interface Blockchain {
    create(name: string, type: BLOCKCHAIN_KEYS, exportable: boolean, temporary: boolean, version?: null | VERSION_OPTIONS, seed?: null | string, passphrase?: null | string): Promise<boolean>;
    delete(name: string): Promise<boolean>;
    block(name: string): Promise<boolean>;
    unblock(name: string): Promise<boolean>;
    createBip32ChildKeyDerivation(version: VERSION_OPTIONS, index: number, exportable: boolean, temporary: boolean, parentKeyName: string, childKeyName: string): Promise<KeyInfo>;
    hashData(hashMode: BLOCKCHAIN_HASH_MODE, data: Buffer): Promise<Buffer>;
    edDsaSign(type: BLOCKCHAIN_EdDSA_TYPE, privKeyName: string, data: Buffer): Promise<Buffer>;
    getPubKey(type: BLOCKCHAIN_GET_PUB_KEY_TYPE, privKeyName: string): Promise<Buffer>;
    edDsaVerify(type: BLOCKCHAIN_EdDSA_TYPE, pubKeyType: BLOCKCHAIN_PUB_KEY_TYPE, pubKey: Buffer, signature: Buffer, data: Buffer): Promise<boolean>;
    getAddress(type: ADDRESS_TYPE, version: ADDRESS_VERSION, hrp: ADDRESS_HRP, pk: string): Promise<Buffer>;
    sign(type: BLOCKCHAIN_SIG_TYPE, hashMode: BLOCKCHAIN_HASH_MODE, hash: Buffer, pk: string): Promise<Buffer>;
    getKeyInfo(name: string): Promise<KeyInfo>;
    import(format: IMPORT_EXPORT_FORMAT, exportable: boolean, temporary: boolean, name: string, data: string): Promise<boolean>;
    export(format: IMPORT_EXPORT_FORMAT, version: BLOCKCHAIN_EXPORT_VERSION, compressed: boolean, name: string): Promise<Buffer>;
    verify(sigType: BLOCKCHAIN_SIG_TYPE, hashMode: BLOCKCHAIN_HASH_MODE, hashData: Buffer, signature: Buffer, pubKeyType: BLOCKCHAIN_SIG_VERIFY_PUB_KEY_TYPE, pubSignature: Buffer): Promise<boolean>;
    pubKeyRecovery(sigType: BLOCKCHAIN_SIG_TYPE, hashMode: BLOCKCHAIN_HASH_MODE, hashData: Buffer, signature: Buffer): Promise<Buffer>;
    abn128RndCtxGetPt(x: string | Buffer, y: string | Buffer): Promise<Buffer>;
    abn128RndCtxMultAdd(keyName: string, scalar: string | Buffer): Promise<Buffer>;
    abn128RndScs(): Promise<Buffer[]>;
    abn128RndSc(): Promise<Buffer>;
    abn128RndCtxRefresh(x: string | Buffer, y: string | Buffer): Promise<Buffer>;
    abn128PscMult(keyName: string, x: string | Buffer, y: string | Buffer, neg?: boolean): Promise<Buffer>;


  • Creates an Extended Private Key (XPrv) for the blockchain in the BIP32 standard.


    • name: string

      Name of the key in the HSM.


      Type of key generation.

    • exportable: boolean

      If the key is exportable.

    • temporary: boolean

      If the key is temporary.

    • Optionalversion: null | VERSION_OPTIONS

      Key version that must be passed according to the type option

    • Optionalseed: null | string

      Buffer containing the data needed to generate the key. The input data must be passed according to the enums.BLOCKCHAIN_KEYS type option.

    • Optionalpassphrase: null | string

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Key created.

    exceptions.HsmError If it is not possible to create the key or there is an error in the operation.

    Example code: Creating a blockchain key

  • Deletes a key stored in the HSM.


    • name: string

      Key name.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Returns true if the key was successfully deleted.

    If the key name is invalid.

    In the event of an error when deleting the key.

    Example code: Deleting a blockchain key

  • Locks a key in the HSM.


    • name: string

      Key name.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Returns true if the key was successfully locked.

