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User password

There are two different ways to change a user's password in HSM. Through the browser or hsmcon (command line software installed with the client).


  • Client software installed and up to date. Check under Downloads (not necessary when using the browser).
  • HSM connected and service started.

GUI console


It is not necessary to have the client software installed for this procedure.

  1. Access the HSM using the IP with any browser (example:

    HTTP Login Console HTTP Login Console
    HTTP Login Console

  2. Enter the login and password of the user you want to change the password for.

  3. Select the logged-in user's attributes menu by clicking on the icon in the top right-hand corner.

    Options menu for the logged-in user Options menu for the logged-in user
    Options menu for the logged-in user

  4. Select the Change password option.

  5. Enter the password and confirmation and click save

    Changing your password Changing your password
    Changing your password

CLI console

  1. Open the prompt/shell and connect to hsm (e.g. hsmcon master)


    Login to the command line console
    hsmcon master
    Dinamo - Remote Management Console v. 2018 (c) Dinamo Networks
    Library tacndlib version
    HSM Dinamo IP :
    HSM User ID : master
    HSM User Password :

  2. Once logged in, choose the My Password option in the Users column:

    Main menu
    Dinamo - Remote Management Console v. 2018 (c) Dinamo Networks
    HSM e - Engine (DXP) - TCA0000000  - ID master
    Main Menu
    Keys/Objects              Users                        HSM
    1 - Create...            17 - Create                  33 - Info
    2 - Remove               18 - Remove                  34 - Logs...
    3 - Attributes           19 - List                    35 - Backup...
    4 - Import...            20 - Attributes              36 - Monitoring...
    5 - Export...            21 - Trust Relations         37 - Firmware update
    6 - List                 22 - Password Policy         38 - Replication...
    7 - Permissions...       23 - My Password             39 - SPB...
    8 - Backup                                            40 - EFT...
    9 - Restore                                           41 - IP Filter...
                                                          42 - Tests...
                                                          43 - Dinamo Services...
                                                          44 - Tools...
    0 - Exit
    Option: 23
  3. Enter your current password and press Enter

    Current password
    Dinamo - Remote Management Console v. 2018 (c) Dinamo Networks
    HSM e - Engine (DXP) - TCA0000000  - ID master
    Users - My Password
    Old Password: ********
  4. Type in the new password and confirm by typing it in again and a success message will appear.

    New password, with confirmation
    Dinamo - Remote Management Console v. 2018 (c) Dinamo Networks
    HSM e - Engine (DXP) - TCA0000000  - ID master
    Users - My Password
    Old Password: ********
    New Password: ********
    Confirm new password: ********
    Password changed successfully.
    Press ENTER key to continue...