HSM Dinamo
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Detailed description

Symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic hash operations.


int AAP_API DEncrypt(HKEYCTX hKey, HHASHCTX hHash, BOOL bFinal, DWORD dwFlags, BYTE *pbData, DWORD *pdwDataLen, DWORD dwBufLen)
int AAP_API DDecrypt(HKEYCTX hKey, HHASHCTX hHash, BOOL bFinal, DWORD dwFlags, BYTE *pbData, DWORD *pdwDataLen)
int AAP_API DCreateHash(HSESSIONCTX hSession, int nAlgId, HKEYCTX hKey, DWORD dwFlags, HHASHCTX * hHash)
int AAP_API DHashData(HHASHCTX hHash, BYTE *pbData, DWORD dwDataLen, DWORD dwFlags)
int AAP_API DSetHashParam(HHASHCTX hHash, DWORD dwParam, BYTE *pbData, DWORD dwDataLen, DWORD dwFlags)
int AAP_API DGetHashParam(HHASHCTX hHash, DWORD dwParam, BYTE *pbData, DWORD *pdwDataLen, DWORD dwFlags)
int AAP_API DSignHash(HHASHCTX hHash, HKEYCTX hKey, DWORD dwFlags, BYTE *pbSignature, DWORD *pdwSigLen)
int AAP_API DDestroyHash(HHASHCTX *phHash)
int AAP_API DVerifySignature(HHASHCTX hHash, BYTE *pbSignature, DWORD dwSigLen, HKEYCTX hPubKey, DWORD dwFlags)
int AAP_API DDuplicateHash(HHASHCTX hHash, DWORD dwFlag, HHASHCTX *phHash)
int AAP_API DGetRandom(HSESSIONCTX hSession, BYTE *pbData, DWORD dwDataLen)
int AAP_API DGenEcdhKey(HSESSIONCTX hSession, DWORD dwOP, char *szPriKey, void *pvInData, DWORD dwInDataLen, BYTE *pbOutData, DWORD *pdwOutDataLen, DWORD dwFlags)
int AAP_API DCRLCertCheck(HSESSIONCTX hSession, char *szCRL, char *szCertId, char *szVerifyInfo)
int AAP_API DMofNSplit(HSESSIONCTX hSession, BYTE bM, BYTE bN, BYTE *pbSecret, DWORD dwSecretLen, DN_M_OF_N_SPLIT_INFO *pstSplitInfo, DWORD dwReserved)
int AAP_API DMofNRecover(HSESSIONCTX hSession, DN_M_OF_N_PART *pstParts, DWORD dwPartsCount, BYTE *pbSecret, DWORD dwReserved)
int AAP_API DGenerateSVMK(HSESSIONCTX hSession, int nVersion, const BYTE *pbKey, BYTE bM, BYTE bN, DN_SC_M_OF_N_SHADOW *pstShadows, DWORD dwReserved)
int AAP_API DRecoverSVMK(HSESSIONCTX hSession, DN_SC_M_OF_N_SHADOW *pstShadows, BYTE bShadowsCount, BYTE *pbKey, DWORD dwReserved)



int AAP_API DEncrypt ( HKEYCTX hKey,
BOOL bFinal,
DWORD dwFlags,
BYTE * pbData,
DWORD * pdwDataLen,
DWORD dwBufLen )

#include <dinamo.h>

Data encryption. The algorithm used depends on the key entered in the hKey parameter.

