HSM Dinamo
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Structure Reference USER_PA_INFO

#include "dinamo.h"

Data Fields

char szUserId[MAX_USR_LEN+1]
DWORD dwState

Detailed description

Partition authorization data for a user. This structure is used by the DGetUserParam() function.



char szUserId[MAX_USR_LEN+1]

User identifier. It must be unique and uppercase and lowercase characters are differentiated (case-sensitive).


DWORD dwState

User partition authorization status. See table below.

Value Meaning
ND_PA_STATE_Unknown It was not possible to identify whether the user has partition authorization enabled. This status is considered an error.
ND_PA_STATE_Absent The user does not have the partition authorization option enabled.
ND_PA_STATE_Null The user has the partition authorization option enabled but not an associated set of M of N cards. Objects can already be created but not used.
ND_PA_STATE_Associated The user has the partition authorization option enabled and associated. The partition is not yet authorized. Objects can be created but not used. Other operations can also be performed according to the partition authorization mask.
ND_PA_STATE_Authorized The user has the partition authorization option enabled and is associated and authorized. Keys can be used but not removed or created.



Partition permission authorization mask. Composed from a bit mask according to previously defined permissions. See table below.

Value Meaning
ND_PA_ACL_OBJ_OPEN Permission to use objects. Implicit option and cannot be changed.
ND_PA_ACL_OBJ_EXPORT Permission to export exportable objects.
ND_PA_ACL_OBJ_DEL Permission to destroy partition objects.
ND_PA_ACL_OBJ_BLOCK Permission to lock objects even when authorized.
ND_PA_ACL_NS_DEL Permission to completely remove the user/partition and consequently all the objects contained in it.

The documentation for this structure was generated from the following file: