit modulus.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_1024 RSA key pair with 1024-bit modulus.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_2048 RSA key pair with 2048-bit modulus.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_4096 RSA key pair with 4096-bit modulus.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_1152 RSA key pair with 1152-bit modulus.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_1408 RSA key pair with 1408-bit modulus.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_1536 RSA key pair with 1536-bit modulus.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_1976 RSA key pair with 1976-bit module.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_1984 RSA key pair with 1984-bit modulus.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_8192 RSA key pair with 8192-bit modulus.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_2304 RSA key pair with 2304-bit modulus.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_2560 RSA key pair with 2560-bit modulus.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_2816 RSA key pair with 2816-bit modulus.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_3072 RSA key pair with 3072-bit modulus.

ECC Asymmetric Keys
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP112R1 SECG/WTLS curve over a finite prime body of 112 bits(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP112R2 SECG curve over a finite prime body of 112 bits(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 2).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP128R1 SECG curve over a 128-bit finite prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP128R2 SECG curve over a 128-bit finite prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 2).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP160K1 SECG curve over a finite prime body of 160 bits(koblitz domain parameters ).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP160R1 SECG curve over a finite prime body of 160 bits(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP160R2 SECG/WTLS curve over a 160-bit finite prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 2).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP192K1 SECG curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(koblitz domain parameters ).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP192R1 SECG/X9.62/NIST curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP224K1 SECG curve over a 224-bit finite prime body(koblitz domain parameters ).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP224R1 SECG/NIST curve over a 224-bit finite prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP256K1 SECG curve over a 256-bit finite prime body(koblitz domain parameters ).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP256R1 SECG/X9.62 curve over a 256-bit finite prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP384R1 SECG/NIST curve over a finite prime body of 384 bits(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_SECP521R1 SECG/NIST curve over a finite prime body of 521 bits(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V1 X9.62 curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(version 1 domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V2 X9.62 curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(version 2 domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V3 X9.62 curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(version 3 domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V1 X9.62 curve over a 239-bit finite prime body(version 1 domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V2 X9.62 curve over a 239-bit finite prime body(version 2 domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V3 X9.62 curve over a 239-bit finite prime body(version 3 domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME256V1 X9.62 curve over a 256-bit finite prime body(version 1 domain parameters).
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P160R1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a 160-bit finite prime body(verifiably random domain parameters 1)
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P160T1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a 160-bit finite prime body(twisted domain parameters 1)
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P192R1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(verifiably random domain parameters 1)
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P192T1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(twisted domain parameters 1)
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P224R1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a finite 224-bit prime body(verifiably random domain parameters 1)
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P224T1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a 224-bit finite prime body(twisted domain parameters 1)
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P256R1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a 256-bit finite prime body(verifiably random domain parameters 1)
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P256T1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a 256-bit finite prime body(twisted domain parameters 1)
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P320R1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a 320-bit finite prime body(verifiably random domain parameters 1)
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P320T1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a 320-bit finite prime body(twisted domain parameters 1)
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P384R1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a finite 384-bit prime body(verifiably random domain parameters 1)
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P384T1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a finite 384-bit prime body(twisted domain parameters 1)
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P512R1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a 512-bit finite prime body(verifiably random domain parameters 1)
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P512T1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a 512-bit finite prime body(twisted domain parameters 1)

ECX Asymmetric Keys
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECX_ED25519 RFC 8032 curve (signature only) over a finite prime body of ~256 bits.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECX_ED448 RFC 8032 curve (signature only) over a finite prime body of ~448 bits.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECX_X25519 RFC 7748 curve ( key-agreement only) over a finite prime body of ~256 bits.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_ECX_X448 RFC 7748 curve ( key-agreement only) over a finite prime body of ~448 bits.

Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_MD5 HMAC MD5 key with a size of 16 bytes.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_SHA1 HMAC SHA1 key with a size of 20 bytes.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_SHA2_256 HMAC SHA2 256 key with a size of 32 bytes.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_SHA2_384 HMAC SHA2 384 key with a size of 48 bytes.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_HMAC_SHA2_512 HMAC SHA2 512 key with a size of 64 bytes.
dwFlagsAdditional key parameters.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.EXPORTABLE_KEY The key can be exported from the HSM.
TacNDJavaLib.TEMPORARY_KEY The key will only exist while the session is active. It will be destroyed when the session is closed.
The szKeyId parameter, the key identifier, must be NULL.

