HSM Dinamo
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List of obsolete items
Global DinamoClient.ChangePasswordUser (string szPassword)
API discontinued. Please use ChangeUserPassword.
Global DinamoClient.ConnectWithLB (string User, string Password, string Otp)
Use Connect().
Global DinamoClient.ConnectWithLB (string Address, string User, string Password, string Otp)
Use Connect().
Global DinamoClient.EmitAuthenticationToken (DateTime expirationDate)
Use IssueAToken().
Global DinamoClient.ImportPKCS12 (string FilePath, string Password, string KeyId, string CertId, bool Exportable)
This API is discontinued. Please use ImportPKCS12File().
Global DinamoClient.IsKeyExist (string KeyId)
This API is discontinued. Please use hasObject().
Global DinamoClient.OATHCheck (string masterKeyId, string otp, byte[] bBlob)
Use OATHCheck with bBlob as a reference.
Global DinamoClient.OATHCheck (string masterKeyId, string otp, byte[] bBlob, int dwFlag)
Use OATHCheck with bBlob as a reference.
Global DinamoClient.RevokeAuthenticationToken (string strToken)
Use RevokeAToken().
Global DinamoClient.SignHash (String keyId, IntPtr pHash, DinamoClient.HASH_ALG algHash)
Use SignHash().