HSM Dinamo
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Detailed description

Symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic hash operations.


void Encrypt (IntPtr hKey, bool Final, byte[] byData, ref int DataLen, int BufferLen)
 Encrypt blocks or files by passing the key reference. Uses the default mode/padding, i.e. MODE CBC and padding PKCS#5.
void Encrypt (String strKeyId, byte[] byData)
 Encrypts a block in ECB mode without any padding. This function is useful for PIN BLOCK. The size of the data array must be compatible with the type of key.
byte[] EncryptDefault (String strKeyId, byte[] byData)
 Encrypts a block using the standard HSM parameterization.
void Encrypt (string strKeyId, IntPtr hHash, bool Final, byte[] iv, MODE_TYPE mode, PADDING_TYPE padding, byte[] byData, ref int DataLen, int BufferLen)
 Encrypts a hash, general data or a file.
void Encrypt (IntPtr hKey, IntPtr hHash, bool Final, int dwFlags, byte[] iv, MODE_TYPE mode, PADDING_TYPE padding, byte[] byData, ref int DataLen, int BufferLen)
 Encrypts a hash, general data or a file.
void EncryptDefault (IntPtr hKey, IntPtr hHash, bool Final, int dwFlags, byte[] iv, byte[] byData, ref int DataLen, int BufferLen)
 Encrypts using the standard HSM parameterization.
int GetEncryptBuffLen (IntPtr hKey, IntPtr hHash, int DataLen)
 Returns the size of the encryption buffer.
byte[] KEKEncode (String strKeyId, byte[] byKey)
 Encrypts a symmetric key that is outside the HSM using an RSA inside the HSM.
byte[] KEKDecode (String strKeyId, byte[] byKey)
 Decrypts a symmetric key that is outside the HSM using an RSA inside the HSM.
void Decrypt (string strKeyId, IntPtr hHash, bool Final, byte[] byData, ref int DataLen)
 Decrypts a hash, general data or a file.
void Decrypt (IntPtr hKey, IntPtr hHash, bool Final, byte[] byData, ref int DataLen)
 Decrypts a hash, general data or a file.
void Decrypt (string strKeyId, byte[] byData)
 Decrypts a block in ECB mode without any padding. This function is useful for PIN BLOCK. The size of the data array must be compatible with the type of key.
byte[] DecryptDefault (string strKeyId, byte[] byData)
 Decrypts a block using the standard HSM parameterization.
void Decrypt (string strKeyId, IntPtr hHash, bool Final, byte[] iv, MODE_TYPE mode, PADDING_TYPE padding, byte[] byData, ref int DataLen)
 Decrypts a hash, general data or a file.
void Decrypt (IntPtr hKey, IntPtr hHash, bool Final, int dwFlags, byte[] iv, MODE_TYPE mode, PADDING_TYPE padding, byte[] byData, ref int DataLen)
 Decrypts a hash, general data or a file.
void DecryptDefault (IntPtr hKey, IntPtr hHash, bool Final, int dwFlags, byte[] iv, byte[] byData, ref int DataLen)
 Decrypted using the standard HSM parameterization.
IntPtr CreateHash(HASH_ALG AlgId)
 Creates a handle for a hash.
byte[] generateHash(HASH_ALG AlgId, byte[] Data, int Flags)
 Generates a HASH in just one call.
byte[] generateHash(HASH_ALG AlgId, byte[] Data)
 Generates a HASH in just one call.
byte[] generateMAC(HASH_ALG AlgId, String KeyId, byte[] Data, int Flags)
 Generates a MAC in just one call.
byte[] generateMAC(HASH_ALG AlgId, String KeyId, byte[] Data)
 Generates a MAC in just one call.
void initMAC(HASH_ALG AlgId, String KeyId, int Flags)
 Initializes a MAC operation in parts. It must be finalized with endMAC.
void initMAC(HASH_ALG AlgId, String KeyId)
 Initializes a MAC operation in parts. It must be finalized with endMAC.
void updateMAC (byte[] Data)
 Updates a MAC operation with more data.
byte[] endMAC ()
 Ends a MAC operation.
void initHash(HASH_ALG AlgId, int Flags)
 Initializes a HASH operation in parts. It must be finalized with endHash.
void initHash(HASH_ALG AlgId)
 Initializes a HASH operation in parts. It must be finalized with endHash.
void updateHash (byte[] Data)
 Updates a HASH operation with more data.
byte[] endHash ()
 Ends a HASH operation.
void HashData (IntPtr hHash, byte[] byData)
 Finds the hash for a piece of data and associates it with the hash handle.
byte[] Hash(HASH_ALG alg, byte[] data)
 Returns the hash of a piece of data.
void DestroyHash (IntPtr hHash)
 Releases the handle of the hash resource.
void BatchSign (string strKeyId, byte[] pbBlock, Int32 dwBlockCount, Int32 dwFlags)
 Sends a batch of blocks for signature in the HSM.
void BatchSign (IntPtr hPrivateKey, byte[] pbBlock, Int32 dwBlockCount, Int32 dwFlags)
 Sends a batch of blocks for signature in the HSM.
byte[] SignHash (String keyId, byte[] bHash, DinamoClient.HASH_ALG algHash)
 Sign a hash.
byte[] SignHash (String keyId, byte[] bHash, DinamoClient.HASH_ALG algHash, Int32 dwFlags)
 Sign a hash.
byte[] SignHash (String keyId, IntPtr pHash, DinamoClient.HASH_ALG algHash)
byte[] SignHash (IntPtr hPrivateKey, IntPtr hHash)
 Sign a hash.
byte[] SignHash (IntPtr hPrivateKey, IntPtr hHash, int dwFlags)
 Sign a hash.
bool VerifySignature (IntPtr hHash, IntPtr hPublicKey, byte[] bySignature)
 Check a signature.
void SetHashValue (IntPtr hHash, byte[] Value)
 Stores a hash.
byte[] GetHashValue (IntPtr hHash)
 Returns the hash value.
byte[] GetRandom (Int32 dwReturnLen)
 Returns a random number from the HSM generator.
DinamoApi.DN_M_OF_N_SPLIT_INFO MofNSplit (byte bM, byte bN, byte[] pbSecret)
 Divides M from N in a secret. According to Shamir's secret sharing pattern.
byte[] MofNRecover(DinamoApi.DN_M_OF_N_PART[] parts)
 Reconstructs the secret M of N from the parts of the custodians. According to Shamir's secret sharing pattern.