In addition to the values in the previous table, you can add a key usage profile definition.

You can define the key usage profile (Attribute Usage-profile), using only one of the values below. If none of the values below are specified, the key profile is set to free for any use. It is mandatory to define the usage profile when the HSM is in RM3 mode.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_DIG_SIG signature generation/verification
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_DATA_CRYPTO data encryption/decryption
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_KeK key wrapping/unwrapping
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_MAC MAC generation/verification
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_KDF key derivation function
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_CRYPTOGRAM cryptogram generation/verification
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_KEY_TRANSLATE key translation
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_EFT_CVK VSC generation/verification
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_EFT_VISA_PVK PVP generation
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_EFT_IBM_3624 PIN generation/validation
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_EFT_PEK PIN encryption/decryption
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_EMV_IMK ICC derivation MK, IDN
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_EMV_IMKENC ICC data encryption - PinBlock
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_EMV_IMKMAC ICC data cryptogram - EmvMac
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_EMV_KeK ICC MK wrapping
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_EMV_IMKKDF EMV key derivation
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_EFT_KeK EFT key wrapping/unwrapping
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_EMV_DIG_SIG EMV signature generation/verification
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_EFT_TR31_KBPK TR31 key-block protection key
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_EFT_TR34_PK signature/envelope TR34
TacNDJavaLib.AUP_SPB_PK SPB signature generation/verification and key wrapping

exportKey() [1/3]

byte[] exportKey ( String szKey,
int dwBlobType ) throws TacException

Exports an HSM key to the local machine.

szKeyName of the key to be exported.
dwBlobTypeOutput buffer format. See importKey for a list of supported types.
Buffer containing the exported object.

exportKey() [2/3]

byte[] exportKey ( String szKey,
byte[] hKEKey,
int dwBlobType ) throws TacException

Exports an HSM key to the local machine.

szKeyName of the key to be exported.
hKEKeyContext of the key with which the key block will be encrypted - KEK (key encryption key).
dwBlobTypeOutput buffer format. See importKey for a list of supported types.
Buffer containing the exported object.

exportKey() [3/3]

byte[] exportKey ( byte[] hKey,
byte[] hKEKey,
int dwBlobType ) throws TacException

Exports an HSM key to the local machine.

hKeyContext of the key to be exported.
hKEKeyContext of the key with which the key block will be encrypted - KEK (key encryption key).
dwBlobTypeOutput buffer format. See importKey for a list of supported types.
Buffer containing the exported object.

importKey() [1/5]

void importKey ( String szKey,
int dwBlobType,
int nAlgId,
byte[] pbInData,
boolean isExportable ) throws TacException

Import a key from the local machine to the HSM.

