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Managing the life cycle of cryptographic keys in HSM.

Managing the life cycle of cryptographic keys in HSM. More...

Data Structures


Settings and Macros

#define D_IMPORT_ALG_PRIV_KEY_RSA (0xFFFFFFE1) /* Imports an RSA private key. */
#define D_IMPORT_ALG_PRIV_KEY_ECC (0xFFFFFFE0) /* Imports an ECC private key (Elliptic Curves except ECX). */
#define D_IMPORT_ALG_PRIV_KEY_P8 (0xFFFFDF) /* Import a key in P8 format */
#define D_IMPORT_ALG_PRIV_KEY_ECX (0xFFFFDE) /* Import an ECX private key */
#define DN_FORM_DER (1)
#define DN_BYOK_TYPE_AZURE (1)
#define DN_BYOK_TYPE_AWS (2)


int AAP_API DGenerateKey(HSESSIONCTX hSession, char *szKeyId, int nAlgId, DWORD dwFlags, HKEYCTX *phKey)
int AAP_API DGenerateKeyMaterial(HSESSIONCTX hSession, int nAlgId, BYTE *pbData, DWORD *pdwDataLen, DWORD dwReserved)
int AAP_API DGetUserKey(HSESSIONCTX hSession, char *szKeyId, DWORD dwFlags, HKEYCTX *phKey)
int AAP_API DImportKey(HSESSIONCTX hSession, char *szKeyId, HKEYCTX hKEKey, DWORD dwBlobType, int nAlgId, DWORD dwFlags, BYTE *pbData, DWORD dwDataLen, HKEYCTX *phKey)
int AAP_API DExportKey(HKEYCTX hKey, HKEYCTX hKEKey, DWORD dwBlobType, DWORD dwFlags, BYTE *pbData, DWORD *pdwDataLen)
int AAP_API DPKCS8ImportKey(HSESSIONCTX hSession, char *szKeyId, char *szSecret, DWORD dwKeyAlg, DWORD dwAttrib, BYTE *pbKeyEnvelope, DWORD dwKeyEnvelopeLen)
int AAP_API DPKCS8ExportKey(HSESSIONCTX hSession, char *szKeyId, char *szSecret, BYTE **ppbKeyEnvelope, DWORD *pdwKeyEnvelopeLen)
int AAP_API DSetKeyParam(HKEYCTX hKey, DWORD dwParam, BYTE *pbData, DWORD dwDataLen, DWORD dwFlags)
int AAP_API DGetKeyParam(HKEYCTX hKey, DWORD dwParam, BYTE *pbData, DWORD *pdwDataLen, DWORD dwFlags)
int AAP_API DDeriveKey(HHASHCTX hHash, char *szKeyId, int nAlgId, DWORD dwFlags, HKEYCTX *phKey)
int AAP_API DDuplicateKey(HKEYCTX hKey, DWORD dwFlags, HKEYCTX *phKey)
int AAP_API DHashSessionKey(HKEYCTX hKey, HHASHCTX hHash, DWORD dwFlags)
int AAP_API DDestroyKey(HKEYCTX *phKey, DWORD dwFlags)
int AAP_API DGeneratePKCS10CSR(HSESSIONCTX hSession, char *szPrivateKeyName, BYTE bVersion, char *szDN, DWORD dwOutType, DWORD *pdwCSRLen, BYTE **ppbCSR, DWORD dwParam)
int AAP_API DAssociatePKCS11Key(HSESSIONCTX hSession, char *szPriKey, char *szPubKey, char *szCert, void *pvReserved, DWORD dwReserved)
int AAP_API DExportPKCS12 (const HSESSIONCTX hSession, const char *szPkcs12Pwd, const char *szKeyId, const char *szCertId, const char *szReserved, BYTE **ppbPkcs12, DWORD *pdwPkcs12Len, DWORD dwFlags)
int AAP_API DImportPKCS12Buffer (const HSESSIONCTX hSession, BYTE *pbPkcs12, DWORD dwPkcs12Len, const char *szPkcs12Pwd, const char *szKeyId, DWORD dwKeyAttr, const char *szCertId, const char *szPubKeyId, DWORD dwFlags)
int AAP_API DImportPKCS12 (const HSESSIONCTX hSession, const char *szPkcs12File, const char *szPkcs12Pwd, const char *szKeyId, const DWORD dwKeyAttr, const char *szCertId)
int AAP_API DRSAPublicKey2Info(BYTE *pbKey, DWORD dwKeyLen, DWORD dwInForm, void *pvPubKeyInfo, DWORD dwReserved)
int AAP_API DRSAPrivateKey2Info (const BYTE *pbRsa, DWORD dwRsaLen, DWORD dwInForm, DN_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY_INFO *stRsaInfo, DWORD dwReserved)
int AAP_API DByokExport(HSESSIONCTX hSession, const char *cszKeyId, const char *cszKekId, DWORD dwType, const void *pvData, BYTE **ppbOutData, DWORD *pdwOutDataLen, DWORD dwReserved)

Definitions and macros


#define D_IMPORT_ALG_PRIV_KEY_RSA (0xFFFFFFE1) /* Import an RSA private key. */

#include <dinamo.h>


#define D_IMPORT_ALG_PRIV_KEY_ECC (0xFFFFFFE0) /* Imports an ECC private key (Elliptic Curves except ECX). */

#include <dinamo.h>


#define D_IMPORT_ALG_PRIV_KEY_P8 (0xFFFFFFDF) /* Import a key in P8 format */

#include <dinamo.h>


#define D_IMPORT_ALG_PRIV_KEY_ECX (0xFFFFDE) /* Import an ECX private key */

#include <dinamo.h>


#define DN_FORM_DER (1)

#include <dinamo.h>

DER format.


#define DN_BYOK_TYPE_AZURE (1)

#include <dinamo.h>

Export BYOK key to Azure.


