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Detailed description

Encode and Decode operations according to the SPB standard.

See the HSM technical documentation.


int AAP_API DSPBEncodeInit(HSESSIONCTX hSession, char *szSrcISPB, char *szDstISPB, DWORD dwTotalDataLen, BYTE bErrorCode, BYTE bSpecialTreatment, HSPBCTX *hSPBCtx, DWORD dwFlags)
int AAP_API DSPBEncodeCont(HSPBCTX hSPBCtx, BYTE *pbDataIn, DWORD dwDataInLen, BYTE *pbDataOut, DWORD *pdwDataOutLen)
int AAP_API DSPBEncodeEnd(HSPBCTX *hSPBCtx, BYTE *pbSPBHeader, DWORD *pdwSPBHeaderLen)
int AAP_API DSPBDecodeInit(HSESSIONCTX hSession, char *szSrcISPB, char *szDstISPB, BYTE *pbHeader, DWORD dwHeaderLen, BYTE bAcceptExpiredCert, BYTE bAutoUpdateCert, DWORD dwMessageDataLen, HSPBCTX * hSPBCtx, DWORD dwFlags)
int AAP_API DSPBDecodeCont(HSPBCTX hSPBCtx, BYTE *pbDataIn, DWORD dwDataInLen, BYTE **ppbDataOut, DWORD *pdwDataOutLen)
int AAP_API DSPBGenerateKey(HSESSIONCTX hSession, char *szID, char *szPrivateKeyName, DWORD dwKeyParam, DWORD dwParam)
int AAP_API DSPBGenerateCSR(HSESSIONCTX hSession, char *szPrivateKeyName, BYTE bVersion, char *szSPBSubject, DWORD dwOutType, DWORD *pdwCSRLen, BYTE **ppbCSR, DWORD dwParam)
int AAP_API DSPBImportCertificate(HSESSIONCTX hSession, BYTE bActivate, const char *szUser, BYTE *pbCertificate, DWORD dwCertificateLen, const char *szDomain, DWORD dwParam)
int AAP_API DSPBImportPKCS12(HSESSIONCTX hSession, BYTE bActivate, const char *szUser, const char *szPkcs12File, const char *szPkcs12Pwd, const char *szDomain, DWORD dwKeyAttr)
int AAP_API DSPBExportPKCS12 (const HSESSIONCTX hSession, const char *szPkcs12Pwd, const char *szISPB, const char *szReserved, BYTE **ppbPkcs12, DWORD *pdwPkcs12Len, DWORD dwReserved)
int AAP_API DSPBActivateCertificate(HSESSIONCTX hSession, const char *szIdCert, const char *szDomain, DWORD dwParam)
int AAP_API DSPBGetCertificate(HSESSIONCTX hSession, const char *szIdCert, BYTE **ppbCertificate, DWORD *pdwCertificateLen, DWORD dwParam)
int AAP_API DSPBCalculateObjectId (char *szISPB, char *szDomain, DWORD dwKeyType, char *szOutObjName, DWORD dwParam)
int AAP_API DSPBMapInfo(HSESSIONCTX hSession, const char *szIdCert, EXT_MAP_2_OBJ_INFO *pstExtMap, DWORD dwParam)
int AAP_API DSPBSetISPBMap(HSESSIONCTX hSession, char *szISPB, char *szKeyId, char *szCertId, DWORD dwParam)



int AAP_API DSPBEncodeInit ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
char * szSrcISPB,
char * szDstISPB,
DWORD dwTotalDataLen,
BYTE bErrorCode,
BYTE bSpecialTreatment,
DWORD dwFlags )