Encrypt() [1/4]

void Encrypt ( IntPtr  hKey,
bool  Final,
byte[]  byData,
ref int  DataLen,
int  BufferLen 

Encrypt blocks or files by passing the key reference. Uses the default mode/padding, i.e. MODE CBC and padding PKCS#5.

hKeyKey handle
FinalIndicates whether the block is the last
byDataData to be encrypted. When the function returns, the original data is overwritten by the result of the encryption operation. The buffer size is specified by the dwBufLen parameter, the number of bytes to be processed is specified by the pdwDataLen parameter. The buffer size must be large enough to contain the encrypted data plus padding.
DataLenBlock size.When input parameter, contains the number of bytes that will be processed, when output parameter, contains the number of bytes of encrypted data.If the allocated buffer is not enough to receive all the encrypted data (lack of padding space, for example) the function will fail returning D_MORE_DATA.
BufferLenBuffer size: For symmetric operations that require padding, the buffer must be at least the length of the data plus the size of the operation block of the algorithm to be used.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.
enc_dec.cs and rsa_enc_dec.cs.

Encrypt() [2/4]

void Encrypt ( String  strKeyId,
byte[]  byData 

Encrypts a block in ECB mode without any padding. This function is useful for PIN BLOCK. The size of the data array must be compatible with the type of key.

strKeyIdKey reference
byDataData to be encrypted. When the function returns, the original data is overwritten by the result of the encryption operation. The buffer size is specified by the dwBufLen parameter, the number of bytes to be processed is specified by the pdwDataLen parameter. The buffer size must be large enough to contain the encrypted data plus padding.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.

EncryptDefault() [1/2]

byte[] EncryptDefault ( String  strKeyId,
byte[]  byData 

Encrypts a block using the standard HSM parameterization.

For symmetric keys: MODE_CBC: Cipher Block Chain (CBC) PKCS5_PADDING: Padding is done following the pattern defined in PKCS#5. IV: Filled with zeros.

For RSA asymmetric keys: PKCS1_PADDING: PKCS#1 v1.5 padding is used.

strKeyIdKey reference
byDataData to be encrypted.
Encrypted data.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.

Encrypt() [3/4]

void Encrypt ( string  strKeyId,
IntPtr  hHash,
bool  Final,
byte[]  iv,
MODE_TYPE  mode,
PADDING_TYPE  padding,
byte[]  byData,
ref int  DataLen,
int  BufferLen 

Encrypts a hash, general data or a file.

