No permission. Default value.
Permission to delete objects.
Permission to read the contents of objects.
Permission to list user objects.
Permission to create objects.
Permission to update objects (headers and similar).
Permission to update objects (synonymous with OBJ_UPDATE).
Permission to create users.
Permission to delete users. (Only creation makes sense.)
Permission to obtain/set remote user information (logs, etc.).
Permission to obtain the list of users.
Operate as master (administrator mode).
Permission to extract the device's full backup.
Permission to restore the device's full backup.
Permission to update firmware and the like.
Permission for user authorization with "m of n".
Permission to perform cryptographic user operations locally.
Permission to use PKI authentication (2F PKI).
Permission to use OTP authentication (2F OTP).
Permission to force users to change their password at the next login.
Types of Access Control (ACL).