#include <dinamo.h>

Starts an SPB message encoding operation.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szSrcISPBSource institution identifier with maximum size MAX_OBJ_ID_FQN_LEN.
The source identifier must have the following format: ISPB@DOMINIO, with the domain part being optional.
The exact size for ISPB is ND_SPB_ISPB_LEN and the maximum size for DOMAIN is ND_SPB_DOMAIN_MAX_LEN. The maximum size for the identifier is ND_SPB_ID_MAX_LEN.
Example: 12345678@MES01 where 12345678 is the institution's ISPB and MES01 is the identifier of the DOMAIN.
The name of the corresponding map, outside the SPB module naming standard, can also be passed on in specific cases, see dwFlags.
[in]szDstISPBDestination institution identifier maximum size MAX_OBJ_ID_FQN_LEN.
The destination identifier must have the following format: ISPB@DOMINIO, with the domain part being optional.
The size for ISPB is ND_SPB_ISPB_LEN and the maximum size for DOMAIN is ND_SPB_DOMAIN_MAX_LEN. The maximum size for the identifier is ND_SPB_ID_MAX_LEN.
Example: 12345678@MES01 where 12345678 is the institution's ISPB and MES01 is the identifier of the DOMAIN.
The name of the corresponding map, outside the SPB module naming standard, can also be passed on in specific cases, see dwFlags.
[in]dwTotalDataLenTotal size in bytes of the message to be encoded.
[in]bErrorCodeMessage error code to be placed in the security header, usually in reply messages.
[in]bSpecialTreatmentSpecial message handling code, according to the Central Bank manual.
[out]hSPBCtxPointer to the context of the SPB encoding operation. After use, it must be freed with the DSPBEncodeEnd() function.
[in]dwFlagsDefines coding details and can take on the following values described in the table below.
Value Meaning
0 It uses the SPB (Brazilian Payment System) standard.
ND_SPB_ENCODE_GEN_01 Generates a GEN 01 message.
ND_SPB_USE_CIP1 Uses the CIP(Camara Interbancaria de Pagamentos)/C3 Nuclea standard. When this flag is not set, the SPB (Brazilian Payment System) standard is used. Compatible with C3 Nuclea.
ND_SPB_USE_ANY Accepts the CIP/C3 Nuclea and SPB standard. Detection is done internally.
ND_SPB_ENCODE_HEADER_V3 Encodes the message using the security header version 3. In future this option will be set by default. The V3 header is available from version 5.0.16 of the HSM firmware.
ND_SPB_RAW Mode without SPB-specific checks. Only accepts the use of the MAP name as parameters for szSrcISPB e szDstISPB.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
DSPBEncodeCont() and DSPBEncodeEnd() must be called to send the message and finish coding. Even in the event of an error, always release the operation context using DSPBEncodeEnd().
Certificate types:
SPB - The OU must contain the ISPB in the prefix format "ISPB-" + 8 digits. E.g.: ISPB-11111111.
CIP1 - The OU must contain the ISPB in 8-digit format. E.g.: 11111111.


BYTE * pbDataIn,
DWORD dwDataInLen,
BYTE * pbDataOut,
DWORD * pdwDataOutLen )

#include <dinamo.h>

Sends parts or all of the message for encoding in the HSM.

[in]hSPBCtxContext acquired through the DSPBEncodeInit() function.
[in]pbDataInBuffer containing part or all of the message to be encoded.
The size per call is DN_SPB_MAX_NOTIFY_DATA_SEG bytes.
Smaller sizes can be sent if it is the last or only piece of the message.
[in]dwDataInLenBuffer size in bytes pbDataIn.
[out]pbDataOutBuffer that will receive the encoded message data.
It must be equal to or greater than pbDataIn.
If it is the last piece, add space in the size for possible padding/tag. We recommend using a minimum size of DN_SPB_MAX_RCV_NOTIFY_DATA_SEG bytes to ensure that all returned data is received.
[in,out]pdwDataOutLenPointer to a DWORD that contains the size of pbDataOut.
The input must contain the size of the buffer pointed to by pbDataOut, the output contains the size of the data that was encoded in pbDataOut.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
Even in the event of an error, always release the operation context using DSPBEncodeEnd().


int AAP_API DSPBEncodeEnd ( HSPBCTX * hSPBCtx,
BYTE * pbSPBHeader,
DWORD * pdwSPBHeaderLen )

#include <dinamo.h>

Completes an SPB encryption operation and receives the security header.

[in]hSPBCtxPointer to the context acquired through the DSPBEncodeInit() function.
[out]pbSPBHeaderBuffer containing the security header of the encoded message.
It must have a size equal to or greater than DN_SPB_MSG_HEADER_V2_LEN bytes.
[in,out]pdwSPBHeaderLenPointer to a DWORD that on input should contain the size of the buffer pointed to by pbSPBHeader, and on output will contain the size of the header written in pbSPBHeader.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DSPBDecodeInit ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
char * szSrcISPB,
char * szDstISPB,
BYTE * pbHeader,
DWORD dwHeaderLen,
BYTE bAcceptExpiredCert,
BYTE bAutoUpdateCert,
DWORD dwMessageDataLen,
DWORD dwFlags )