#define DN_BYOK_TYPE_AWS (2)

#include <dinamo.h>

Export BYOK key to AWS.



int AAP_API DGenerateKey ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
char * szKeyId,
int nAlgId,
DWORD dwFlags,
HKEYCTX * phKey )

#include <dinamo.h>

Creates and stores a cryptographic key associated with an algorithm according to the parameters entered, within the HSM.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szKeyIdIdentifier of the key within the HSM. This identifier must not contain spaces or special characters. Uppercase and lowercase characters are case-sensitive. An object identifier in the HSM can have a maximum length, in characters, of MAX_OBJ_ID (including the terminator character). When creating keys in another user's partition (permission required) the name must be fully qualified with an FQN(Full Qualified Name: partition_id/obj_id), the maximum length for an FQN is MAX_OBJ_ID_FQN_LEN (including the terminator character).
[in]nAlgIdDefines the algorithm associated with the cryptographic key to be generated.

Symmetric Keys
Value Meaning
ALG_DES 56-bit DES with odd parity.
ALG_3DES_112 112-bit 3DES-EDE(Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt) with odd parity.
ALG_3DES_168 168-bit 3DES-EDE(Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt) with odd parity.
ALG_DESX DESX of 192 bits. The effective size is 118 bits.
ALG_ARC4 ARC4 with 128 bits.
ALG_ARC5 ARC5 with 128 bits, 8-byte block and using 16 rounds.
ALG_AES_128 128-bit AES.
ALG_AES_192 AES with 192 bits.
ALG_AES_256 256-bit AES.

RSA Asymmetric Keys
Value Meaning
ALG_RSA_512 RSA key pair with 512-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_1024 RSA key pair with 1024-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_2048 RSA key pair with 2048-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_4096 RSA key pair with 4096-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_1152 RSA key pair with 1152-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_1408 RSA key pair with 1408-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_1536 RSA key pair with 1536-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_1976 RSA key pair with 1976-bit module.
ALG_RSA_1984 RSA key pair with 1984-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_8192 RSA key pair with 8192-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_2304 RSA key pair with 2304-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_2560 RSA key pair with 2560-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_2816 RSA key pair with 2816-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_3072 RSA key pair with 3072-bit modulus.

ECC Asymmetric Keys
Value Meaning
ALG_ECC_SECP112R1 SECG/WTLS curve over a finite prime body of 112 bits(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters).
ALG_ECC_SECP112R2 SECG curve over a finite prime body of 112 bits(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 2).
ALG_ECC_SECP128R1 SECG curve over a 128-bit finite prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
ALG_ECC_SECP128R2 SECG curve over a 128-bit finite prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 2).
ALG_ECC_SECP160K1 SECG curve over a finite prime body of 160 bits(koblitz domain parameters ).
ALG_ECC_SECP160R1 SECG curve over a finite prime body of 160 bits(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
ALG_ECC_SECP160R2 SECG/WTLS curve over a 160-bit finite prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 2).
ALG_ECC_SECP192K1 SECG curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(koblitz domain parameters ).
ALG_ECC_SECP192R1 SECG/X9.62/NIST curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
ALG_ECC_SECP224K1 SECG curve over a 224-bit finite prime body(koblitz domain parameters ).
ALG_ECC_SECP224R1 SECG/NIST curve over a 224-bit finite prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
ALG_ECC_SECP256K1 SECG curve over a 256-bit finite prime body(koblitz domain parameters ).
ALG_ECC_SECP256R1 SECG/X9.62 curve over a 256-bit finite prime body(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
ALG_ECC_SECP384R1 SECG/NIST curve over a finite prime body of 384 bits(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
ALG_ECC_SECP521R1 SECG/NIST curve over a finite prime body of 521 bits(verifiably random elliptic curve domain parameters 1).
ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V1 X9.62 curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(version 1 domain parameters).
ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V2 X9.62 curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(version 2 domain parameters).
ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V3 X9.62 curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(version 3 domain parameters).
ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V1 X9.62 curve over a 239-bit finite prime body(version 1 domain parameters).
ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V2 X9.62 curve over a 239-bit finite prime body(version 2 domain parameters).
ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V3 X9.62 curve over a 239-bit finite prime body(version 3 domain parameters).
ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME256V1 X9.62 curve over a 256-bit finite prime body(version 1 domain parameters).
ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P160R1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a 160-bit finite prime body(verifiably random domain parameters 1)
ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P160T1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a 160-bit finite prime body(twisted domain parameters 1)
ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P192R1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(verifiably random domain parameters 1)
ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P192T1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a finite 192-bit prime body(twisted domain parameters 1)
ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P224R1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a finite 224-bit prime body(verifiably random domain parameters 1)
ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P224T1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a 224-bit finite prime body(twisted domain parameters 1)
ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P256R1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a 256-bit finite prime body(verifiably random domain parameters 1)
ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P256T1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a 256-bit finite prime body(twisted domain parameters 1)
ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P320R1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a 320-bit finite prime body(verifiably random domain parameters 1)
ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P320T1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a 320-bit finite prime body(twisted domain parameters 1)
ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P384R1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a finite 384-bit prime body(verifiably random domain parameters 1)
ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P384T1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a finite 384-bit prime body(twisted domain parameters 1)
ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P512R1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a 512-bit finite prime body(verifiably random domain parameters 1)
ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P512T1 RFC 5639 Brainpool curve over a 512-bit finite prime body(twisted domain parameters 1)

ECX Asymmetric Keys
Value Meaning
ALG_ECX_ED25519 RFC 8032 curve (signature only) over a finite prime body of ~256 bits.
ALG_ECX_ED448 RFC 8032 curve (signature only) over a finite prime body of ~448 bits.
ALG_ECX_X25519 RFC 7748 curve ( key-agreement only) over a finite prime body of ~256 bits.
ALG_ECX_X448 RFC 7748 curve ( key-agreement only) over a finite prime body of ~448 bits.

Value Meaning
ALG_HMAC_MD5 HMAC MD5 key with a size of 16 bytes.
ALG_HMAC_SHA1 HMAC SHA1 key with a size of 20 bytes.
ALG_HMAC_SHA2_256 HMAC SHA2 256 key with a size of 32 bytes.
ALG_HMAC_SHA2_384 HMAC SHA2 384 key with a size of 48 bytes.
ALG_HMAC_SHA2_512 HMAC SHA2 512 key with a size of 64 bytes.
[in]dwFlagsAdditional key parameters.
Value Meaning
EXPORTABLE_KEY The key can be exported from the HSM.
TEMPORARY_KEY The key will only exist while the session is active. It will be destroyed when the session is closed.
The szKeyId parameter, the key identifier, must be NULL.

In addition to the values in the previous table, you can add a key usage profile definition.
You can define the key usage profile (Attribute Usage-profile), using only one of the values below. If none of the values below are specified, the switch profile is set to free for any use. It is mandatory to define the usage profile when the HSM is in RM3.
Value Meaning
AUP_DIG_SIG signature generation/verification
AUP_DATA_CRYPTO data encryption/decryption
AUP_KeK key wrapping/unwrapping
AUP_MAC MAC generation/verification
AUP_KDF key derivation function
AUP_CRYPTOGRAM cryptogram generation/verification
AUP_KEY_TRANSLATE key translation
AUP_EFT_CVK VSC generation/verification
AUP_EFT_IBM_3624 PIN generation/validation
AUP_EFT_PEK PIN encryption/decryption
AUP_EMV_IMK ICC derivation MK, IDN
AUP_EMV_IMKENC ICC data encryption - PinBlock
AUP_EMV_IMKMAC ICC data cryptogram - EmvMac
AUP_EMV_KeK ICC MK wrapping
AUP_EMV_IMKKDF EMV key derivation
AUP_EFT_KeK EFT key wrapping/unwrapping
AUP_EMV_DIG_SIG EMV signature generation/verification
AUP_EFT_TR31_KBPK TR31 key-block protection key
AUP_EFT_TR34_PK signature/envelope TR34
AUP_SPB_PK SPB signature generation/verification and key wrapping
[in]phKeyPointer to the context of the generated key. After use, it must be released with the DDestroyKey() function. NULL can be passed to not return the key context.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
At Dinamo all keys are stored encrypted, regardless of the operating mode (NRM, RM1 or RM2).
The symmetric key contexts are assigned the following default values, where applicable:
Parameter Value
Initialization Vector It will be a vector with all bytes equal to zero and the same size as the key algorithm's operation block.
Symmetric Encryption Mode of Operation CBC (Cipher Block Chain) mode will be used
Padding The format defined in the PKCS#5 standard will be used for padding.

The operation block size of the algorithms follows the table below:
Value Block size
ALG_DES 8 bytes
ALG_3DES_112 8 bytes
ALG_3DES_168 8 bytes
ALG_AES_128 16 bytes
ALG_AES_192 16 bytes
ALG_AES_256 16 bytes
ALG_ARC5 8 bytes

RSA keys in HSM are preferably created with a fixed and defined public exponent (three bytes in the sequence 01 00 01, decimal value of 216 + 1 = 65537). Optionally, an exponent of value 3 can be used for reasons of compatibility with older systems, but this is not recommended.
ECC keys are defined according to standards:
  1. Standards for Efficient Cryptography Group (SECG)
  2. Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS)
  3. ANSI X9.62:2005 - Public Key Cryptography for the Financial Services Industry, The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)
  4. NIST FIPS PUB 186-4 - Digital Signature Standard (DSS)
  5. RFC 5639 - Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Brainpool Standard Curves and Curve Generation
crypt_sym.c, export_import_tr31.c, gen_check_oath.c, gen_csr.c, gen_dukpt.c, gen_ecdh.c, gen_xecdh.c, key_add_remove.c, key_attribute.c, pin_block_translate.c, sign_verify.c, sign_verify_eddsa.c and tokenization.c.


int AAP_API DGenerateKeyMaterial ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
int nAlgId,
BYTE * pbData,
DWORD * pdwDataLen,
DWORD dwReserved )

#include <dinamo.h>

It generates a cryptographic key and returns its contents. This operation generates a key using the HSM and returns the contents of the key without persisting the key in the HSM.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]nAlgIdDefines the algorithm of the cryptographic key to be generated. This operation only supports symmetric key algorithms. See list of algorithms in DGenerateKey().

[in]pbDataBuffer that will contain the generated key. NULL can be passed to receive the expected size of pbData in pdwDataLen.
[in,out]pdwDataLenPointer containing the size of the pbData buffer. This variable will contain the exact size of the data copied into pbData. If pbData is NULL or the size entered is not sufficient to complete the operation, pdwDataLen will contain the expected size of pbData.
[in]dwReservedReserved for future use.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DGetUserKey ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
char * szKeyId,
DWORD dwFlags,
HKEYCTX * phKey )

