HSM Dinamo
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The aim of the .NET assembly is to provide a secure, consistent and scalable communication layer between applications using .NET technology and HSM cryptographic hardware. Dinamo. This layer provides functions equivalent to the C++ API, allowing access both to primitive cryptographic functions (signature or encryption) and to functions in the HSM modules, such as the NFe (Electronic Invoice) signature, the SPB (Brazilian Payment System) communication module and the EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) module.

HSM sessions have session-thread affinity. This means that the same session cannot be used by several threads at the same time.

Calls from the .NET API are forwarded to the native HSM library.

--- title: Arquitetura API .NET --- flowchart TD A(Applicação .NET) B(Assembly
Dinamo .NET) C(tacndlib.dll) A <---> B <---> C

It is a prerequisite for the execution of the .NET assembly that the DLL exists tacndlib.dll in the system path. The installer places this DLL in the windows folder \Windows\System32. Only this dependency is needed, and it is possible to write a script to take this DLL and have the system run it without the need to install the complete MSI - HSM Client package.

You can also download or install an HSM package directly from Dinamo NuGet.

The programming interfaces in different languages available for the HSM:

  1. C/C++
  2. Java
  3. .Net
  4. JavaScript

Information such as features, initialization, management, integration and more can be found in the HSM technical documentation.

© Dinamo Networks vc. 4.10.2 vf.