#include <dinamo.h>

Starts an SPB message decoding operation.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szSrcISPBSource institution identifier with maximum size MAX_OBJ_ID_FQN_LEN. The source identifier must have the following format: ISPB@DOMINIO, with the domain part being optional. The exact length for ISPB is ND_SPB_ISPB_LEN and the maximum size for DOMAIN is ND_SPB_DOMAIN_MAX_LEN. The maximum size for the identifier is ND_SPB_ID_MAX_LEN. Example: 12345678@MES01 where 12345678 is the institution's ISPB and MES01 is the identifier of the DOMAIN. You can also pass the name of the corresponding map, outside the SPB module's naming standard in specific cases, see dwFlags.
[in]szDstISPBDestination institution identifier with maximum size MAX_OBJ_ID_FQN_LEN. The destination identifier must have the following format: ISPB@DOMINIO. The size for ISPB is ND_SPB_ISPB_LEN and the maximum size for DOMAIN is ND_SPB_DOMAIN_MAX_LEN. The maximum size for the identifier is ND_SPB_ID_MAX_LEN. Example: 12345678@MES01 where 12345678 is the institution's ISPB and MES01 is the identifier of the DOMAIN. You can also pass the name of the corresponding map, outside the SPB module's naming standard in specific cases, see dwFlags.
[in]pbHeaderBuffer containing the security header of the SPB message to be decoded.
[in]dwHeaderLenSize in bytes of the pbHeader buffer.
[in]bAcceptExpiredCertByte to accept expired certificates when decoding the message. Pass 1 to accept and 0 to not accept.
[in]bAutoUpdateCertEnables or disables the automatic updating of certificates in the HSM database if the message is about a certificate change. The following messages are currently handled: GEN0006 (reply), GEN0007, GEN0008 (reply) and GEN0018. The certificate is imported and activated automatically, except in the case of GEN0018 (Central Bank certificate), where the certificate is imported but not activated. Enter 1 for enabled and 0 for disabled.
[in]dwMessageDataLenTotal size of the SPB message to be decoded.
[out]hSPBCtxPointer to the context of the SPB decode operation. After use, it must be released with the DSPBDecodeEnd() function.
[in]dwFlagsDefines decoding details, and can take on the following values described in the table below.
Value Meaning
0 It uses the SPB (Brazilian Payment System) standard.
ND_SPB_OUT_NO_PADDING Removes padding from the end of the SPB message after decryption.
ND_SPB_OUT_WITH_PADDING Keeps the padding at the end of the SPB message after decryption.
ND_SPB_USE_CIP1 Uses the CIP(Camara Interbancaria de Pagamentos)/C3 Nuclea standard. When this flag is not set, the SPB (Brazilian Payment System) standard is used.
ND_SPB_USE_ANY Accepts the CIP/C3 Nuclea and SPB standard. Detection is done internally.
ND_SPB_RAW Mode without SPB-specific checks. Only accepts the use of the MAP name as parameters for szSrcISPB e szDstISPB.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
DSPBDecodeCont() and DSPBDecodeEnd() must be called to send the message and finish coding. Even in the event of an error, always release the operation context using DSPBDecodeEnd(). The handling of GEN0006R1 (GEN0006 response) is available from firmware version 5.0.16.
Certificate types:
SPB - The OU must contain the ISPB in the prefix format "ISPB-" + 8 digits. E.g.: ISPB-11111111.
CIP1 - The OU must contain the ISPB in 8-digit format. E.g.: 11111111.


BYTE * pbDataIn,
DWORD dwDataInLen,
BYTE ** ppbDataOut,
DWORD * pdwDataOutLen )

#include <dinamo.h>

Sends parts or all of the message for decoding in the HSM.

[in]hSPBCtxContext acquired through the DSPBDecodeInit function.
[in]pbDataInBuffer containing part or all of the message to be decoded. The size per call is ND_SPB_MAX_NOTIFY_DATA_SEG bytes. Smaller sizes can be sent if it is the last or only piece of the message.
[in]dwDataInLenBuffer size in bytes pbDataIn.
[out]ppbDataOutPointer that will receive the encoded data. The size of the allocated buffer is available via pdwDataOutLen. Memory allocation is done internally. Deallocation is done in the next call to DSPBDecodeCont() or DSPBDecodeEnd().
[out]pdwDataOutLenPointer to the size of the buffer allocated internally in ppbDataOut.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DSPBDecodeEnd ( HSPBCTX * hSPBCtx)

#include <dinamo.h>

Completes an SPB decoding operation and receives the security header.