szKeyName that the imported key will have inside the HSM.
dwBlobTypeOutput buffer format.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.PRIVATEKEY_BLOB_STRICT An RSA or EC key pair will be imported in PRIVATEKEY_BLOB format.
hKEKey must be the context of a symmetric key, a public key (internal to the HSM see PUBLICKEY_BLOB_HSM) or NULL.
The following formats are accepted.
For RSA: Private key (containing modulus information and public exponent), defined in PKCS#1 v1.5 section 7.2.
For ECC keys must have the ECPrivateKey format described in RFC 5915.
For ECX keys (EdDSA and XECDH) the format is that described in RFC 8410.
TacNDJavaLib.PRIVATEKEY_BLOB Same behavior as TacNDJavaLib.PRIVATEKEY_BLOB_STRICT but in older versions of HSM it can return RSA keys as a concatenation of private key and public key in the formats defined in PKCS#1 v1.5, in sections 7.1 and 7.2. This option is kept for compatibility. Use TacNDJavaLib.PRIVATEKEY_BLOB_STRICT.
TacNDJavaLib.PUBLICKEY_BLOB A public key will be imported from an RSA key pair in the format PUBLICKEY_BLOB.hKEKey must be equal to NULL. The context returned by the public key import should only be used in digital envelope operations, as the HSM does not persistently create RSA objects with only the public part of the key. For ECC public key imports, the format used will be DER (not implemented).
TacNDJavaLib.SIMPLE_BLOB A symmetric key will be imported in the format SIMPLE_BLOB.hKEKey must be the context of a private key associated with the public key used to encrypt the blob to be imported.The padding type used to encrypt the key must be 2, as defined in PKCS#1 v1.5 section 8.1.
TacNDJavaLib.PLAINTEXTKEY_BLOB This flag is not yet supported for RSA keys.
TacNDJavaLib.RAW_BLOB The object is transported directly to the HSM's physical storage area in its native mode. Normally only objects exported from the HSM in RAW mode can be imported in RAW mode. All the object's properties are preserved in the HSM, including the encryption (done with the Server Master Key, for encrypted objects), so the operation to import an object in RAW mode must be carried out in a lifted HSM with the same Server Master Key used in the HSM where the RAW mode export was made, otherwise the object cannot be used correctly.
TacNDJavaLib.SIMPLE_BLOB_OAEP Defines import via digital envelope using the PKCS#1 version 2.1 standard, with RSAES-OAEP encryption scheme.The imported key must be a symmetric key (DES, 3DES or AES).The KEK must be a private key in the HSM, whose corresponding public key was used to create the envelope. The context for this KEK can be obtained via a call to DGetUserKey, where the id of the HSM's RSA key used to open the envelope will be entered. This import method can be used in FIPS operating mode.
TacNDJavaLib.SYM_WRAPPED_KEY_BLOB Defines a symmetric key encrypted by a KEK (Key Encryption Key) that is also symmetric. The hKEKey parameter should contain the context of a symmetric key with the appropriate usage parameters already defined, such as mode and padding. The key will be decrypted and imported into the HSM database directly, without any specific formatting.
TacNDJavaLib.HOTP_BLOB Defines the import of an HTOP object into the User's domain.
TacNDJavaLib.PUBLICKEY_BLOB_HSM A public key from an RSA/ECC key pair in DER format will be imported into the HSM. The nAlgId can have the following values specified in the table below.

Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_OBJ_PUBKEY_RSA_BLOB RSA key imported in PKCS#1 format. The key size is detected automatically.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_OBJ_PUBKEY_ECC_BLOB ECC key imported in SubjectPublicKeyInfo format. The key size is detected automatically.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_OBJ_PUBKEY_SPKI_RSA_BLOB RSA key imported in SubjectPublicKeyInfo format. The key size is detected automatically.
nAlgIdAlgorithm of the imported key. See createKey.
isExportableSignals that the imported key will be exportable.
pbInDataBuffer containing the key to be imported, as specified in dwBlobType.

importKey() [2/5]

void importKey ( String szKey,
int dwBlobType,
int nAlgId,
int dwFlags,
byte[] pbInData,
int dwInDataLen ) throws TacException

Import a key from the local machine to the HSM.

szKeyName that the imported key will have inside the HSM.
dwBlobTypeOutput buffer format.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.PRIVATEKEY_BLOB An RSA key pair will be imported in PRIVATEKEY_BLOB format.
hKEKey must be the context of a symmetric key, a public key or NULL.
The key blob format can be a concatenation of the public key and private key formats defined in PKCS#1 v1.5, in sections 7.1 and 7.2, or it can also be just the format defined for the private key (which contains the modulus and public exponent information), defined in PKCS#1 v1.5 section 7.2.
TacNDJavaLib.PUBLICKEY_BLOB A public key will be imported from an RSA key pair in the format PUBLICKEY_BLOB.hKEKey must be equal to NULL. The context returned by the public key import should only be used in digital envelope operations, as the HSM does not persistently create RSA objects with only the public part of the key. For ECC public key imports, the format used will be DER (not implemented).
TacNDJavaLib.SIMPLE_BLOB A symmetric key will be imported in the format SIMPLE_BLOB.hKEKey must be the context of a private key associated with the public key used to encrypt the blob to be imported.The padding type used to encrypt the key must be 2, as defined in PKCS#1 v1.5 section 8.1.
TacNDJavaLib.PLAINTEXTKEY_BLOB This flag is not yet supported for RSA keys.
TacNDJavaLib.RAW_BLOB The object is transported directly to the HSM's physical storage area in its native mode. Normally only objects exported from the HSM in RAW mode can be imported in RAW mode. All the object's properties are preserved in the HSM, including the encryption (done with the Server Master Key, for encrypted objects), so the operation to import an object in RAW mode must be carried out in a lifted HSM with the same Server Master Key used in the HSM where the RAW mode export was made, otherwise the object cannot be used correctly.
TacNDJavaLib.SIMPLE_BLOB_OAEP Defines import via digital envelope using the PKCS#1 version 2.1 standard, with RSAES-OAEP encryption scheme.The imported key must be a symmetric key (DES, 3DES or AES).The KEK must be a private key in the HSM, whose corresponding public key was used to create the envelope. The context for this KEK can be obtained via a call to DGetUserKey, where the id of the HSM's RSA key used to open the envelope will be entered. This import method can be used in FIPS operating mode.
TacNDJavaLib.SYM_WRAPPED_KEY_BLOB Defines a symmetric key encrypted by a KEK (Key Encryption Key) that is also symmetric. The hKEKey parameter should contain the context of a symmetric key with the appropriate usage parameters already defined, such as mode and padding. The key will be decrypted and imported into the HSM database directly, without any specific formatting.
TacNDJavaLib.HOTP_BLOB Defines the import of an HTOP object into the User's domain.
TacNDJavaLib.PUBLICKEY_BLOB_HSM A public key from an RSA/ECC key pair in DER format will be imported into the HSM. The nAlgId can have the following values specified in the table below.

Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_OBJ_PUBKEY_RSA_BLOB RSA key imported in PKCS#1 format. The key size is detected automatically.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_OBJ_PUBKEY_ECC_BLOB ECC key imported in SubjectPublicKeyInfo format. The key size is detected automatically.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_OBJ_PUBKEY_SPKI_RSA_BLOB RSA key imported in SubjectPublicKeyInfo format. The key size is detected automatically.
nAlgIdAlgorithm of the imported key. See createKey.
dwFlagsAdditional key parameters. See createKey.
pbInDataBuffer containing the key to be imported, as specified in dwBlobType.
dwInDataLenSize of the pbInData buffer to be imported.

importKey() [3/5]

void importKey ( String szKey,
byte[] hKEKey,
int dwBlobType,
int nAlgId,
int dwFlags,
byte[] pbInData,
byte[] hKey ) throws TacException

Import a key from the local machine to the HSM.

szKeyName that the imported key will have inside the HSM.
hKEKeyContext of the key with which the blob of the key to be imported is encrypted - KEK (key encryption key)
dwBlobTypeOutput buffer format.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.PRIVATEKEY_BLOB An RSA key pair will be imported in PRIVATEKEY_BLOB format.
hKEKey must be the context of a symmetric key, a public key or NULL.
The key blob format can be a concatenation of the public key and private key formats defined in PKCS#1 v1.5, in sections 7.1 and 7.2, or it can also be just the format defined for the private key (which contains the modulus and public exponent information), defined in PKCS#1 v1.5 section 7.2.
TacNDJavaLib.PUBLICKEY_BLOB A public key will be imported from an RSA key pair in the format PUBLICKEY_BLOB.hKEKey must be equal to NULL. The context returned by the public key import should only be used in digital envelope operations, as the HSM does not persistently create RSA objects with only the public part of the key. For ECC public key imports, the format used will be DER (not implemented).
TacNDJavaLib.SIMPLE_BLOB A symmetric key will be imported in the format SIMPLE_BLOB.hKEKey must be the context of a private key associated with the public key used to encrypt the blob to be imported.The padding type used to encrypt the key must be 2, as defined in PKCS#1 v1.5 section 8.1.
TacNDJavaLib.PLAINTEXTKEY_BLOB This flag is not yet supported for RSA keys.
TacNDJavaLib.RAW_BLOB The object is transported directly to the HSM's physical storage area in its native mode. Normally only objects exported from the HSM in RAW mode can be imported in RAW mode. All the object's properties are preserved in the HSM, including the encryption (done with the Server Master Key, for encrypted objects), so the operation to import an object in RAW mode must be carried out in a lifted HSM with the same Server Master Key used in the HSM where the RAW mode export was made, otherwise the object cannot be used correctly.
TacNDJavaLib.SIMPLE_BLOB_OAEP Defines import via digital envelope using the PKCS#1 version 2.1 standard, with RSAES-OAEP encryption scheme.The imported key must be a symmetric key (DES, 3DES or AES).The KEK must be a private key in the HSM, whose corresponding public key was used to create the envelope. The context for this KEK can be obtained via a call to DGetUserKey, where the id of the HSM's RSA key used to open the envelope will be entered. This import method can be used in FIPS operating mode.
TacNDJavaLib.SYM_WRAPPED_KEY_BLOB Defines a symmetric key encrypted by a KEK (Key Encryption Key) that is also symmetric. The hKEKey parameter should contain the context of a symmetric key with the appropriate usage parameters already defined, such as mode and padding. The key will be decrypted and imported into the HSM database directly, without any specific formatting.
TacNDJavaLib.HOTP_BLOB Defines the import of an HTOP object into the User's domain.
TacNDJavaLib.PUBLICKEY_BLOB_HSM A public key from an RSA/ECC key pair in DER format will be imported into the HSM. The nAlgId can have the following values specified in the table below.
TacNDJavaLib.WRAPPED_KEY_BLOB Import a key encrypted by a KEK (Key Encryption Key). The hKEKey parameter must contain the context of a symmetric key with the appropriate usage parameters already defined, such as mode (according to the algorithm) and padding. The key will be decrypted and imported into the HSM database directly, without any specific formatting.
TacNDJavaLib.WRAPPED_KEY_BLOB_P8 Import a key encrypted by a KEK (Key Encryption Key). The hKEKey parameter must contain the context of a symmetric key with the appropriate usage parameters already defined, such as mode (according to the algorithm) and padding. The key will be decrypted and imported into the HSM database directly, without any specific formatting. In the key export operation, the format of the private key will be PKCS#8.

Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_OBJ_PUBKEY_RSA_BLOB RSA key imported in PKCS#1 format. The key size is detected automatically.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_OBJ_PUBKEY_ECC_BLOB ECC key imported in SubjectPublicKeyInfo format. The key size is detected automatically.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_OBJ_PUBKEY_SPKI_RSA_BLOB RSA key imported in SubjectPublicKeyInfo format. The key size is detected automatically.
nAlgIdAlgorithm of the imported key. See createKey.
dwFlagsAdditional key parameters. See createKey.
pbInDataBuffer containing the key to be imported, as specified in dwBlobType.
hKeyContext of the imported key.

importKey() [4/5]

byte[] importKey ( String szKey,
int dwBlobType,
int nAlgId,
int dwFlags,
byte[] pbInData ) throws TacException

Import a key from the local machine to the HSM.

szKeyName that the imported key will have inside the HSM.
dwBlobTypeOutput buffer format.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.PRIVATEKEY_BLOB An RSA key pair will be imported in PRIVATEKEY_BLOB format.
hKEKey must be the context of a symmetric key, a public key or NULL.
The key blob format can be a concatenation of the public key and private key formats defined in PKCS#1 v1.5, in sections 7.1 and 7.2, or it can also be just the format defined for the private key (which contains the modulus and public exponent information), defined in PKCS#1 v1.5 section 7.2.
TacNDJavaLib.PUBLICKEY_BLOB A public key will be imported from an RSA key pair in the format PUBLICKEY_BLOB.hKEKey must be equal to NULL. The context returned by the public key import should only be used in digital envelope operations, as the HSM does not persistently create RSA objects with only the public part of the key. For ECC public key imports, the format used will be DER (not implemented).
TacNDJavaLib.SIMPLE_BLOB A symmetric key will be imported in the format SIMPLE_BLOB.hKEKey must be the context of a private key associated with the public key used to encrypt the blob to be imported.The padding type used to encrypt the key must be 2, as defined in PKCS#1 v1.5 section 8.1.
TacNDJavaLib.PLAINTEXTKEY_BLOB This flag is not yet supported for RSA keys.
TacNDJavaLib.RAW_BLOB The object is transported directly to the HSM's physical storage area in its native mode. Normally only objects exported from the HSM in RAW mode can be imported in RAW mode. All the object's properties are preserved in the HSM, including the encryption (done with the Server Master Key, for encrypted objects), so the operation to import an object in RAW mode must be carried out in a lifted HSM with the same Server Master Key used in the HSM where the RAW mode export was made, otherwise the object cannot be used correctly.
TacNDJavaLib.SIMPLE_BLOB_OAEP Defines import via digital envelope using the PKCS#1 version 2.1 standard, with RSAES-OAEP encryption scheme.The imported key must be a symmetric key (DES, 3DES or AES).The KEK must be a private key in the HSM, whose corresponding public key was used to create the envelope. The context for this KEK can be obtained via a call to DGetUserKey, where the id of the HSM's RSA key used to open the envelope will be entered. This import method can be used in FIPS operating mode.
TacNDJavaLib.SYM_WRAPPED_KEY_BLOB Defines a symmetric key encrypted by a KEK (Key Encryption Key) that is also symmetric. The hKEKey parameter should contain the context of a symmetric key with the appropriate usage parameters already defined, such as mode and padding. The key will be decrypted and imported into the HSM database directly, without any specific formatting.
TacNDJavaLib.HOTP_BLOB Defines the import of an HTOP object into the User's domain.
TacNDJavaLib.PUBLICKEY_BLOB_HSM A public key from an RSA/ECC key pair in DER format will be imported into the HSM. The nAlgId can have the following values specified in the table below.
TacNDJavaLib.WRAPPED_KEY_BLOB Import a key encrypted by a KEK (Key Encryption Key). The hKEKey parameter must contain the context of a symmetric key with the appropriate usage parameters already defined, such as mode (according to the algorithm) and padding. The key will be decrypted and imported into the HSM database directly, without any specific formatting.
TacNDJavaLib.WRAPPED_KEY_BLOB_P8 Import a key encrypted by a KEK (Key Encryption Key). The hKEKey parameter must contain the context of a symmetric key with the appropriate usage parameters already defined, such as mode (according to the algorithm) and padding. The key will be decrypted and imported into the HSM database directly, without any specific formatting. In the key export operation, the format of the private key will be PKCS#8.

Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_OBJ_PUBKEY_RSA_BLOB RSA key imported in PKCS#1 format. The key size is detected automatically.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_OBJ_PUBKEY_ECC_BLOB ECC key imported in SubjectPublicKeyInfo format. The key size is detected automatically.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_OBJ_PUBKEY_SPKI_RSA_BLOB RSA key imported in SubjectPublicKeyInfo format. The key size is detected automatically.
nAlgIdAlgorithm of the imported key. See createKey.
dwFlagsAdditional key parameters. See createKey.
pbInDataBuffer containing the key to be imported, as specified in dwBlobType.

importKey() [5/5]

void importKey ( String szKey,
byte[] hKEKey,
int dwBlobType,
int nAlgId,
int dwFlags,
byte[] pbInData,
int dwInDataLen,
byte[] hKey ) throws TacException

Import a key from the local machine to the HSM.

szKeyName that the imported key will have inside the HSM.
hKEKeyContext of the key with which the blob of the key to be imported is encrypted - KEK (key encryption key)
dwBlobTypeOutput buffer format.
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.PRIVATEKEY_BLOB An RSA key pair will be imported in PRIVATEKEY_BLOB format.
hKEKey must be the context of a symmetric key, a public key or NULL.
The key blob format can be a concatenation of the public key and private key formats defined in PKCS#1 v1.5, in sections 7.1 and 7.2, or it can also be just the format defined for the private key (which contains the modulus and public exponent information), defined in PKCS#1 v1.5 section 7.2.
TacNDJavaLib.PUBLICKEY_BLOB A public key will be imported from an RSA key pair in the format PUBLICKEY_BLOB.hKEKey must be equal to NULL. The context returned by the public key import should only be used in digital envelope operations, as the HSM does not persistently create RSA objects with only the public part of the key. For ECC public key imports, the format used will be DER (not implemented).
TacNDJavaLib.SIMPLE_BLOB A symmetric key will be imported in the format SIMPLE_BLOB.hKEKey must be the context of a private key associated with the public key used to encrypt the blob to be imported.The padding type used to encrypt the key must be 2, as defined in PKCS#1 v1.5 section 8.1.
TacNDJavaLib.PLAINTEXTKEY_BLOB This flag is not yet supported for RSA keys.
TacNDJavaLib.RAW_BLOB The object is transported directly to the HSM's physical storage area in its native mode. Normally only objects exported from the HSM in RAW mode can be imported in RAW mode. All the object's properties are preserved in the HSM, including the encryption (done with the Server Master Key, for encrypted objects), so the operation to import an object in RAW mode must be carried out in a lifted HSM with the same Server Master Key used in the HSM where the RAW mode export was made, otherwise the object cannot be used correctly.
TacNDJavaLib.SIMPLE_BLOB_OAEP Defines import via digital envelope using the PKCS#1 version 2.1 standard, with RSAES-OAEP encryption scheme.The imported key must be a symmetric key (DES, 3DES or AES).The KEK must be a private key in the HSM, whose corresponding public key was used to create the envelope. The context for this KEK can be obtained via a call to DGetUserKey, where the id of the HSM's RSA key used to open the envelope will be entered. This import method can be used in FIPS operating mode.
TacNDJavaLib.SYM_WRAPPED_KEY_BLOB Defines a symmetric key encrypted by a KEK (Key Encryption Key) that is also symmetric. The hKEKey parameter should contain the context of a symmetric key with the appropriate usage parameters already defined, such as mode and padding. The key will be decrypted and imported into the HSM database directly, without any specific formatting.
TacNDJavaLib.HOTP_BLOB Defines the import of an HTOP object into the User's domain.
TacNDJavaLib.PUBLICKEY_BLOB_HSM A public key from an RSA/ECC key pair in DER format will be imported into the HSM. The nAlgId can have the following values specified in the table below.
TacNDJavaLib.WRAPPED_KEY_BLOB Import a key encrypted by a KEK (Key Encryption Key). The hKEKey parameter must contain the context of a symmetric key with the appropriate usage parameters already defined, such as mode (according to the algorithm) and padding. The key will be decrypted and imported into the HSM database directly, without any specific formatting.
TacNDJavaLib.WRAPPED_KEY_BLOB_P8 Import a key encrypted by a KEK (Key Encryption Key). The hKEKey parameter must contain the context of a symmetric key with the appropriate usage parameters already defined, such as mode (according to the algorithm) and padding. The key will be decrypted and imported into the HSM database directly, without any specific formatting. In the key export operation, the format of the private key will be PKCS#8.

Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_OBJ_PUBKEY_RSA_BLOB RSA key imported in PKCS#1 format. The key size is detected automatically.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_OBJ_PUBKEY_ECC_BLOB ECC key imported in SubjectPublicKeyInfo format. The key size is detected automatically.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_OBJ_PUBKEY_SPKI_RSA_BLOB RSA key imported in SubjectPublicKeyInfo format. The key size is detected automatically.
nAlgIdAlgorithm of the imported key. See createKey.
dwFlagsAdditional key parameters. See createKey.
pbInDataBuffer containing the key to be imported, as specified in dwBlobType.
dwInDataLenSize of the pbInData buffer to be imported.
hKeyContext of the imported key.


void PKCS12Import ( String szPathFile,
String szPassword,
String szKey,
String szCert,
boolean isExportable ) throws TacException

Imports a key/certificate from a file in PKCS#12 format into the HSM.

szKeyName that the imported key will have inside the HSM.
szPathFileLocation of the physical PFX file to be imported.
szPasswordPassword to open PFX file.
szCertName that the imported certificate will have within the HSM.
isExportableImport the key in exportable form.

importPKCS12() [1/3]

void importPKCS12 ( String szPathFile,
String szPassword,
String szKey,
String szCert,
boolean isExportable ) throws TacException

Imports a key/certificate from a file in PKCS#12 format into the HSM.

szPathFileLocation of the physical PFX file to be imported.
szPasswordPassword to open PFX file.
szKeyName that the imported key will have inside the HSM.
szCertName that the imported certificate will have within the HSM.
isExportableImport the key in exportable form.

importPKCS12() [2/3]

void importPKCS12 ( byte[] pbPkcs12,
String szPassword,
String szKey,
String szCert,
boolean isExportable ) throws TacException

Imports a key/certificate from a buffer in PKCS#12 format into the HSM.

szPasswordPassword for PKCS#12.
szKeyName that the imported key will have inside the HSM.
szCertName that the imported certificate will have within the HSM.
isExportableImport the private key in exportable form.

importPKCS12() [3/3]

void importPKCS12 ( byte[] pbPkcs12,
String szPassword,
String szKey,
int nKeyAttr,
String szCert,
String szPubKey,
int nReserved ) throws TacException

Imports a key/certificate from a buffer in PKCS#12 format into the HSM.

szPasswordPassword for PKCS#12.
szKeyName that the imported key will have inside the HSM.
nKeyAttrAttributes of the key that will be imported into the HSM. See possible options in the dwFlags parameter at Dinamo.createKey().
szCertName that the imported certificate will have within the HSM.
szPubKeyName that the imported public key will have inside the HSM. Can be null to not import the public key object.
nReservedReserved for future use. Must be 0.