strKeyIdKey reference
hHashPointer to a hash
FinalIndicates whether the block is the last
ivInitialization vector used with block algorithms according to their symmetric encryption mode of operation. The size of the initialization vector depends on the symmetric algorithm used, since it has the same length as the block operation. More details in the Remarks section. Only valid for symmetric keys.
modeIndicates the encryption operating mode of the block algorithm.
Value Meaning
MODE_NONE Does not define the operating mode. If the algorithm supports mode of operation, the MODE_CBC pattern will be used. For asymmetric keys, pass this flag.
MODE_ECB Electronic Codebook (ECB)
MODE_CBC Cipher Block Chain (CBC)
MODE_OFB Output-Feedback. Not yet supported.
Only valid for symmetric keys and block algorithms.
paddingThe library can work with 3 forms of symmetrical padding:
Value Meaning
NO_PADDING No padding is done, the data passed for encryption must already be a multiple of the size of the operation block.
PKCS5_PADDING Padding is done following the standard defined in PKCS#5.
ZERO_PADDING If the length of the data is not a multiple of the size of the operation block, it is completed with leading zeros until it reaches a size supported by the algorithm. This type of padding should not be used with data where there may be bytes with a value of zero, as it can create ambiguity in the decryption operation. If the data contains only ASCII text, for example, there is no problem.
The following values are accepted for asymmetric padding.
Value Meaning
NO_RSA_PADDING So as not to use padding.
PKCS1_PADDING Uses PKCS#1 v1.5 type 2 padding.
byDataData to be encrypted. When the function returns, the original data is overwritten by the result of the encryption operation. The buffer size is specified by the dwBufLen parameter, the number of bytes to be processed is specified by the pdwDataLen parameter. The buffer size must be large enough to contain the encrypted data plus padding.
DataLenBlock size.When input parameter, contains the number of bytes that will be processed, when output parameter, contains the number of bytes of encrypted data.If the allocated buffer is not enough to receive all the encrypted data (lack of padding space, for example) the function will fail returning D_MORE_DATA.
BufferLenBuffer size: For symmetric operations that require padding, the buffer must be at least the length of the data plus the size of the operation block of the algorithm to be used.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.

Encrypt() [4/4]

void Encrypt ( IntPtr  hKey,
IntPtr  hHash,
bool  Final,
int  dwFlags,
byte[]  iv,
MODE_TYPE  mode,
PADDING_TYPE  padding,
byte[]  byData,
ref int  DataLen,
int  BufferLen 

Encrypts a hash, general data or a file.

hKeyKey context
hHashPointer to a hash
FinalIndicates whether the block is the last
dwFlagsReserved for future use (must be 0).
ivInitialization vector used with block algorithms according to their symmetric encryption mode of operation. The size of the initialization vector depends on the symmetric algorithm used, since it has the same length as the block operation. More details in the Remarks section. Only valid for symmetric keys.
modeIndicates the encryption operating mode of the block algorithm.
Value Meaning
MODE_NONE Does not define the operating mode. If the algorithm supports mode of operation, the MODE_CBC pattern will be used. For asymmetric keys, pass this flag.
MODE_ECB Electronic Codebook (ECB)
MODE_CBC Cipher Block Chain (CBC)
MODE_OFB Output-Feedback. Not yet supported.
Only valid for symmetric keys and block algorithms.
paddingThe library can work with 3 forms of symmetrical padding:
Value Meaning
NO_PADDING No padding is done, the data passed for encryption must already be a multiple of the size of the operation block.
PKCS5_PADDING Padding is done following the standard defined in PKCS#5.
ZERO_PADDING If the length of the data is not a multiple of the size of the operation block, it is completed with leading zeros until it reaches a size supported by the algorithm. This type of padding should not be used with data where there may be bytes with a value of zero, as it can create ambiguity in the decryption operation. If the data contains only ASCII text, for example, there is no problem.
The following values are accepted for asymmetric padding.
Value Meaning
NO_RSA_PADDING So as not to use padding.
PKCS1_PADDING Uses PKCS#1 v1.5 type 2 padding.
byDataData to be encrypted. When the function returns, the original data is overwritten by the result of the encryption operation. The buffer size is specified by the dwBufLen parameter, the number of bytes to be processed is specified by the pdwDataLen parameter. The buffer size must be large enough to contain the encrypted data plus padding.
DataLenBlock size. When input parameter, contains the number of bytes that will be processed, when output parameter, contains the number of bytes of encrypted data.If the allocated buffer is not enough to receive all the encrypted data (lack of space for padding, for example) the function will fail returning D_MORE_DATA.
BufferLenBuffer size: For symmetric operations that require padding, the buffer must be at least the length of the data plus the size of the operation block of the algorithm to be used.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.
If a large amount of data is to be encrypted, it can be done in part, with subsequent DEncrypt calls. In the last call, the bFinal parameter must be passed with a true value.
Only in the last block is padding done (when applicable), so the other blocks must be of a size consistent with the algorithm used. The buffer where the data is passed must be large enough to accommodate padding as well.
This API supports RSA operations performed directly on this function. When using the public key for encryption, the padding used is PKCS#1 type 2 and in the decryption process, the padding is checked and removed. For operations with the private key, PKCS#1 type 1 padding is used. The HSM will check the formatting of the padding even when the operation has no padding defined, as in D_NO_RSA_PADDING. RSA encryption and decryption operations are only enabled in non-restricted mode (NRM).