    If the key name is invalid.

    In the event of an error when deleting the key.

    Example code: Locking a blockchain key

  • Unlocks a key in the HSM.


    • name: string

      Key name.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Returns true if the key was successfully unlocked.

    If the key name is invalid.

    In the event of an error when deleting the key.

    Example code: Unlocking a blockchain key

  • Performs a Child Key Derivation (CKD) operation. Derives an Extended Private Key (XPrv) for the blockchain in the BIP32 standard.


    • version: VERSION_OPTIONS

      Key version.

    • index: number

      Index of the key to be derived. Non-hardened keys use an index from 0 to231-1 and hardened (unrestrictedly secure) keys use indexes from231 to232-1, as specified in the BIP32 standard. It is highly recommended to generate hardened keys.

    • exportable: boolean

      If the key is exportable.

    • temporary: boolean

      If the key is temporary.

    • parentKeyName: string

      Name of the parent key in the HSM. It must be an XPrv key.

    • childKeyName: string

      Name of the key that will be derived in the HSM.

    Returns Promise<KeyInfo>

    Information on the derived key.

    exceptions.HsmError If it is not possible to derive the key or an error occurs in the operation.

    Example code: Creating a derived bip32 blockchain key

  • Generates an EdDSA signature using the blockchain module.



      Type of signature to be generated.

    • privKeyName: string

      Name of the private key.

    • date: Buffer

      Data that will be signed.

    Returns Promise<Buffer>

    Signature generated.

    exceptions.HsmError If it is not possible to sign the data or an error occurs in the operation.

    Example code: Signing hash with EdDSA blockchain key

  • Recover a public key from a private key using the blockchain module.


    Returns Promise<Buffer>

    Public key.

    exceptions.HsmError If the private key is not found or there is an error in the operation.

    Example code: Retrieving a blockchain public key

  • Retrieves the address of a key using the blockchain module.


    • type: ADDRESS_TYPE

      Type of address to be generated.

    • version: ADDRESS_VERSION

      Address version.

    • hrp: ADDRESS_HRP

      HRP (Human Readable Part) of the key.

    • pk: string

      Private key from which the address or script-hash will be generated.

    Returns Promise<Buffer>

    Returns the address.

    exceptions.HsmError If the address cannot be retrieved or an error occurs in the operation.

    Example code: Getting the blockchain address from the private key


    P2TR addresses (without key tweak) should only be used with BIP340/Schnorr signatures in single-key-setting scenarios.
  • Retrieves the properties of a key using the blockchain module.


    • name: string

      Name of the private key.

    Returns Promise<KeyInfo>

    Returns an object with the key's blockchain data.

    exceptions.HsmError If the address cannot be retrieved or an error occurs in the operation.

    Sample code: Getting information from a blockchain key

  • Import a private key using the blockchain_interfaces module.



      Format of the key to be imported.

    • exportable: boolean

      If the key is exportable.

    • temporary: boolean

      If the key is temporary.

    • name: string

      Name of the private key.

    • date: string

      Private key in the format specified in enums.IMPORT_EXPORT_FORMAT.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    True if the import was carried out or an exception otherwise.

    exceptions.HsmError If an error occurs in the operation.

    Example code: Importing a blockchain private key

  • Export a private key using the blockchain module.


    Returns Promise<Buffer>

    Buffer with the private key.

    exceptions.HsmError If an error occurs in the operation.

    Sample code: Exporting a blockchain private key

  • Multiplies a scalar by the private key and adds a random scalar.


    Returns Promise<Buffer>

    Returns a buffer with the result of the operation.

    If the key name is invalid.

    exceptions.InvalidParameterError If any parameter entered is invalid.

    exceptions.HsmError If an error occurs in the operation.

  • Returns four random scalars.

    Returns Promise<Buffer[]>

    Returns an array of buffers with random scalars.

    exceptions.HsmError If an error occurs in the operation.

  • Returns a random scalar.

    Returns Promise<Buffer>

    Returns a buffer with the random scalar.

    exceptions.HsmError If an error occurs in the operation.
