
The HSM's network ports can work independently or with link aggregation. In the latter case, when Bond is activated, a virtual network port is created, which is given an IP address and netmask, and interfaces 1 and 2 becomeslaves of this virtual port and lose their IP address and netmask settings. The HSM is only accessible to the outside world via Bond's IP address.


It is advisable to configure interfaces 1 and 2 with Speed in Auto-negotiation (factory default setting) for the Bond to work correctly.

The three modes supported in the HSM Bond configuration are:

  1. hot stand by: the HSM will use one of the interfaces (1 or 2) to receive and send communication frames, and in the event of a problem on the link, the subsystem will automatically divert traffic to the other interface, and continue on it until it detects a problem and needs to switch again. For this mode, no special configuration is required on the network switch where the HSM ports are connected.
  2. balance: the HSM will use both interfaces (1 and 2) alternately for as long as possible to receive and send communication frames, and in the event of a problem with the link on one of the interfaces, the traffic will automatically be directed entirely to the other interface, remaining so as long as the problem persists on the other port. This mode does not require any special configuration on the network switch where the HSM ports are connected.
  3. aggregation: the HSM will use both interfaces (1 and 2) at the same time to send and receive communication frames. In the event of a link failure on one of the ports, traffic is concentrated on the interface with an active link. The aggregation standard adopted is IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic Link with LACP(Link Aggregation Control Protocol). For this mode, the network switch to which the HSM ports are connected must support the aggregation standard and have its ports properly configured. The configuration of the network switch varies depending on the manufacturer and model, consult the manual for your specific model.


When Bond is activated or deactivated, all network configuration-dependent parameters in the HSM are affected.

Bond configuration

Bond configuration

To undo the Bond, select the Release option.