[in]hKeyKey context.
[in]hHashHash context if the data is hashed before being encrypted. After the operation is complete, the hash value can be obtained using the DGetHashParam() function.
[in]bFinalIndicates the last block of a series that has been encrypted. TRUE for last block or FALSE otherwise.
[in]dwFlagsThe values in the table below are acceptable for specific cases.
Value Meaning
D_NO_RSA_PADDING No padding for RSA keys. Use only for RSA keys. Can be used together with the D_FORCE_ACTUAL_RSA flag.
D_FORCE_ACTUAL_RSA Uses the RSA key directly. Encryption with private key in DEncrypt and decryption with DDecrypt. Can be used in conjunction with the D_NO_RSA_PADDING flag.
[in,out]pbDataPointer to a buffer containing the data to be encrypted. When the function returns, the original data is overwritten by the result of the encryption operation.
The buffer size is specified by the dwBufLen parameter, the number of bytes to be processed is specified by the pdwDataLen parameter. The buffer size must be large enough to contain the encrypted data plus padding.
[in,out]pdwDataLenPointer to a DWORD that contains the size of the data in pbData. When input parameter, contains the number of bytes to be processed, when output parameter, contains the number of bytes of encrypted data.
If the allocated buffer is not enough to receive all the ciphered data (for example, there is no space for padding) the function will fail and return D_MORE_DATA.
[in]dwBufLenBuffer size passed in pbData. For symmetric operations that require padding, the buffer must be at least the length of the data plus the size of the operation block of the algorithm to be used.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
If a large amount of data is to be encrypted, it can be done in part, with subsequent DEncrypt calls. In the last call, the bFinal parameter must be passed with a true value.
Only the last block is padded (when applicable), so the remaining blocks must be of a size consistent with the algorithm used. The buffer where the data is passed must be large enough to accommodate the padding as well.
This API supports RSA operations performed directly on this function. The data to be operated on must have a length equal to or less than the size of the key minus 11 bytes. When using the public key for encryption, the padding used is PKCS#1 type 2 and in the decryption process, the padding is checked and removed. For operations with the private key, PKCS#1 type 1 padding is used. The HSM will check the formatting of the padding even when the operation has no padding defined, as in D_NO_RSA_PADDING. RSA encryption and decryption operations are only enabled in non-restricted mode (NRM).
See also


int AAP_API DDecrypt ( HKEYCTX hKey,
BOOL bFinal,
DWORD dwFlags,
BYTE * pbData,
DWORD * pdwDataLen )

#include <dinamo.h>

Decrypts data, often encrypted by the DEncrypt function. The algorithm used depends on the key entered in the hKey parameter.

[in]hKeyKey context.
[in]hHashHash context if the data is subjected to the hash operation after being decrypted. After the operation is complete, the hash value can be obtained using the DGetHashParam() function.
[in]bFinalIndicates the last block of a series that has been encrypted. TRUE for last block or FALSE otherwise.
[in]dwFlagsThe values in the table below are acceptable for specific cases.
Value Meaning
D_NO_RSA_PADDING No padding for RSA keys. Use only for RSA keys. Can be used together with the D_FORCE_ACTUAL_RSA flag.
D_FORCE_ACTUAL_RSA Uses the RSA key directly. Encryption with private key in DEncrypt and decryption with DDecrypt. Can be used in conjunction with the D_NO_RSA_PADDING flag.
[in,out]pbDataPointer to a buffer containing the data to be decrypted. When the function returns, the original data is overwritten by the result of the encryption operation.
For block symmetric operations, the size of the data must always be a multiple of the block used by the algorithm in question.
[in,out]pdwDataLenPointer to a DWORD that contains the size of the data in pbData. When input parameter, contains the number of bytes to be processed, when output parameter, contains the number of bytes of data in clear text.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
If a large amount of data is to be decrypted, it can be done in part, with subsequent DDecrypt calls. In the last call, the bFinal parameter must be passed with a true value.
Only in the last block is padding undone (when applicable), so the remaining blocks must be of a size consistent with the algorithm used, and if the CBC symmetric encryption mode of operation is being used, the initialization vector will be reset to zero.
This API supports RSA operations performed directly on this function. The data to be operated on must have a length equal to the size of the key. When using the public key for encryption, the padding used is PKCS#1 type 2 and in the decryption process, the padding is checked and removed. For operations with the private key, PKCS#1 type 1 padding is used. The HSM will check the formatting of the padding even when the operation has no padding defined, as in D_NO_RSA_PADDING. RSA encryption and decryption operations are only enabled in non-restricted mode (NRM).