#include <dinamo.h>

Retrieves the context of a key, as long as the current user has access, stored within the HSM. This function does not create a new key.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szKeyIdIdentifier of the key within the HSM. This identifier must not contain spaces or special characters. Uppercase and lowercase characters are case-sensitive. See szKeyId in DGenerateKey() for details on maximum identifier sizes.
[in]dwFlagsPass zero. Otherwise the following table is accepted.
Value Meaning
D_GET_USR_KEY_OFFLINE It will generate a key handle based on specific parameters and will not go to the HSM to check the parameters entered. To use this flag, a duly completed GET_USR_KEY_OFFLINE structure must be passed in szKeyId. Note that no correlation checks are made on the data entered. Passing invalid data will generate an invalid handle, even if this function returns success.
D_GET_USR_KEY_NO_PUB If it retrieves a public key, it will not try to export its contents to retrieve more details. The key information will be partial. This option is used only in specific cases of use of M of N of partition in the state of associate, authorizedwhere exporting the public key is not allowed.
[out]phKeyPointer to the context of the generated key. After use, it must be released with the DDestroyKey() function.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
See also


int AAP_API DImportKey ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
char * szKeyId,
DWORD dwBlobType,
int nAlgId,
DWORD dwFlags,
BYTE * pbData,
DWORD dwDataLen,
HKEYCTX * phKey )

#include <dinamo.h>

Import a cryptographic key into the HSM. Keys can be permanent or temporary. Keys exported with the DExportKey() function can be imported without changing their format.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szKeyIdIdentifier of the key within the HSM. This identifier must not contain spaces or special characters. Uppercase and lowercase characters are case-sensitive. See szKeyId in DGenerateKey() for details on maximum identifier sizes.
[in]hKEKeyContext of the key with which the blob of the key to be imported is encrypted - KEK (key encryption key)
[in]dwBlobTypeKey buffer format in parameter pbData.
Value Meaning
PRIVATEKEY_BLOB_STRICT An RSA or EC key pair will be imported in PRIVATEKEY_BLOB format.
hKEKey must be the context of a symmetric key, a public key (internal to the HSM see PUBLICKEY_BLOB_HSM) or NULL.
The following formats are accepted.
For RSA: Private key (containing modulus information and public exponent), defined in PKCS#1 v1.5 section 7.2.
For ECC keys must have the ECPrivateKey format described in RFC 5915.
For ECX keys (EdDSA and XECDH) the format is that described in RFC 8410.
PRIVATEKEY_BLOB Same behavior as PRIVATEKEY_BLOB_STRICT but older versions of HSM can return RSA keys as a concatenation of private key and public key in the formats defined in PKCS#1 v1.5, in sections 7.1 and 7.2. This option is retained for compatibility. Use PRIVATEKEY_BLOB_STRICT.
PRIVATEKEY_BLOB_P8 An RSA key pair will be imported in PRIVATEKEY_BLOB_P8 format.
hKEKey must be the context of a symmetric key.
The key blob format is the PrivateKeyInfo defined in PKCS#8.
PUBLICKEY_BLOB A public key will be imported from an RSA or EC key pair in the format PUBLICKEY_BLOB.hKEKey must be equal to NULL. The context returned by the public key import should only be used in digital envelope operations, as the HSM does not persistently create RSA objects with only the public part of the key following the PKCS#1 v2.2 DER format standard.For EC public keys (ECC and ECX) the standard is the SubjectPublicKeyInfo DER format.
SIMPLE_BLOB A symmetric key will be imported in the format SIMPLE_BLOB.hKEKey must be the context of a private key associated with the public key used to encrypt the blob to be imported.The padding type used to encrypt the key must be 2, as defined in PKCS#1 v1.5 section 8.1.
PLAINTEXTKEY_BLOB This flag is not yet supported for RSA keys.
SIMPLE_BLOB_OAEP Defines import via digital envelope using the PKCS#1 version 2.1 standard, with RSAES-OAEP encryption scheme with SHA-1 hash. The KEK must be a private key in the HSM, whose corresponding public key was used to create the envelope. The context for this KEK can be obtained via a call to DGetUserKey, where the id of the HSM's RSA key used to open the envelope will be entered. This import method can be used in restricted operating modes.
SYM_WRAPPED_KEY_BLOB It defines a symmetric key encrypted by a KEK (Key Encryption Key) that is also symmetric. The hKEKey parameter must contain the context of a symmetric key with the appropriate usage parameters already defined, such as mode and padding. The key will be decrypted and imported into the HSM base directly, without any specific formatting.
HOTP_BLOB Defines the import of an HTOP object into the user partition.
PUBLICKEY_BLOB_HSM A public key from an RSA/ECC key pair in DER format will be imported into the HSM. hKEKey must be equal to NULL.
PUBLICKEY_RSA_PARTS_HSM A public key will be imported into the HSM from the module and the public exponent. hKEKey must be equal to NULL. The completed RSA_PUB_KEY_PARTS structure must be passed in pbData.
WRAPPED_KEY_BLOB Import a key encrypted by a KEK (Key Encryption Key). The hKEKey parameter must contain the context of a symmetric key with the appropriate usage parameters already defined, such as mode (according to the algorithm) and padding. The key will be decrypted and imported into the HSM database directly, without any specific formatting.
WRAPPED_KEY_BLOB_P8 Import a key encrypted by a KEK (Key Encryption Key). The hKEKey parameter must contain the context of a symmetric key with the appropriate usage parameters already defined, such as mode (according to the algorithm) and padding. The key will be decrypted and imported into the HSM database directly, without any specific formatting. In the key export operation, the format of the private key will be PKCS#8.
[in]nAlgIdIndicates the algorithm associated with the cryptographic key that will be generated. See list of algorithms in DGenerateKey(). Use D_IMPORT_ALG_PRIV_KEY_RSA when the imported private key is RSA and encrypted by KEK, the specific algorithm will be automatically detected by the HSM after opening the encrypted BLOB.
[in]dwFlagsAdditional key parameters. See the options in the DGenerateKey() function.
[in]pbDataBuffer containing the key to be imported.
[in]dwDataLenSize of the data block with the key to be imported.
[out]phKeyPointer to the context of the generated key. After use, it must be released with the DDestroyKey function.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
For session keys and public keys, it is recommended that the TEMPORARY_KEY flag is used, to avoid temporary keys taking up unnecessary space in the HSM.


