Type of signature to be generated.

Enumeration Members


DER signature, in the format v || DER. SECG!SEC1 strict DER with low S as described in BIP62/66, BIP146, EIP2. With 'v' having a size of 1 byte. 'v' is the parity bit of 'r' and can have the values 0 or 1.


RAW signature, in the format v || r || s. With 'v' having a size of 1 byte and 'r' and 's' each having a size of 32 bytes. 'v' is the parity bit of 'r' and can have the values 0 or 1.

SIG_BIP340: 3

Signature BIP340 - Schnorr 64 bytes.


RFC-6979 standard deterministic ECDSA signature. DER type in the format v || DER, with 'v' having a size of 1 byte. 'v' is the parity bit of 'r' and can have the values 0 or 1


RFC-6979 standard deterministic ECDSA signature. RAW type in the format v || r || s, with 'v' having a size of 1 byte and 'r' and 's' each having a size of 32 bytes. 'v' is the parity bit of 'r' and can have the values 0 or 1.