exportPKCS12() [1/2]

byte[] exportPKCS12 ( String password,
String key,
String cert,
String strReserved,
int dwFlags ) throws TacException

Exports an HSM key and certificate in PKCS#12 format.

passwordPassword for PFX protection.
keyName of the key to be exported to PFX.
certName of the certificate to be exported to PFX.
strReservedReserved for future use.
dwFlagsPass 0 or one of the options in the table below.
Attribute Value
DN_EXPORT_P12_LEGACY It exports the key and certificate and generates the PKCS#12 file in software.
Array of bytes in PFX format containing the specified key and certificate.

exportPKCS12() [2/2]

byte[] exportPKCS12 ( String password,
String key,
String cert ) throws TacException

Exports an HSM key and certificate in PKCS#12 format.

passwordPassword for PFX protection.
keyName of the key to be exported to PFX.
certName of the certificate to be exported to PFX.
Array of bytes in PFX format containing the specified key and certificate.


byte[] PKCS8ExportKey ( String szKeyId,
String szSecret ) throws TacException

Exports an asymmetric key in a file in PKCS#8 format to the HSM.

szKeyIdKey identification.
szSecretPassword for the PKCS#8 file (must be longer than 16 characters).


void PKCS8ImportKey ( String szKeyId,
String szSecret,
int dwKeyAlg,
byte[] bKeyEnvelope,
boolean isExportable ) throws TacException

Imports an asymmetric key from a file in PKCS#8 format into the HSM.

szKeyIdKey identification.
szSecretPassword for the PKCS#8 file (must be longer than 16 characters).
dwKeyAlgKey algorithm identifier. RSA Asymmetric Keys
Value Meaning
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_512 RSA with 512-bit module.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_1024 RSA with 1024-bit modulus.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_2048 RSA with 2048-bit module.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_4096 RSA with 4096-bit module.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_1152 RSA with 1152-bit module.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_1408 RSA with 1408-bit module.
TacNDJavaLib.ALG_RSA_1984 RSA with 1984-bit module.
bKeyEnvelopeBinary file format PKCS#8
isExportableImport the key in exportable form.

getAlgId() [1/2]

int getAlgId ( byte[] ctxKey) throws TacException

Retrieves the key's algorithm.

ctxKeyHandle of the key, retrieved by getKeyHandle().

getAlgId() [2/2]

int getAlgId ( String keyId) throws TacException

Retrieves the key's algorithm.

keyIdKey identifier


byte[] readObject ( String szObject) throws TacException

Exports an HSM object to the local machine.

szObjectName of the object to be exported.
Buffer containing the exported object.


void writeObject ( String szObject,
byte[] jbObjectData ) throws TacException

Import an object from the local machine to the HSM.

szObjectName of the object to be imported.
jbObjectDataData of the object to be imported.


byte[] getKeyHandle ( String keyId) throws TacException

Retrieves a key handle.

It must be released with the releaseKey() method.

keyIdKey identifier in text format
key handle


void releaseKeyHandle ( byte[] keyHandle) throws TacException

Releases a key handle.

keyHandleHandle of the key retrieved by getKeyHandle().

isKeyExportable() [1/2]

boolean isKeyExportable ( byte[] keyHandle) throws TacException

Check that the key is exportable.

keyHandleHandle of the key retrieved by getKeyHandle().
Key status.

isKeyExportable() [2/2]

boolean isKeyExportable ( String keyId) throws TacException

Check that the key is exportable.

keyIdKey identifier.
Key status.


void setObjLabel ( String objId,
String label ) throws TacException

Defines the label attribute of the object's metadata.

objIdObject identifier


void createMap ( String mapId,
String objId1,
int objId1Alg,
String objId2,
int objId2Alg ) throws TacException

Creates a mapping object (MAP) within the HSM.

mapIdIdentifier of the PRT object.
objId1Identifier of the object pointed to by the first slot in the PRT.
objId1AlgAlgorithm of the object indicated by objId1Alg. It can be any type of object (see createKey) or TacNDJavaLib.ALG_OBJ_NULL.
objId2Identifier of the object pointed to by the second slot in the PRT.
objId2AlgAlgorithm of the object indicated by objId2Alg. It can be any type of object (see createKey) or TacNDJavaLib.ALG_OBJ_NULL.


String[] listObjects ( ) throws TacException

Lists the HSM objects.

Array of strings containing the list of objects in the HSM.