EB = 00 || BT || PS || 00 || D 


RSAPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
version Version,
modulus INTEGER, -- n
publicExponent INTEGER, -- e
privateExponent INTEGER, -- d
prime1 INTEGER, -- p
prime2 INTEGER, -- q
exponent1 INTEGER, -- d mod (p-1)
exponent2 INTEGER, -- d mod (q-1)
coefficient INTEGER -- (inverse of q) mod p
ECPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
version INTEGER { ecPrivkeyVer1(1) } (ecPrivkeyVer1),
privateKey OCTET STRING,
parameters [0] ECParameters {{ NamedCurve }} OPTIONAL,

DER structure of PUBLICKEY_BLOB:

RSAPublicKey ::= SEQUENCE {
modulus INTEGER, -- n
publicExponent INTEGER -- e

DER structure of PUBLICKEY_BLOB_X509:

SubjectPublicKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
algorithm AlgorithmIdentifier,
publicKey BIT STRING }
See also
DGenerateKey() observations.
eft_validate_cvv.c, import_export.c, pin_block_translate.c and verify_pin_block.c.


int AAP_API DExportKey ( HKEYCTX hKey,
DWORD dwBlobType,
DWORD dwFlags,
BYTE * pbData,
DWORD * pdwDataLen )

#include <dinamo.h>

Exports a key stored in the HSM so that it can be transported. The key can then be imported back into Dinamo with the DImportKey() function.

[in]hKeyContext of the key to be exported.
[in]hKEKeyContext of the key with which the key block will be encrypted - KEK (key encryption key).
[in]dwBlobTypeKey buffer format in parameter pbData. See parameter dwBlobType in DImportKey() for the list of types.
[in]dwFlagsReserved for future use (must be 0).
[in]pbDataBuffer containing the key data according to the dwBlobType parameter. This parameter can be NULL to specify the amount of memory required.
[in,out]pdwDataLenPointer to the buffer size, in bytes, specified in pbData. When the function returns, this parameter will contain the size of the data stored in pbData.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
Only keys created as exportable can be extracted with this function, otherwise the error code D_INVALID_KEY_STATE will be returned.
gen_ecdh.c, gen_xecdh.c and import_export.c.


int AAP_API DPKCS8ImportKey ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
char * szKeyId,
char * szSecret,
DWORD dwKeyAlg,
DWORD dwAttrib,
BYTE * pbKeyEnvelope,
DWORD dwKeyEnvelopeLen )

#include <dinamo.h>

Imports an asymmetric RSA private key enveloped according to the PKCS#8 standard into the HSM. The RSA private key can be imported in clear text or protected by a digital envelope. For details on the standards, see the RSA Labs Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) documents. In the restricted operating modes (RM1 and RM2), RSA keys can only be imported via the PKCS#8 standard using a digital envelope, deriving an AES 256 key from a password of at least 01 character and no more than 16, and the derivation is done according to the PKCS#5 version 2.0 standard.
The envelope used can come from any system that adheres to the standards described.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szKeyIdIdentifier for the RSA key that will be created in the HSM base. See szKeyId in DGenerateKey() for details on maximum identifier sizes.
[in]szSecretPassword used to derive the AES 256 key. Can be passed NULL for no password (import in clear text) or a password of no ND_MAX_P8_PWD_LEN characters plus null terminator.
[in]dwKeyAlgIndicates the algorithm associated with the cryptographic key to be generated.
Value Meaning
ALG_RSA_512 RSA key pair with 512-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_1024 RSA key pair with 1024-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_2048 RSA key pair with 2048-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_4096 RSA key pair with 4096-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_1152 RSA key pair with 1152-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_1408 RSA key pair with 1408-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_1536 RSA key pair with 1536-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_1976 RSA key pair with 1976-bit module.
ALG_RSA_1984 RSA key pair with 1984-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_8192 RSA key pair with 8192-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_2304 RSA key pair with 2304-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_2560 RSA key pair with 2560-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_2816 RSA key pair with 2816-bit modulus.
ALG_RSA_3072 RSA key pair with 3072-bit modulus.
[in]dwAttribAdditional key parameters.
Value Meaning
EXPORTABLE_KEY The key can be exported in HSM clear.
[in]pbKeyEnvelopeBuffer containing the input PKCS#8 envelope.
[in]dwKeyEnvelopeLenSize in bytes of the incoming PKCS#8 envelope.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DPKCS8ExportKey ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
char * szKeyId,
char * szSecret,
BYTE ** ppbKeyEnvelope,
DWORD * pdwKeyEnvelopeLen )

#include <dinamo.h>

Exports an asymmetric RSA private key stored in the HSM according to the PKCS#8 standard. The RSA private key can be exported in clear text or protected by a digital envelope. For details on the standards, see the RSA Labs Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) documents. In restricted operating modes (RM1 and RM2), exportable RSA keys can only be exported via the PKCS#8 standard using a digital envelope, deriving an AES 256 key from a password between ND_MIN_P8_PWD_LEN and ND_MAX_P8_PWD_LEN characters in length, and the derivation is done according to the PKCS#5 version 2.0 standard. The output envelope can be imported into any system that adheres to the standards described.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szKeyIdIdentifier of the RSA key to be exported. See szKeyId in DGenerateKey() for details on maximum identifier sizes.
[in]szSecretPassword with a length between ND_MIN_P8_PWD_LEN and ND_MAX_P8_PWD_LEN plus null terminator, used to derive the AES 256 key. NULL can be passed to export in clear text, without a password.
[out]ppbKeyEnvelopePointer that will contain the outgoing PKCS#8 envelope. Memory allocation is done internally by the library. The calling application is responsible for freeing the allocated memory. The DFree() function must be used to free this buffer.
[out]pdwKeyEnvelopeLenPointer to DWORD that will contain the size in bytes of the outgoing PKCS#8 envelope.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DSetKeyParam ( HKEYCTX hKey,
DWORD dwParam,
BYTE * pbData,
DWORD dwDataLen,
DWORD dwFlags )

#include <dinamo.h>

Changes the parameters of key contexts which, in general, will influence their manipulation.

