Shomei is a digital signer based on Shodo that is used to validate documents in cases processed by the MPT.
Information about the program and download links can be found at:
Minimum requirements
To use the Shomei with the HSM DINAMO you need:
- Installation of the latest version of the DINAMO client (equal to or greater than 4.7.8)
- Java version 8
- ICP-Brasil Certificates
Shomei works using PKCS#11 and has been validated using version 1.0.9.
Configuring PKCS#11
To use PKCS#11, first open DINAMOcon, on the home screen choose Local Configuration, and configure the IP address, HSM user name and password parameters.
HSM tab -
Go back to the home screen, click on Certificates in HSM and then choose the __Certificates_ tab. This action automatically starts creating containers and associating certificates.
Table of certificates
Configuring Shomei
To test whether Shomei is working properly, run the program, once it's running right-click on it and choose "Status".
It will open a browser window with 3 options above, choose "Test subscription".
Choose a file and once it's loaded, click Sign. A window asking you to insert the scanner driver will appear. Choose the file
which is located inC:\Program Files\Dinamo Networks\HSM Dinamo
\sdk\32-bit\. -
It will then ask for the pin, which is the password of the HSM user that is configured in the PKCS#11 tab of DINAMOcon (see above).
Now it asks which certificate should be used to make the signature.
If everything is right, the subscription and the amount will appear.