EncryptDefault() [2/2]

void EncryptDefault ( IntPtr  hKey,
IntPtr  hHash,
bool  Final,
int  dwFlags,
byte[]  iv,
byte[]  byData,
ref int  DataLen,
int  BufferLen 

Encrypts using the standard HSM parameterization.

For symmetric keys: MODE_CBC: Cipher Block Chain (CBC) PKCS5_PADDING: Padding is done following the pattern defined in PKCS#5.

For RSA asymmetric keys: PKCS1_PADDING: PKCS#1 v1.5 padding is used.

hKeyKey context
hHashPointer to a hash
FinalIndicates whether the block is the last
dwFlagsReserved for future use (must be 0).
ivInitialization vector used with block algorithms according to their symmetric encryption mode of operation. The size of the initialization vector depends on the symmetric algorithm used, since it has the same length as the block operation. More details in the Remarks section. Only valid for symmetric keys. If null is passed, the zero-filled IV will be used.
byDataData to be encrypted. When the function returns, the original data is overwritten by the result of the encryption operation. The buffer size is specified by the dwBufLen parameter, the number of bytes to be processed is specified by the pdwDataLen parameter. The buffer size must be large enough to contain the encrypted data plus padding.
DataLenBlock size. When input parameter, contains the number of bytes that will be processed, when output parameter, contains the number of bytes of encrypted data.If the allocated buffer is not enough to receive all the encrypted data (lack of space for padding, for example) the function will fail returning D_MORE_DATA.
BufferLenBuffer size: For symmetric operations that require padding, the buffer must be at least the length of the data plus the size of the operation block of the algorithm to be used.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.


int GetEncryptBuffLen ( IntPtr  hKey,
IntPtr  hHash,
int  DataLen 

Returns the size of the encryption buffer.

hKeyKey context
hHashPointer to a hash
DataLenSize of the data to be encrypted
Encryption buffer size
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.


byte[] KEKEncode ( String  strKeyId,
byte[]  byKey 

Encrypts a symmetric key that is outside the HSM using an RSA inside the HSM.

strKeyIdRSA Key Identification
byKeyContent of the symmetric key
Encrypted symmetric key
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.


byte[] KEKDecode ( String  strKeyId,
byte[]  byKey 

Decrypts a symmetric key that is outside the HSM using an RSA inside the HSM.

strKeyIdRSA Key Identification
byKeyContent of the encrypted symmetric key
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.

Decrypt() [1/5]

void Decrypt ( string  strKeyId,
IntPtr  hHash,
bool  Final,
byte[]  byData,
ref int  DataLen 

Decrypts a hash, general data or a file.

strKeyIdKey reference
hHashPointer to a hash
FinalIndicates whether the block is the last
byDataBuffer containing the data to be decrypted. When the function returns, the original data is overwritten by the result of the encryption operation. For block symmetric operations, the size of the data must always be a multiple of the block used by the algorithm in question.
DataLenReturns the size of the data in byData. When input parameter, contains the number of bytes to be processed, when output parameter, contains the number of bytes of data in clear text.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.
enc_dec.cs and rsa_enc_dec.cs.

Decrypt() [2/5]

void Decrypt ( IntPtr  hKey,
IntPtr  hHash,
bool  Final,
byte[]  byData,
ref int  DataLen 

Decrypts a hash, general data or a file.

hKeyKey context
hHashPointer to a hash
FinalIndicates whether the block is the last
byDataBuffer containing the data to be decrypted. When the function returns, the original data is overwritten by the result of the encryption operation. For block symmetric operations, the size of the data must always be a multiple of the block used by the algorithm in question.
DataLenReturns the size of the data in byData. When input parameter, contains the number of bytes to be processed, when output parameter, contains the number of bytes of data in clear text.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.

Decrypt() [3/5]

void Decrypt ( string  strKeyId,
byte[]  byData 

Decrypts a block in ECB mode without any padding. This function is useful for PIN BLOCK. The size of the data array must be compatible with the type of key.

strKeyIdKey reference
byDataData buffer
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.

DecryptDefault() [1/2]

byte[] DecryptDefault ( string  strKeyId,
byte[]  byData 

Decrypts a block using the standard HSM parameterization.

For symmetric keys: MODE_CBC: Cipher Block Chain (CBC) PKCS5_PADDING: Padding is done following the pattern defined in PKCS#5. IV: Filled with zeros.

For RSA asymmetric keys: PKCS1_PADDING: PKCS#1 v1.5 padding is used.

strKeyIdKey reference
byDataData buffer
The decrypted data.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.