[in]hKeyContext of the key to be exported.
[in]dwParamDefines the operation that will be performed and consequently the structure or data passed in the parameter pbData.
Value meaning
DKP_IV Type of pbData: BYTE *
Initialization vector used with blockchain algorithms according to their symmetric encryption mode of operation.
The size of the initialization vector depends on the symmetric algorithm used, since it has the same length as the operation block. More details in the Remarks section.

Only valid for symmetric keys.
The library can work with the following symmetrical paddings:
D_NO_PADDING: No padding is done, the data passed for encryption must already be a multiple of the operation block size.
D_PKCS5_PADDING: Padding is done following the standard defined in PKCS#5. This is the default padding if none is defined.
D_ZERO_PADDINGIf the length of the data is not a multiple of the size of the operation block, it is completed with leading zeros until it reaches a size supported by the algorithm. This type of padding should not be used with data where there may be zero bytes, as it can create ambiguity in the decryption operation. If the data contains only ASCII text, for example, there is no problem. Only valid for symmetric keys.
The library can work with the following asymmetric paddings:
D_PKCS1_PADDING: Padding is done following the standard defined in PKCS#1 v1.5. It is the standard padding for RSA keys, if none is defined.
D_PSS_PADDING: Padding is done following the PSS standard defined in PKCS#1 EMSA-PSS-ENCODE with the same hash as used in the message hash, using the salt with the maximum size available in the block. Option not available for legacy subscriptions.
D_PSS_SALT_LEN_MD_PADDING: Padding is done following the PSS standard defined in PKCS#1 EMSA-PSS-ENCODE with the same hash as used in the message hash, using the salt with the same size as the hash output used in the operation. Option not available for legacy signatures.
D_OAEP_SHA1_PADDING: Padding is done following the PKCS#1 version 2.1 standard, with RSAES-OAEP encryption scheme with SHA-1 hash. Option not available for legacy signatures.
D_OAEP_SHA2_256_PADDING: Padding is done following the PKCS#1 version 2.1 standard, with RSAES-OAEP encryption scheme with SHA2-256 hash. Option not available for legacy signatures.
D_X931_PADDING: Padding is done following the ANSI X9.31 standard. Option not available for legacy signatures.
D_NO_PADDING: No padding, data passed for encryption must already be the length of the operation block for RSA keys. For RSA only available in legacy operations. For elliptic curve keys, no padding and available in non-legacy operations. Default option for elliptic curve keys.
DKP_MODE Type of pbData: DWORD
Indicates the encryption operating mode of the block algorithm.
MODE_ECB: Electronic Codebook (ECB)
MODE_CBC: Cipher Block Chain (CBC)
MODE_GCM: Galois/Counter Mode. The authentication tag is located right after the encrypted/decrypted data with the size of (returned size - message size in clear text).
MODE_KW: AESWRAP according to the standard RFC-3394. Used in the encryption and decryption operations of other keys. The padding used is the one defined in the standard, any other value will be ignored. Use the default IV with value 0xA6A6A6A6A6A6A60000000000000000.

MODE_KWP: AESWRAP with padding according to standard RFC-5649. Used in the encryption and decryption operations of other keys. The padding used is the one defined in the standard, any other value will be ignored. Use the default IV with value 0xA65959A6000000000000000000000000.
MODE_OFB: Output-Feedback. Not yet supported.

Only valid for symmetric keys and block algorithms.
DKP_OWNER Type of pbData: char *
Assigns a user the privilege of owning the key. pbData is a pointer to a string with the identifier of an HSM user.

Not yet supported.
DKP_USER Type of pbData: char *
Assigns a user the key's user privilege. pbData is a pointer to a string with the identifier of an HSM user.

Not yet supported.
DKP_READ_LOCK Type of pbData: NULL
Mark the key as non-exportable.

Not yet supported.
[in]pbDataPointer to the data or structures specified in dwParam.
[in]dwDataLenSize of data or structure specified in dwParam.
[in]dwFlagsREMOVE_ATTRIBUTE can be used to remove a user's privilege on a key. This flag should only be used in conjunction with DKP_OWNER or DKP_USER.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DGetKeyParam ( HKEYCTX hKey,
DWORD dwParam,
BYTE * pbData,
DWORD * pdwDataLen,
DWORD dwFlags )

#include <dinamo.h>

Retrieves parameters from key contexts.

[in]hKeyContext of the key to be exported
[in]dwParamDefines the operation that will be performed and consequently the structure or data passed in the parameter pbData. All values described in DSetKeyParam() and more:
Value meaning
DKP_ALGID Type of pbData: DWORD
Retrieves the cryptographic algorithm associated with the key.
The list of possible values is the same as that defined for the nAlgId parameter in the DGenerateKey function (see page 36). If the object is not a cryptographic key, the value returned is ALG_OBJ.
DKP_KEYLEN Type of pbData: DWORD
Retrieves the size of the key in bytes.
Returns the state of the key inside the HSM. If true, the key is stored encrypted inside the HSM; if false, the key is stored in the clear.
Returns the key's basic information.
Retrieves the size of the key block in bytes.
Retrieves the attributes of the key.
Retrieves the object's statistical information.
[in]pbDataPointer to the data or structures specified in dwParam
[in]pdwDataLenSize of data or structure specified in dwParam
[in]dwFlagsReserved for future use (must be 0).
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
See also


int AAP_API DDeriveKey ( HHASHCTX hHash,
char * szKeyId,
int nAlgId,
DWORD dwFlags,
HKEYCTX * phKey )

#include <dinamo.h>

Derives a key from the hash entered. If the hash is not yet complete, it will be finalized and its value used as a symmetric key.