int AAP_API DCreateHash ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
int nAlgId,
DWORD dwFlags,
HHASHCTX * hHash )

#include <dinamo.h>

Initializes a hash context to be used with a data stream. This context is used for subsequent DHashData(), DHashSessionKey() calls, among others.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]nAlgIdDefines the algorithm associated with the hash context.
Value Meaning
ALG_MD5 MD5 hash algorithm. hKey must be NULL.
ALG_SHA1 SHA1 hash algorithm. hKey must be NULL.
ALG_SSL_SHA1_MD5 Hash for SSLv3 client authentication. hKey must be NULL.
ALG_SHA2_224 SHA2 hash algorithm - 224. hKey must be NULL.
ALG_SHA2_256 SHA2 hash algorithm - 256. hKey must be NULL.
ALG_SHA2_384 SHA2 hash algorithm - 384. hKey must be NULL.
ALG_SHA2_512 SHA2 hash algorithm - 512. hKey must be NULL.
ALG_SHA3_224 SHA3 hash algorithm - 224. hKey must be NULL.
ALG_SHA3_256 SHA3 hash algorithm - 256. hKey must be NULL.
ALG_SHA3_384 SHA3 hash algorithm - 384. hKey must be NULL.
ALG_SHA3_512 SHA3 hash algorithm - 512. hKey must be NULL.
ALG_HMAC_MD5 HMAC MD5 algorithm. hKey must be the context for the key used in HMAC.
ALG_HMAC_SHA1 HMAC SHA1 algorithm. hKey must be the context for the key used in HMAC.
ALG_HMAC_SHA2_256 HMAC SHA2 algorithm - 256. hKey must be the context for the key used in HMAC.
ALG_HMAC_SHA2_384 HMAC SHA2 algorithm - 384. hKey must be the context for the key used in HMAC.
ALG_HMAC_SHA2_512 HMAC SHA2 algorithm - 512. hKey must be the context for the key used in HMAC.
ALG_CMAC_DES CMAC 3DES algorithm. hKey must be the context for the 3DES key used in CMAC.
ALG_CMAC_AES CMAC AES algorithm. hKey must be the context for the AES key used in CMAC.
ALG_IDENTITY_FUNC Identity function. The input data is the same as the output data. hKey NULL.
[in]hKeyMust be passed according to the type of algorithm passed in nAlgId.
[in]dwFlagsReserved for future use (must be 0).
[out]hHashPointer to the context of the generated hash. After use, it must be released with the DDestroyHash() function.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
create_hash.c, sign_verify.c and sign_verify_eddsa.c.


int AAP_API DHashData ( HHASHCTX hHash,
BYTE * pbData,
DWORD dwDataLen,
DWORD dwFlags )

#include <dinamo.h>

Adds data to a given hash context. This function can be called several times to add discontinuous data.

[in]hHashHash context generated by the DCreateHash() function.
[in]pbDataBuffer containing the data that will be added to the hash context.
[in]dwDataLenNumber of bytes to be added.
[in]dwFlagsReserved for future use (must be 0).
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
create_hash.c, sign_verify.c and sign_verify_eddsa.c.


int AAP_API DSetHashParam ( HHASHCTX hHash,
DWORD dwParam,
BYTE * pbData,
DWORD dwDataLen,
DWORD dwFlags )

#include <dinamo.h>

Changes a hash context created by DCreateHash().

