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Data Fields
Structure Reference DinamoApi.SVAULT_GEN_TOKEN

Data Fields

byte bFlags
byte bCKS
byte bType
byte bFrom
byte bTo
byte[] pbSecret
string szMK

Detailed description

Data for SVAULT token generation. Used by the DSVaultGenToken() API.



byte bFlags

Generation options. It can be one of the options in the table below

Value Operation
0 It does not use masks for token generation or secret recovery.
DinamoApi.D_SVAULT_F_MASK_TOKEN Uses masks to generate the token. The mask can be passed in DSVaultGetData().
DinamoApi.D_SVAULT_F_MASK_SECRET Uses masks to generate the secret. The mask can be passed in DSVaultGetData().


byte bCKS

Defines the checksum type for token generation. It can be one of the options in the table below

Value Operation
DinamoApi.D_SVAULT_CKS_NULL It doesn't generate a checksum. It only generates the token.
DinamoApi.D_SVAULT_CKS_CPF Generates the 2 check digits in the CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas) standard on the token. The secret must contain only numbers and include the check digits.
DinamoApi.D_SVAULT_CKS_CNPJ Generates the 2 verification digits in the CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica) standard on the token. The secret must contain only numbers and include the check digits.
DinamoApi.D_SVAULT_CKS_PAN Generates a PAN (Primary Account Number) with a valid check digit in the token. The secret must be complete and contain only numbers.
DinamoApi.D_SVAULT_CKS_IEL Generates the 2 check digits in the pattern of the voter registration number on the token. The secret must contain only numbers and include the check digits.


byte bType

DinamoApi.D_SVAULT_T_TKR2 must be passed.


byte bFrom

Defines the basis of representation of the secret string for FPE (Format-Preserving-Encryption). It can be one of the options in the table below.

Value Operation
DinamoApi.D_SVAULT_BASE10 Decimals only.
DinamoApi.D_SVAULT_BASE62 Characters that are letters A-Z, a-z or the numbers 0-9.


byte bTo

Defines the basis of representation of the token string for FPE (Format-Preserving-Encryption). It can be one of the options in the table below.

Value Operation
DinamoApi.D_SVAULT_BASE10 Decimals only.
DinamoApi.D_SVAULT_BASE62 Characters that are letters A-Z, a-z or the numbers 0-9.


byte [] pbSecret

The secret in UTF-8 which must respect the base defined in bFrom. It must have a minimum size of DinamoApi.D_SVAULT_MIN_TL code points and a maximum of DinamoApi.D_SVAULT_MAX_TL encoding units with the unused bytes filled with null.


string szMK

Name of the key used for data protection.