[in]hHashHash context created with DCreateHash.
[in]szKeyIdIdentifier of the key within the HSM. This identifier must not contain spaces or special characters. Uppercase and lowercase characters are case-sensitive. See szKeyId in DGenerateKey() for details on maximum identifier sizes.
[in]nAlgIdIndicates the algorithm associated with the cryptographic key that will be generated. See list of algorithms in DGenerateKey().
[in]dwFlagsAdditional key parameters. See list of additional key parameters in DGenerateKey().
[in]phKeyPointer to the context of the generated key. After use, it must be released with the DDestroyKey() function.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DDuplicateKey ( HKEYCTX hKey,
DWORD dwFlags,
HKEYCTX * phKey )

#include <dinamo.h>

Duplicates the context of a key, including its internal state.

[in]hKeyKey context.
[in]dwFlagsReserved for future use (must be 0).
[out]phKeyPointer to the context of the generated key. After use, it must be released with the DDestroyKey() function.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
The contexts of the keys are independent, so when you release the original context, the new context is still valid.


int AAP_API DHashSessionKey ( HKEYCTX hKey,
DWORD dwFlags )

#include <dinamo.h>

Uses the value of a symmetric key as input data for the execution of a hash. The hash context must have a clean context in order to be used in this function, i.e. it cannot have been used with the DHashData() function.

[in]hKeyKey context.
[in]hHashHash context created with DCreateHash().
[in]dwFlagsReserved for future use (must be 0).
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
The key must be marked as exportable for this operation to take place.


int AAP_API DDestroyKey ( HKEYCTX * phKey,
DWORD dwFlags )

#include <dinamo.h>

Releases the context of a key after it has been used. Once this context has been released, it can no longer be used by any function and becomes invalid.

[in]phKeyPointer to a key context that will be released.
[in]dwFlagsOperation modifiers.
Value Meaning
REMOVE_FROM_HSM In addition to releasing the context pointed out by phKeyphysically removes the key from the base of the HSM.

This parameter should only be used when it is certain that the key will no longer be needed.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
crypt_sym.c, eft_validate_cvv.c, gen_check_oath.c, gen_csr.c, gen_dukpt.c, gen_ecdh.c, gen_xecdh.c, import_export.c, key_add_remove.c, key_attribute.c, pin_block_translate.c, sign_verify.c, sign_verify_eddsa.c and verify_pin_block.c.


int AAP_API DGeneratePKCS10CSR ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
char * szPrivateKeyName,
BYTE bVersion,
char * szDN,
DWORD dwOutType,
DWORD * pdwCSRLen,
BYTE ** ppbCSR,
DWORD dwParam )

#include <dinamo.h>

Generates a CSR (Certificate Signing Request). This is a specialized function of HSM's PKCS#10 CSR generation API.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szPrivateKeyNamePrivate key identifier.
[in]bVersionCSR version PKCS#10. The following table is supported.
Value Meaning
CORE_P10_CSR_VERSION1 PKCS#10 CSR version 1.
[in]szDNDN (Dinstinguished Name), for generating the CSR, with a maximum size of CORE_P10_CSR_DN_MAX_LEN. DN fields must be separated by '/'.
[in]dwOutTypeCSR output type. The following table is supported.
Value Meaning
P10_CSR_DER Exports the CSR in DER format.
P10_CSR_PEM Exports the CSR in PEM format.
[out]pdwCSRLenPointer to the size of the buffer allocated in ppbCSR.
[out]ppbCSRPointer that will receive the CSR.
The size of the allocated buffer will be available via pdwCSRLen.
Memory allocation is done internally.
The calling application is responsible for freeing the allocated memory using the DFree() API.
[in]dwParamAdditional parameters. The following table is supported.
Value Meaning
0 Uses the standard HSM hash in the CSR signature.
CORE_P10_HASH_SHA1 It uses SHA-1 in the CSR signature.
CORE_P10_HASH_SHA224 It uses SHA-224 in the CSR signature.
CORE_P10_HASH_SHA256 It uses SHA-256 in the CSR signature.
CORE_P10_HASH_SHA384 It uses SHA-384 in the CSR signature.
CORE_P10_HASH_SHA512 It uses SHA-512 in the CSR signature.
DN field examples.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DAssociatePKCS11Key ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
char * szPriKey,
char * szPubKey,
char * szCert,
void * pvReserved,
DWORD dwReserved )

#include <dinamo.h>

It associates a private key with a certificate and optionally a public key following the PKCS#11 Base v2.40 section 4.6.3 specifications and the one used by Firefox.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function. .
[in]szPriKeyName of the private key to be associated.
[in]szPubKeyName of the public key to be associated. You can pass NULL to avoid generating the associated public key. Must be related to the private key.
[in]szCertName of the certificate to be exported. It must be related to the private key.
[in]pvReservedReserved for future use. Must be NULL.
[in]dwReservedReserved for future use. Must be 0.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
The default association is based on the one used by Firefox, which changes the object metadata according to the table below.
Attribute Value
CKA_ID SHA1 of the public key module. Set for Private key, public key and certificate.
CKA_LABEL Certificate id. Defined for private key and certificate.
CKA_SUBJECT Subject retrieved from certificate. Defined for private key and certificate.

In the case of EC keys, the CKA_ID will be the SHA1 hash of the CKA_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO value.