[in]hHashHash context generated by the DCreateHash() function.
[in]dwParamDefines the hash context parameter to be modified.
Value Meaning
DHP_HASH_VALUE Type of pbData: BYTE *
pbData should be a pointer to a buffer containing the hash value to be associated with the context.
Once a value has been assigned to this parameter, the hash value can no longer be changed and future DHashData or DHashSessionKey calls will fail returning the error code D_INVALID_HASH_STATE.
DHP_RESET Type of pbData: NULL
Resets the hash context to the initial state. The hash value is deleted.
[in]pbDataPointer to the data or structures specified in dwParam.
[in]dwDataLenSize of data or structure specified in dwParam.
[in]dwFlagsReserved for future use (must be 0).
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DGetHashParam ( HHASHCTX hHash,
DWORD dwParam,
BYTE * pbData,
DWORD * pdwDataLen,
DWORD dwFlags )

#include <dinamo.h>

Returns attributes associated with a given hash context. The hash value can be retrieved using this function.

[in]hHashHash context generated by the DCreateHash() function.
[in]dwParamDefines the hash context parameter to be retrieved.
Value Meaning
DHP_ALGID Type of pbData: DWORD
Retrieves the algorithm associated with that context when it was created.
Retrieves the length of the hash value.
DHP_HASH_VALUE Type of pbData: BYTE *
pbData will be a pointer to a buffer containing the hash value associated with the context.
Once this attribute is returned, the hash value can no longer be changed and future DHashData or DHashSessionKey calls will fail returning the error code D_INVALID_HASH_STATE.
[in]pbDataPointer to the data or structures specified in dwParam. This parameter can be NULL to specify the amount of memory required.
[in,out]pdwDataLenPointer to the buffer size, in bytes, specified in pbData. When the function returns, this parameter will contain the size of the data stored in pbData.
[in]dwFlagsReserved for future use (must be 0).
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DSignHash ( HHASHCTX hHash,
DWORD dwFlags,
BYTE * pbSignature,
DWORD * pdwSigLen )

#include <dinamo.h>

Signs a piece of data from its hash context created with the DCreateHash() function.

[in]hHashHash context generated by the DCreateHash() function.
[in]hKeyContext of the private key to be used in the signature.
[in]dwFlagsYou must pass 0 or some modifier defined in the list below.
Value Meaning
DN_SIGN_NO_HASH_OID When this flag is specified, the object identifier (OID) is not placed in front of the hash value, as provided in PKCS#7, DigestInfo attribute.
By default, this value is always added to the signature. Only for RSA signatures.
DN_SIGN_DISABLE_LEGACY_OPERATION When this flag is specified, the client API uses the newest versions of the HSM signature implementation. Use with HSMs version 4.0 or higher.
By default, this flag is disabled for compatibility reasons. Newer signing algorithms will automatically use the newer implementation and may not be supported by older HSMs.
DN_SIGN_ECC_P11_FMT Uses the ECC signature format PKCS#11 v2.40 section 2.3.1.
[out]pbSignatureBuffer that will receive the signature. This parameter can be NULL to specify the amount of memory required.
[in,out]pdwSigLenPointer to the size of the signature, in bytes. When the function returns, this parameter will contain the size of the data stored in pbSignature.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
The standard signature format generated by the DSignHash() complies with the specifications of PKCS#1 v.1.5, using padding type 1 when an RSA key is used, with the use of ECDSA keys the signature will be in the DER ANSI X9.62/ standard.RFC 3278 section-8.2.
DER ECDSA standard:
ECDSA-Sig-Value ::= SEQUENCE {

Signatures generated with EdDSA keys are made using the PureEdDSA signature algorithm as described in RFC 8032. Therefore, the ALG_IDENTITY_FUNC algorithm must be used in the hash APIs to use the identity function. The maximum data size accepted for signing is DN_SIG_EDDSA_MAX_DATA_LEN bytes.

sign_verify.c and sign_verify_eddsa.c.


int AAP_API DDestroyHash ( HHASHCTX * phHash)

#include <dinamo.h>

Releases the context of a hash after it has been used. Once this context has been released, it can no longer be used by any function and becomes invalid.

[in]phHashHash context generated by the DCreateHash() function.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
create_hash.c, sign_verify.c and sign_verify_eddsa.c.


int AAP_API DVerifySignature ( HHASHCTX hHash,
BYTE * pbSignature,
DWORD dwSigLen,
DWORD dwFlags )

#include <dinamo.h>

Checks the signature of the hash associated with a context.