Decrypt() [4/5]

void Decrypt ( string  strKeyId,
IntPtr  hHash,
bool  Final,
byte[]  iv,
MODE_TYPE  mode,
PADDING_TYPE  padding,
byte[]  byData,
ref int  DataLen 

Decrypts a hash, general data or a file.

strKeyIdKey reference
hHashPointer to a hash
FinalIndicates whether the block is the last
ivInitialization vector used with block algorithms according to their symmetric encryption mode of operation. The size of the initialization vector depends on the symmetric algorithm used, since it has the same length as the block operation. More details in the Remarks section. Only valid for symmetric keys.
modeIndicates the encryption operating mode of the block algorithm.
Value Meaning
MODE_NONE Does not define the operating mode. If the algorithm supports mode of operation, the MODE_CBC pattern will be used. For asymmetric keys, pass this flag.
MODE_ECB Electronic Codebook (ECB)
MODE_CBC Cipher Block Chain (CBC)
MODE_OFB Output-Feedback. Not yet supported.
Only valid for symmetric keys and block algorithms.
paddingThe library can work with 3 forms of symmetrical padding:
Value Meaning
NO_PADDING No padding is done, the data passed for encryption must already be a multiple of the size of the operation block.
PKCS5_PADDING Padding is done following the standard defined in PKCS#5.
ZERO_PADDING If the length of the data is not a multiple of the size of the operation block, it is completed with leading zeros until it reaches a size supported by the algorithm. This type of padding should not be used with data where there may be bytes with a value of zero, as it can create ambiguity in the decryption operation. If the data contains only ASCII text, for example, there is no problem.
The following values are accepted for asymmetric padding.
Value Meaning
NO_RSA_PADDING So as not to use padding.
PKCS1_PADDING Uses PKCS#1 v1.5 type 2 padding.
byDataBuffer containing the data to be decrypted. When the function returns, the original data is overwritten by the result of the encryption operation. For block symmetric operations, the size of the data must always be a multiple of the block used by the algorithm in question.
DataLenReturns the size of the data in byData. When input parameter, contains the number of bytes to be processed, when output parameter, contains the number of bytes of data in clear text.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.
If a large amount of data is to be decrypted, it can be done in part, with subsequent Decrypt calls. In the last call, the bFinal parameter must be passed with a value of true.
Only in the last block is padding undone (when applicable), so the remaining blocks must be of a size consistent with the algorithm used, and if the CBC symmetric encryption mode of operation is being used, the initialization vector will be reset to zero.
This API supports RSA operations performed directly on this function. The data to be operated on must have a length equal to the size of the key. When using the public key for encryption, the padding used is PKCS#1 type 2 and in the decryption process, the padding is checked and removed. For operations with the private key, PKCS#1 type 1 padding is used. The HSM will check the formatting of the padding even when the operation has no padding defined, as in D_NO_RSA_PADDING. RSA encryption and decryption operations are only enabled in non-restricted mode (NRM).

Decrypt() [5/5]

void Decrypt ( IntPtr  hKey,
IntPtr  hHash,
bool  Final,
int  dwFlags,
byte[]  iv,
MODE_TYPE  mode,
PADDING_TYPE  padding,
byte[]  byData,
ref int  DataLen 

Decrypts a hash, general data or a file.

hKeyKey connection
hHashPointer to a hash
FinalIndicates whether the block is the last
dwFlagsReserved for future use (must be 0).
ivInitialization vector used with block algorithms according to their symmetric encryption mode of operation. The size of the initialization vector depends on the symmetric algorithm used, since it has the same length as the block operation. More details in the Remarks section. Only valid for symmetric keys.
modeIndicates the encryption operating mode of the block algorithm.
Value Meaning
MODE_NONE Does not define the operating mode. If the algorithm supports mode of operation, the MODE_CBC pattern will be used. For asymmetric keys, pass this flag.
MODE_ECB Electronic Codebook (ECB)
MODE_CBC Cipher Block Chain (CBC)
MODE_OFB Output-Feedback. Not yet supported.
Only valid for symmetric keys and block algorithms.
paddingThe library can work with 3 forms of symmetrical padding:
Value Meaning
NO_PADDING No padding is done, the data passed for encryption must already be a multiple of the size of the operation block.
PKCS5_PADDING Padding is done following the standard defined in PKCS#5.
ZERO_PADDING If the length of the data is not a multiple of the size of the operation block, it is completed with leading zeros until it reaches a size supported by the algorithm. This type of padding should not be used with data where there may be bytes with a value of zero, as it can create ambiguity in the decryption operation. If the data contains only ASCII text, for example, there is no problem.
The following values are accepted for asymmetric padding.
Value Meaning
NO_RSA_PADDING So as not to use padding.
PKCS1_PADDING Uses PKCS#1 v1.5 type 2 padding.
byDataBuffer containing the data to be decrypted. When the function returns, the original data is overwritten by the result of the encryption operation. For block symmetric operations, the size of the data must always be a multiple of the block used by the algorithm in question.
DataLenReturns the size of the data in byData. When input parameter, contains the number of bytes to be processed, when output parameter, contains the number of bytes of data in clear text.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.
If a large amount of data is to be decrypted, it can be done in part, with subsequent Decrypt calls. In the last call, the bFinal parameter must be passed with a value of true.
Only in the last block is padding undone (when applicable), so the remaining blocks must be of a size consistent with the algorithm used, and if the CBC symmetric encryption mode of operation is being used, the initialization vector will be reset to zero.
This API supports RSA operations performed directly on this function. The data to be operated on must have a length equal to the size of the key. When using the public key for encryption, the padding used is PKCS#1 type 2 and in the decryption process, the padding is checked and removed. For operations with the private key, PKCS#1 type 1 padding is used. The HSM will check the formatting of the padding even when the operation has no padding defined, as in D_NO_RSA_PADDING. RSA encryption and decryption operations are only enabled in non-restricted mode (NRM).