[in]hSPBCtxPointer to the context acquired via the DSPBDecodeInit() function.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DSPBGenerateKey ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
char * szID,
char * szPrivateKeyName,
DWORD dwKeyParam,
DWORD dwParam )

#include <dinamo.h>

Generates a private key in the SPB standard. This is a specialized function of the HSM key generation API.
The application generates the key (RSA 2048 or as established in the updated Bacen manual) with the identification following the internal formation law, described in the SPB module presentation.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szIDIdentifier of the institution for which the private key is intended.
The institution identifier must have the following format: "ISPB@DOMINIO", with the domain part being optional.
The exact length for ISPB is ND_SPB_ISPB_LEN and the maximum length for DOMINIO is ND_SPB_DOMAIN_MAX_LEN.
The maximum size for the identifier is ND_SPB_ID_MAX_LEN.
Example: 12345678@MES01 where 12345678 is the institution's ISPB and MES01 is the DOMAIN identifier.
[out]szPrivateKeyNameBuffer of size MAX_OBJ_ID_FQN_LEN or more.
This buffer will receive a string containing the identifier of the key pair generated within the HSM.
This identifier must be kept by the application for later use in DSPBGenerateCSR() and/or others.
[in]dwKeyParamAdditional key parameters. See the options in the DGenerateKey() function.
[in]dwParamReserved for future use (must be 0).
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


char * szPrivateKeyName,
BYTE bVersion,
char * szSPBSubject,
DWORD dwOutType,
DWORD * pdwCSRLen,
BYTE ** ppbCSR,
DWORD dwParam )

#include <dinamo.h>

Generates a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) for SPB. This is a specialized function of HSM's PKCS#10 CSR generation API.
There are no validation rules for SPB certificates; this is up to the application, which can generate CSRs for different systems, such as SPB and CIP.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szPrivateKeyNameIdentifier of the private key.
Normally the string generated in DSPBGenerateKey().
[in]bVersionCSR version PKCS#10. The following table is supported.
Value Meaning
CORE_P10_CSR_VERSION1 PKCS#10 CSR version 1.
[in]szSPBSubjectDN (Dinstinguished Name), for generating the CSR, with a maximum size of CORE_P10_CSR_DN_MAX_LEN. DN fields must be separated by '/'.
[in]dwOutTypeCSR output type. The following table is supported.
Value Meaning
P10_CSR_DER Exports the CSR in DER format.
P10_CSR_PEM Exports the CSR in PEM format.
[out]pdwCSRLenPointer to the size of the buffer allocated in ppbCSR.
[out]ppbCSRPointer that will receive the CSR.
The size of the allocated buffer will be available via pdwCSRLen.
Memory allocation is done internally.
The calling application is responsible for freeing the allocated memory using the DFree() API.
[in]dwParamAdditional parameters. The following table is supported.
Value Meaning
0 Uses the standard HSM hash in the CSR signature.
CORE_P10_HASH_SHA1 It uses SHA-1 in the CSR signature.
CORE_P10_HASH_SHA224 It uses SHA-224 in the CSR signature.
CORE_P10_HASH_SHA256 It uses SHA-256 in the CSR signature.
CORE_P10_HASH_SHA384 It uses SHA-384 in the CSR signature.
CORE_P10_HASH_SHA512 It uses SHA-512 in the CSR signature.
DN field examples.
/CN=BANCO TESTE S/A P001/OU=SISBACEN-00888/OU=ISPB-54444619/O=ICP-Brasil/L=Sao Paulo/S=Sao Paulo/C=BR
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DSPBImportCertificate ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
BYTE bActivate,
const char * szUser,
BYTE * pbCertificate,
DWORD dwCertificateLen,
const char * szDomain,
DWORD dwParam )

#include <dinamo.h>

It imports an SPB certificate and associates it with a key pair within the HSM (via a map object), if such a key exists.