See also


int AAP_API DExportPKCS12 ( const HSESSIONCTX hSession,
const char * szPkcs12Pwd,
const char * szKeyId,
const char * szCertId,
const char * szReserved,
BYTE ** ppbPkcs12,
DWORD * pdwPkcs12Len,
DWORD dwFlags )

#include <dinamo.h>

Exports a private key and an RSA certificate in PKCS#12 format.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function. .
[in]szPkcs12PwdPassword for PKCS#12 file. Pass NULL to generate PKCS#12 without password.
[in]szKeyIdName of the private key to be exported. See szKeyId in DGenerateKey() for details on maximum identifier sizes.
[in]szCertIdName of the certificate to be exported. It must be related to the private key.
[in]szReservedReserved for future use. Must be NULL.
[out]ppbPkcs12Pointer to a pointer that will contain the generated PKCS#12. This data area will be allocated internally and must be freed using DFree().
[out]pdwPkcs12LenPointer to the size of the data written in ppbPkcs12.
[in]dwFlagsPass 0 or one of the options in the table below.
Attribute Value
DN_EXPORT_P12_LEGACY It exports the key and certificate and generates the PKCS#12 file in software.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
The PKCS#12 export with the DN_EXPORT_P12_LEGACY flag uses RC2 for certificate encryption, TripleDES(CBC) for key encryption and SHA1 as the default hash.
See also
DImportPKCS12Buffer() DImportPKCS12().


int AAP_API DImportPKCS12Buffer ( const HSESSIONCTX hSession,
BYTE * pbPkcs12,
DWORD dwPkcs12Len,
const char * szPkcs12Pwd,
const char * szKeyId,
DWORD dwKeyAttr,
const char * szCertId,
const char * szPubKeyId,
DWORD dwFlags )

#include <dinamo.h>

Imports a private/public key and a certificate from a buffer in PKCS#12 format.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function. .
[in]pbPkcs12PKCS#12 that will be imported.
[in]dwPkcs12LenSize of the buffer containing PKCS#12 in pbPkcs12.
[in]szPkcs12PwdPassword for PKCS#12. Pass NULL in case there is no password.
[in]szKeyIdName of the private key to be imported. See szKeyId in DGenerateKey() for details on maximum identifier sizes.
[in]dwKeyAttrAttributes of the private key to be imported See dwFlags in DGenerateKey() for details on the key attributes.
[in]szCertIdName of the certificate to be imported. It must be related to the private key.
[in]szPubKeyIdName of the public key that can be imported. Can be NULL if you don't want the public key to be imported.
[in]dwFlagsReserved for future use. Must be 0.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
See also
DExportPKCS12(), DImportPKCS12().
pkcs7_sign.c, sign_check_pix_jws.c, sign_verify_dict.c, sign_verify_pix.c and sign_verify_xml.c.


int AAP_API DImportPKCS12 ( const HSESSIONCTX hSession,
const char * szPkcs12File,
const char * szPkcs12Pwd,
const char * szKeyId,
const DWORD dwKeyAttr,
const char * szCertId )

#include <dinamo.h>

Imports a private/public key and a certificate from a file in PKCS#12 format.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function. .
[in]szPkcs12FileName of the PKCS#12 file to be imported.
[in]szPkcs12PwdPassword for PKCS#12. Pass NULL in case there is no password.
[in]szKeyIdName of the private key to be imported. See szKeyId in DGenerateKey() for details on maximum identifier sizes.
[in]dwKeyAttrAttributes of the private key to be imported See dwFlags in DGenerateKey() for details on the key attributes.
[in]szCertIdName of the certificate to be imported. It must be related to the private key.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
See also
DExportPKCS12(), DImportPKCS12Buffer().


int AAP_API DRSAPublicKey2Info ( BYTE * pbKey,
DWORD dwKeyLen,
DWORD dwInForm,
void * pvPubKeyInfo,
DWORD dwReserved )

#include <dinamo.h>

Decrypts the information in an RSA public key. Accepts public keys in PKCS#1 RSAPublicKey or X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo format.

[in]pbKeyPublic key.
[in]dwKeyLenBuffer size pbKey.
[in]dwInFormKey entry format in pbKey. The table below is accepted.
Attribute Value
DN_FORM_DER Key in DER format.
[out]pvPubKeyInfoPointer to a DN_RSA_PUB_KEY_INFO structure.
[in]dwReservedReserved for future use (must be 0).
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DRSAPrivateKey2Info ( const BYTE * pbRsa,
DWORD dwRsaLen,
DWORD dwInForm,
DWORD dwReserved )

#include <dinamo.h>

Decrypts the information in an RSA private key. Accepts private keys in PKCS#1 RSAPrivateKey or PKCS#8 PrivateKeyInfo format without encryption.

[in]pbRsaPrivate key.
[in]dwRsaLenBuffer size pbRsa.
[in]dwInFormKey entry format in pbRsa. The table below is accepted.
Attribute Value
DN_FORM_DER Key in DER format.
[out]stRsaInfoPointer to a DN_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY_INFO structure.
[in]dwReservedReserved for future use (must be 0).
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DByokExport ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
const char * cszKeyId,
const char * cszKekId,
DWORD dwType,
const void * pvData,
BYTE ** ppbOutData,
DWORD * pdwOutDataLen,
DWORD dwReserved )

#include <dinamo.h>

Export a key in BYOK (Bring Your Own Key) format to a cloud provider.

[in]hSessionSession context.
[in]cszKeyIdIdentifier of the key to be exported. See szKeyId in DGenerateKey() for details on maximum identifier sizes.
[in]cszKekIdIdentifier of the KEK key that will be used to encrypt the key that will be exported.
[in]dwTypeType of export. The table below is accepted.
Attribute Value
DN_BYOK_TYPE_AZURE Export BYOK key to Azure. Pass the structure DN_EXPORT_BYOK_AZURE in pvData.
[in]pvDataPointer to a specific data structure for each type of export. See dwType for details.
[out]ppbOutDataPointer to a pointer that will contain the output data. This data area will be allocated internally and must be freed using DFree().
[out]pdwOutDataLenPointer to the size of the data written in ppbOutData.
[in]dwReservedReserved for future use (must be 0).
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.