DecryptDefault() [2/2]

void DecryptDefault ( IntPtr  hKey,
IntPtr  hHash,
bool  Final,
int  dwFlags,
byte[]  iv,
byte[]  byData,
ref int  DataLen 

Decrypted using the standard HSM parameterization.

For symmetric keys: MODE_CBC: Cipher Block Chain (CBC) PKCS5_PADDING: Padding is done following the pattern defined in PKCS#5.

For RSA asymmetric keys: PKCS1_PADDING: PKCS#1 v1.5 padding is used.

hKeyKey connection
hHashPointer to a hash
FinalIndicates whether the block is the last
dwFlagsReserved for future use (must be 0).
ivInitialization vector used with block algorithms according to their symmetric encryption mode of operation. The size of the initialization vector depends on the symmetric algorithm used, since it has the same length as the block operation. More details in the Remarks section. Only valid for symmetric keys. If null is passed, the zero-filled IV will be used.
byDataBuffer containing the data to be decrypted. When the function returns, the original data is overwritten by the result of the encryption operation. For block symmetric operations, the size of the data must always be a multiple of the block used by the algorithm in question.
DataLenReturns the size of the data in byData. When input parameter, contains the number of bytes to be processed, when output parameter, contains the number of bytes of data in clear text.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.


IntPtr CreateHash ( HASH_ALG  AlgId)

Creates a handle for a hash.

AlgIdHash algorithm
IntPtr Pointer to hash resource
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.

generateHash() [1/2]

byte[] generateHash ( HASH_ALG  AlgId,
byte[]  Date,
int  Flags 

Generates a HASH in just one call.

AlgIdHash algorithm
FlagsZero must be passed
HASH generated
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.

generateHash() [2/2]

byte[] generateHash ( HASH_ALG  AlgId,
byte[]  Date 

Generates a HASH in just one call.

AlgIdHash algorithm
HASH generated
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.

generateMAC() [1/2]

byte[] generateMAC ( HASH_ALG  AlgId,
String  KeyId,
byte[]  Date,
int  Flags 

Generates a MAC in just one call.

AlgIdHash algorithm
KeyIdMAC key name
FlagsZero should be passed
MAC generated
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.
generate_hmac.cs and generate_hmac_lau.cs.

generateMAC() [2/2]

byte[] generateMAC ( HASH_ALG  AlgId,
String  KeyId,
byte[]  Date 

Generates a MAC in just one call.

AlgIdHash algorithm
KeyIdMAC key name
MAC generated
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.

initMAC() [1/2]

void initMAC ( HASH_ALG  AlgId,
String  KeyId,
int  Flags 

Initializes a MAC operation in parts. It must be finalized with endMAC.

AlgIdHash algorithm
KeyIdMAC key name
FlagsZero must be passed
The piecewise operation MUST be initialized with initMAC, the data passed with updateMAC and finalized with endMAC.
updateMAC can be called once or several times until the entire content of the message is sent and then endMAC to finish the operation and generate the MAC.
A multi-part operation cannot be interleaved with other operations within the same session until it is terminated with endMAC.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.

initMAC() [2/2]

void initMAC ( HASH_ALG  AlgId,
String  KeyId 

Initializes a MAC operation in parts. It must be finalized with endMAC.