The application does not need to state whether it is its own certificate or that of a third party; the HSM searches for a private key corresponding to the public key in the certificate and, if it finds one, associates it with the appropriate map. When no corresponding private key is found, it is assumed that the certificate belongs to a third party. This internal search by the HSM makes the operation faster, more atomic and more secure, since the library doesn't need to perform export operations and local searches.
The certificate is created in the HSM base with the name formation law defined. HSM parses the certificate to retrieve fields such as ISPB.
If the HSM finds the private key, a map is created identified by MD5(CA+NS), placing the id of the key in slot1 and the id of the newly imported certificate in slot2. It returns an error if the map already exists. This is the case for an own certificate.
If the firmware doesn't find the private key, a map is created identified by MD5(CA+NS), leaving slot1 empty and slot2 with the id of the newly imported certificate. It returns an error if the map already exists. This is the case with a third-party certificate.
[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]bActivateAutomatically activates the certificate when importing.
Enter 1 to activate and 0 to import without activating the certificate.
[in]szUserUser name, for importing the certificate, with maximum length(MAX_USR_LEN+1).
It can be NULL if the import is made from the user's current session.
[in]pbCertificateBuffer containing the certificate to be imported. The certificate can be in PEM or DER format.
[in]dwCertificateLenSize of the buffer pointed to by pbCertificate.
[in]szDomainMessage domain of the certificate to be activated. Must have a maximum size of(ND_SPB_DOMAIN_MAX_LEN + 1).
Can be NULL if no domain is defined.
[in]dwParamThe following table of flags is supported.
Value Meaning
0 It uses the SPB (Brazilian Payment System) standard.
ND_SPB_USE_CIP1 It uses the CIP (Camara Interbancaria de Pagamentos) standard.
ND_SPB_USE_ANY Accepts the CIP and SPB standard. Detection is done internally.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.

Certificate types:
SPB - The OU must contain the ISPB in the prefix format "ISPB-" + 8 digits. E.g.: ISPB-11111111.
CIP1 - The OU must contain the ISPB in 8-digit format. E.g.: 11111111.


BYTE bActivate,
const char * szUser,
const char * szPkcs12File,
const char * szPkcs12Pwd,
const char * szDomain,
DWORD dwKeyAttr )

#include <dinamo.h>

Import a key pair and a certificate from a PKCS#12 file.

The certificate and private key are created in the HSM base with the name formation law defined. The HSM parses the certificate to retrieve fields such as CA and NS.
In the import process a map is created identified by MD5(CA+NS), in slot1 goes the key id and in slot2 the certificate id. It returns an error if the map already exists, i.e. if the certificate and private key already exist in the HSM database.
This API automatically detects whether it is an SPB or CIP certificate.
[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]bActivateAutomatically activates the certificate when importing.
Enter 1 to activate and 0 to import without activating the certificate.
[in]szUserName of the user where the key will be created. Can be NULL if the key is created on the authenticated user.
[in]szPkcs12FilePKCS#12 file name for import.
[in]szPkcs12PwdPKCS#12 file password for import.
[in]szDomainMessage domain of the certificate to be activated. Must have a maximum size of(ND_SPB_DOMAIN_MAX_LEN + 1).
cMay be NULL if no domain is defined.
[in]dwKeyAttrAdditional key parameters. See the options in the DGenerateKey() function.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
spb_activate_cert.c, spb_enc_dec.c, spb_get_cert. c and spb_import_p12.c.


int AAP_API DSPBExportPKCS12 ( const HSESSIONCTX hSession,
const char * szPkcs12Pwd,
const char * szISPB,
const char * szReserved,
BYTE ** ppbPkcs12,
DWORD * pdwPkcs12Len,
DWORD dwReserved )

#include <dinamo.h>

Exports a key pair and a certificate in PKCS#12 format from an HSM.

This call accepts certificate/private key identifiers in CA@SN and ISPB@DOM formats.
[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function. .
[in]szPkcs12PwdPassword for PKCS#12 file. Pass NULL to generate PKCS#12 without password.
[in]szISPBCertificate identifier/private key in CA@SN, ISPB or ISPB@DOM format.
[in]szReservedReserved for future use (must be NULL).
[out]ppbPkcs12Pointer to a pointer that will contain the generated PKCS#12. This data area will be allocated internally and must be freed using DFree().
[out]pdwPkcs12LenPointer to the size of the data written in ppbPkcs12.
[in]dwReservedReserved for future use (must be 0).
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DSPBActivateCertificate ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
const char * szIdCert,
const char * szDomain,
DWORD dwParam )

#include <dinamo.h>

Activates an SPB certificate in the HSM.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szIdCertIdentifier of the certificate to be activated.
The certificate identifier must have the following format: CA@SN.
The size for CA is ND_SPB_CA_LEN and the size for SN is ND_SPB_SN_MAX_LEN.
The maximum size for the identifier is ND_SPB_ID_MAX_LEN.
Example: 03@12345678 where 03 is the CA identifier and 12345678 is the certificate serial number.
[in]szDomainMessage domain of the certificate to be activated. Must have a maximum size of(ND_SPB_DOMAIN_MAX_LEN + 1).
Can be NULL if no domain is defined.
[in]dwParamReserved for future use.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DSPBGetCertificate ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
const char * szIdCert,
BYTE ** ppbCertificate,
DWORD * pdwCertificateLen,
DWORD dwParam )