[in]hHashHash context generated by the DCreateHash() function.
[in]pbSignatureBuffer containing the signature to be verified.
[in]dwSigLenNumber of bytes in the signature.
[in]hPubKeyContext for the public key used to verify the signature.
[in]dwFlagsFunction behavior modifiers.
Value Meaning
DN_VERIFY_NO_HASH_OID When this flag is specified, the object identifier (OID) is not checked, as provided for in PKCS#7, DigestInfo attribute.
By default, this value is always checked. Only in RSA operations.
DN_VERIFY_ECC_P11_FMT Uses the ECC signature format PKCS#11 v2.40 section 2.3.1.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
More details on the signature formats accepted by this API can be seen in the DSignHash() API comments.
sign_verify.c and sign_verify_eddsa.c.


int AAP_API DDuplicateHash ( HHASHCTX hHash,
DWORD dwFlag,
HHASHCTX * phHash )

#include <dinamo.h>

Duplicates the context of a hash, including its internal state.

[in]hHashHash context generated by the DCreateHash() function.
[in]dwFlagReserved for future use (must be 0).
[in]phHashPointer to the context of the generated hash. After use, it must be released with the DDestroyHash() function.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
The hash contexts are independent, so when you release the original context, the new context is still valid.


int AAP_API DGetRandom ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
BYTE * pbData,
DWORD dwDataLen )

#include <dinamo.h>

Retrieves a certain number of pseudo-random bytes for cryptographic use.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[out]pbDataBuffer that will be filled with the pseudo-random bytes.
[in]dwDataLenSize in bytes of pbData.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DGenEcdhKey ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
char * szPriKey,
void * pvInData,
DWORD dwInDataLen,
BYTE * pbOutData,
DWORD * pdwOutDataLen,
DWORD dwFlags )

#include <dinamo.h>

It generates ashared secret/key using the ECDH (Elliptc Curve Diffie-Hellman)key-agreement protocol.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]dwOPFunction behavior modifiers.
Value Meaning
DN_GEN_KEY_KDF_RAW_SECRET Returns in pbOutData the ECDH secret key without derivation.

We recommend deriving a key from this to communicate with the peer. The parameter passed in pvInData must be a pointer to a buffer containing the pair's public key in DER format.
DN_GEN_KEY_X9_63_SHA256 Derives an ECDH secret key in the ANSI X9.63 standard using SHA256. Must be passed pvInData the structure GEN_ECDH_X9_63. See documentation for GEN_ECDH_X9_63 for filling details. Optionally returns in pbOutData the generated secret key, see GEN_ECDH_X9_63 for more details.
[in]szPriKeyIdentifier of the private key within the HSM. This identifier must not contain spaces or special characters. Uppercase and lowercase characters are differentiated ( case sensitive)
[in]pvInDataPointer to the function's input data. Must be filled in as described in the options for dwOP
[in]dwInDataLenSize in bytes of pvInData.
[out]pbOutDataBuffer that will receive the output key/secret. This parameter can be NULL to return the amount of memory needed in pdwOutDataLen. This parameter will be ignored when the operation is to write the key to the HSM.
[in,out]pdwOutDataLenPointer to buffer size pbOutDatain bytes, which will contain the output key/secret. When the function returns, this parameter will contain the size of the data actually stored in pbOutData. This parameter will be ignored when the operation is to write the key to the HSM.
[in]dwFlagsReserved for future use (must be 0).
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
gen_ecdh.c and gen_xecdh.c.


int AAP_API DCRLCertCheck ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
char * szCRL,
char * szCertId,
char * szVerifyInfo )

#include <dinamo.h>

Validates an X.509 certificate in the HSM using an LCR (List of Revoked Certificates) and a certificate chain.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szCRLName of the LCR (List of Revoked Certificates).
[in]szCertIdName of the certificate to be validated.
[in]szVerifyInfoName of the certificate chain/certificate for validating the certificate specified in szCertId. Can be passed NULL to avoid checking the certificate chain.