AlgIdHash algorithm
KeyIdMAC key name
The piecewise operation MUST be initialized with initMAC, the data passed with updateMAC and finalized with endMAC.
updateMAC can be called once or several times until the entire content of the message is sent and then endMAC to finish the operation and generate the MAC.
A multi-part operation cannot be interleaved with other operations within the same session until it is terminated with endMAC.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.


void updateMAC ( byte[]  Date)

Updates a MAC operation with more data.

The piecewise operation MUST be initialized with initMAC, the data passed with updateMAC and finalized with endMAC.
updateMAC can be called once or several times until the entire content of the message is sent and then endMAC to finish the operation and generate the MAC.
A multi-part operation cannot be interleaved with other operations within the same session until it is terminated with endMAC.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.


byte[] endMAC ( )

Ends a MAC operation.

MAC generated
The piecewise operation MUST be initialized with initMAC, the data passed with updateMAC and finalized with endMAC.
updateMAC can be called once or several times until the entire content of the message is sent and then endMAC to finish the operation and generate the MAC.
A multi-part operation cannot be interleaved with other operations within the same session until it is terminated with endMAC.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.
generate_hash.cs and generate_hmac.cs.

initHash() [1/2]

void initHash ( HASH_ALG  AlgId,
int  Flags 

Initializes a HASH operation in parts. It must be finalized with endHash.

AlgIdHash algorithm
FlagsZero must be passed
The piecewise operation MUST be initialized with initHash, the data passed with updateHash and finalized with endHash.
updateHash can be called once or several times until the entire content of the message is sent and then endHash to finish the operation and generate the hash.
A multi-part operation cannot be interleaved with other operations within the same session until it is terminated with endHash.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.

initHash() [2/2]

void initHash ( HASH_ALG  AlgId)

Initializes a HASH operation in parts. It must be finalized with endHash.

AlgIdHash algorithm
The piecewise operation MUST be initialized with initHash, the data passed with updateHash and finalized with endHash.
updateHash can be called once or several times until the entire content of the message is sent and then endHash to finish the operation and generate the hash.
A multi-part operation cannot be interleaved with other operations within the same session until it is terminated with endHash.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.


void updateHash ( byte[]  Date)

Updates a HASH operation with more data.

The piecewise operation MUST be initialized with initHash, the data passed with updateHash and finalized with endHash.
updateHash can be called once or several times until the entire content of the message is sent and then endHash to finish the operation and generate the hash.
A multi-part operation cannot be interleaved with other operations within the same session until it is terminated with endHash.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.


byte[] endHash ( )

Ends a HASH operation.

HASH generated
The piecewise operation MUST be initialized with initHash, the data passed with updateHash and finalized with endHash.
updateHash can be called once or several times until the entire content of the message is sent and then endHash to finish the operation and generate the hash.
A multi-part operation cannot be interleaved with other operations within the same session until it is terminated with endHash.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.


void HashData ( IntPtr  hHash,
byte[]  byData 

Finds the hash for a piece of data and associates it with the hash handle.

hHashIntPtr Pointer to hash resource
byDataData in bytes
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.


byte[] Hash ( HASH_ALG  alg,
byte[]  date 

Returns the hash of a piece of data.

algHash algorithm
dateData in bytes
Hash value in bytes
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.


void DestroyHash ( IntPtr  hHash)

Releases the handle of the hash resource.

hHashIntPtr Pointer to hash resource
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.

BatchSign() [1/2]

void BatchSign ( string  strKeyId,
byte[]  pbBlock,
Int32  dwBlockCount,
Int32  dwFlags 

Sends a batch of blocks for signature in the HSM.

strKeyIdKey name.
pbBlockByte array containing the blocks that will be signed concatenated and with the appropriate paddings made. Add the zero padding of size DN_BATCH_SIGN_BLOCK_HEADER to the beginning of this array of blocks. The structure should be as follows. Zero padding of size DN_BATCH_SIGN_BLOCK_HEADER | BLOCK 1 | BLOCK 2 | BLOCK 3 | ... The signed blocks will be returned in the same positions as the input blocks.
dwBlockCountNumber of blocks contained in pbBlock.
dwFlagsReserved for future use (must be 0).
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.

BatchSign() [2/2]

void BatchSign ( IntPtr  hPrivateKey,
byte[]  pbBlock,
Int32  dwBlockCount,
Int32  dwFlags 

Sends a batch of blocks for signature in the HSM.

hPrivateKeyKey context.
pbBlockByte array containing the blocks that will be signed concatenated and with the appropriate paddings made. Add the zero padding of size DN_BATCH_SIGN_BLOCK_HEADER to the beginning of this array of blocks. The structure should be as follows. Zero padding of size DN_BATCH_SIGN_BLOCK_HEADER | BLOCK 1 | BLOCK 2 | BLOCK 3 | ... The signed blocks will be returned in the same positions as the input blocks.
dwBlockCountNumber of blocks contained in pbBlock.
dwFlagsReserved for future use (must be 0).
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.