#include <dinamo.h>

Activates an SPB certificate in the HSM.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szIdCertIdentification of the certificate to be recovered.
The certificate identifier can have the following formats: ID, CA@SN or ISPB@DOMINIO.
The exact size for CA is ND_SPB_CA_LEN and the maximum size for SN is ND_SPB_SN_MAX_LEN.
The maximum size for the identifier is ND_SPB_ID_MAX_LEN. Example: 03@12345678 where 03 is the CA identifier and 12345678 is the institution's ISPB.
The exact size for ISPB is ND_SPB_ISPB_LEN and the maximum size for DOMINIO is ND_SPB_DOMAIN_MAX_LEN.
The maximum size for the identifier is ND_SPB_ID_MAX_LEN.
Example: 12345678@MES01 where 12345678 is the institution's ISPB and MES01 is the DOMAIN identifier.
[out]ppbCertificatePointer that will receive the certificate.
The size of the allocated buffer will be available through pdwCertificateLen.
Memory allocation is done internally by the library.
The calling application is responsible for freeing the allocated memory using the DFree() API.
[out]pdwCertificateLenPointer to the buffer size pointed to by ppbCertificate.
[in]dwParamReserved for future use (must be 0).
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DSPBCalculateObjectId ( char * szISPB,
char * szDomain,
DWORD dwKeyType,
char * szOutObjName,
DWORD dwParam )

#include <dinamo.h>

Auxiliary API that calculates (locally) an object name in the SPB module's standard format.

[in]szISPBISPB of the institution. It must have a size of(ND_SPB_ISPB_LEN +1).
[in]szDomainMessage domain of the certificate to be activated. Must have a maximum size of(ND_SPB_DOMAIN_MAX_LEN + 1).
Can be NULL if no domain is defined.
[in]dwKeyTypeType of name to be generated. The values in the following table will be accepted.
Value Meaning
SPB_GENERATE_KEY_NAME Generates a name for a key.
SPB_GENERATE_CER_NAME Generates a name for a certificate.
[out]szOutObjNameBuffer of size MAX_OBJ_ID_FQN_LEN that will contain the calculated object name.
[in]dwParamReserved for future use (must be 0).
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


const char * szIdCert,
EXT_MAP_2_OBJ_INFO * pstExtMap,
DWORD dwParam )

#include <dinamo.h>

Auxiliary API that retrieves information from a MAP SPB.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szIdCertIdentification of the certificate to be recovered.
The certificate identifier can have the following formats: ID, CA@SN or ISPB@DOMINIO.
The exact size for CA is ND_SPB_CA_LEN and the maximum size for SN is ND_SPB_SN_MAX_LEN.
The maximum size for the identifier is ND_SPB_ID_MAX_LEN.
Example: 03@12345678 where 03 is the CA identifier and 12345678 is the certificate serial number.
The exact size for ISPB is ND_SPB_ISPB_LEN and the maximum size for DOMAIN is ND_SPB_DOMAIN_MAX_LEN.
The maximum size for the identifier is ND_SPB_ID_MAX_LEN.
Example: 12345678@MES01 where 12345678 is the institution's ISPB and MES01 is the DOMAIN identifier.
[out]pstExtMapPointer to an EXT_MAP_2_OBJ_INFO that will contain the information of the requested MAP.
[in]dwParamReserved for future use (must be 0).
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


char * szISPB,
char * szKeyId,
char * szCertId,
DWORD dwParam )

#include <dinamo.h>

Auxiliary API that creates or modifies an SPB map. The map is identified from the CA and NS data of the certificate provided.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szISPBISPB of the institution. It must have a maximum size of MAX_OBJ_ID_FQN_LEN.
[in]szKeyIdName of the institution's private key. Must have a maximum length of MAX_OBJ_ID_FQN_LEN.
Can be NULL if you are only defining the certificate.
[in]szCertIdName of the institution's certificate. Must have a maximum length of MAX_OBJ_ID_FQN_LEN.
[in]dwParamThe following table of flags is supported.
Value Meaning
0 It uses the SPB (Brazilian Payment System) standard.
ND_SPB_USE_CIP1 It uses the CIP (Camara Interbancaria de Pagamentos) standard.
ND_SPB_USE_ANY Accepts the CIP and SPB standard. Detection is done internally.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.