0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DMofNSplit ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
BYTE * pbSecret,
DWORD dwSecretLen,
DN_M_OF_N_SPLIT_INFO * pstSplitInfo,
DWORD dwReserved )

#include <dinamo.h>

Divides M from N in a secret. According to Shamir's secret sharing pattern.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]bMMinimum number of parts needed to rebuild the secret. Minimum DN_M_OF_N_S_MIN and maximum DN_M_OF_N_S_MAX.
[in]bNTotal number of parts generated. Minimum DN_M_OF_N_S_MIN and maximum DN_M_OF_N_S_MAX.
[in]pbSecretA secret that will be shared in several parts. It should be DN_M_OF_N_S_LEN. NULL can be passed so that a secret is randomly generated by the HSM, in which case the value will be returned in pstSplitInfo.
[in]dwSecretLenSize of data entered in pbSecret. Case pbSecret is NULL pass 0 in this parameter.
[out]pstSplitInfoOutput data.
[in]dwReservedReserved for future use (must be 0).

0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.

The session used in this operation can be authenticated or anonymous.


int AAP_API DMofNRecover ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
DN_M_OF_N_PART * pstParts,
DWORD dwPartsCount,
BYTE * pbSecret,
DWORD dwReserved )

#include <dinamo.h>

Reconstructs the secret M of N from the parts of the custodians. According to Shamir's secret sharing pattern.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]pstPartsArray of custodian parts.
[in]dwPartsCountNumber of parts passed in pstParts.
[in]pbSecretReconstructed secret. Must have size DN_M_OF_N_S_LEN.
[in]dwReservedReserved for future use (must be 0).

0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.

The session used in this operation can be authenticated or anonymous.


int AAP_API DGenerateSVMK ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
int nVersion,
const BYTE * pbKey,
DN_SC_M_OF_N_SHADOW * pstShadows,
DWORD dwReserved )

#include <dinamo.h>

Generates SVMK (Secret Master Key) according to the Shamir secret sharing standard. The session can be authenticated or anonymous.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]nVersionShadow version. According to the table below.
Value Meaning
DN_SC_M_OF_N_SHADOW_V1_TYPE Generates an SVMK version 1. pbKey must have size DN_SC_M_OF_N_SHADOW_MATERIAL_V1_LEN.
DN_SC_M_OF_N_SHADOW_V2_TYPE Generates an SVMK version 2. pbKey must have size DN_SC_M_OF_N_SHADOW_MATERIAL_V2_LEN.
[in]pbKeyKey that will be shared in several parts. It should have a size as described in dwType. NULL can be passed so that a secret is randomly generated by the HSM (recommended).
[in]bMMinimum number of parts needed to rebuild the secret. Minimum DN_M_OF_N_S_MIN and maximum DN_M_OF_N_S_MAX.
[in]bNTotal number of parts generated. Minimum DN_M_OF_N_S_MIN and maximum DN_M_OF_N_S_MAX.
[out]pstShadowsShadows generated. The size of the array must be equal to or greater than bN.
[in]dwReservedReserved for future use (must be 0).
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
sc_copy_set.c and sc_create_svmk.c.


int AAP_API DRecoverSVMK ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
DN_SC_M_OF_N_SHADOW * pstShadows,
BYTE bShadowsCount,
BYTE * pbKey,
DWORD dwReserved )

#include <dinamo.h>

Reconstructs the original SVMK (Server Master Key) from the parts of the custodians. According to the Shamir secret sharing standard. The session can be authenticated or anonymous.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]pstShadowsArray of custodian parts.
[in]bShadowsCountNumber of parts passed in pstShadows.
[out]pbKeyReconstructed key. Must have a size according to the type of shadow entered in the structure pstShadows.
Value Meaning
[in]dwReservedReserved for future use (must be 0).
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.