SignHash() [1/5]

byte[] SignHash ( String  keyId,
byte[]  bHash,
DinamoClient::HASH_ALG  algHash 

Sign a hash.

keyIdPrivate key identifier
bHashArray with hash
algHashHash algorithm used. See: HASH_ALG
byte array
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.
block_object.cs and sign_hash.cs.

SignHash() [2/5]

byte[] SignHash ( String  keyId,
byte[]  bHash,
DinamoClient::HASH_ALG  algHash,
Int32  dwFlags 

Sign a hash.

keyIdPrivate key identifier
bHashArray with hash
algHashHash algorithm used. See: HASH_ALG
dwFlagsSubscription options, can be 0 or more of one of the values below:
Value Meaning
DinamoApi.DN_SIGN_NO_HASH_OID When this flag is specified, the object identifier (OID) is not placed in front of the hash value, as provided in PKCS#7, DigestInfo attribute.
By default, this value is always added to the signature. Only for RSA signatures.
DinamoApi.DN_SIGN_DISABLE_LEGACY_OPERATION When this flag is specified, the client API uses the newest versions of the HSM signature implementation. Use with HSMs version 4.0 or higher.
By default, this flag is disabled for compatibility reasons. Newer signing algorithms will automatically use the newer implementation and may not be supported by older HSMs.
DinamoApi.DN_SIGN_ECC_P11_FMT Uses the ECC signature format PKCS#11 v2.40 section 2.3.1.
byte array
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.

SignHash() [3/5]

byte[] SignHash ( String  keyId,
IntPtr  pHash,
DinamoClient::HASH_ALG  algHash 
Use SignHash().

SignHash() [4/5]

byte[] SignHash ( IntPtr  hPrivateKey,
IntPtr  hHash 

Sign a hash.

hHashPointer to the hash resource
hPrivateKeyPointer to the private key
Signature as an array of bytes.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.

SignHash() [5/5]

byte[] SignHash ( IntPtr  hPrivateKey,
IntPtr  hHash,
int  dwFlags 

Sign a hash.

hHashPointer to the hash resource
hPrivateKeyPointer to the private key
dwFlagsSubscription options, can be 0 or more of one of the values below:
Value Meaning
DinamoApi.DN_SIGN_NO_HASH_OID When this flag is specified, the object identifier (OID) is not placed in front of the hash value, as provided in PKCS#7, DigestInfo attribute.
By default, this value is always added to the signature. Only for RSA signatures.
DinamoApi.DN_SIGN_DISABLE_LEGACY_OPERATION When this flag is specified, the client API uses the newest versions of the HSM signature implementation. Use with HSMs version 4.0 or higher.
By default, this flag is disabled for compatibility reasons. Newer signing algorithms will automatically use the newer implementation and may not be supported by older HSMs.
DinamoApi.DN_SIGN_ECC_P11_FMT Uses the ECC signature format PKCS#11 v2.40 section 2.3.1.
Signature as an array of bytes.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.


bool VerifySignature ( IntPtr  hHash,
IntPtr  hPublicKey,
byte[]  bySignature 

Check a signature.

hHashPointer to the hash resource
hPublicKeyPointer to the public key resource
bySignatureSignature array
True in case of ok signature validation
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.


void SetHashValue ( IntPtr  hHash,
byte[]  Value 

Stores a hash.

hHashPointer to the hash resource
ValueHash value
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.


byte[] GetHashValue ( IntPtr  hHash)

Returns the hash value.

hHashPointer to the hash resource
Array with hash
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.


byte[] GetRandom ( Int32  dwReturnLen)

Returns a random number from the HSM generator.

dwReturnLenSize in bytes of the random number
Byte array of the random number found
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.


DinamoApi.DN_M_OF_N_SPLIT_INFO MofNSplit ( byte  bM,
byte  bN,
byte[]  pbSecret 

Divides M from N in a secret. According to Shamir's secret sharing pattern.

bMMinimum number of parts needed to rebuild the secret. Minimum of DinamoApi.DN_M_OF_N_S_MIN and maximum of DinamoApi.DN_M_OF_N_S_MAX.
bNTotal number of parts to be generated.
pbSecretSecret to be shared. Must have size DinamoApi.DN_M_OF_N_S_LEN. Can be passed null so that a secret is randomly generated by the HSM.
Information on the division of the secret.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.


byte[] MofNRecover ( DinamoApi::DN_M_OF_N_PART[]  parts)

Reconstructs the secret M of N from the parts of the custodians. According to Shamir's secret sharing pattern.

partsArray of secret parts.
Secret rebuilt.
DinamoExceptionThrows exception in case of error.