HSM Dinamo
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Example of retrieving information from the secret and verifying the parties using the Safe Keeping module.

See Note on examples.
/* skeep_probe_match.c
* Example demonstrating the use of the DSKeepMatchSecret and
* DSKeepProbeSecret.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dinamo.h" /* header of Dinamo */
#define HOST_ADDR ""
#define USER_ID "master"
#define USER_PWD "12345678"
static int OpenSession(HSESSIONCTX *hSession, const char *cszIp, const char *cszUser,
const char *cszPassword)
struct AUTH_PWD authPwd;
/* Initializes the structure for connecting to the HSM */
strncpy(authPwd. szAddr, HOST_ADDR, sizeof(authPwd.szAddr));
authPwd. nPort = DEFAULT_PORT;
strncpy(authPwd. szUserId, USER_ID, sizeof(authPwd.szUserId));
strncpy(authPwd. szPassword, USER_PWD, sizeof(authPwd.szPassword));
return DOpenSession(hSession, SS_USER_PWD,(BYTE *)&authPwd, sizeof(authPwd), ENCRYPTED_CONN);
static void PrintError(const char *cszFunction, int nRet)
printf("Function failure: %s \nError code: %d\n", cszFunction, nRet);
int main()
int nRet = 0;
#define M (2) /* Minimum number of shares to retrieve the secret */
#define N (3) /* Total number of shares */
const char *szId = "secret";
BYTE bSecLevel = DN_SKEEP_SEC_LEVEL_160b; /* Secret security level */
WORD wAuthType = DN_SKEEP_TYPE_NMIND; /* Type of authentication for the secret. In this test, it is not the default user and password. */
SKeepShare shares[N] = {0}; /* Vetor de partes */
SKeepRecoverInfo stRecoverInfo = {0}; /* Estrutura para recuperar o segredo */
SKeepProbeInfo stProbeInfo = {0}; /* Estrutura para recuperar informações do segredo */
/* Initializes the libraries of Dinamo */
nRet = DInitialize(0);
if (nRet)
PrintError("DInitialize", nRet);
goto clean;
printf("Libraries initialized.\n");
/* Open session with HSM */
nRet = OpenSession(&hSession, HOST_ADDR, USER_ID, USER_PWD);
if (nRet)
PrintError("DOpenSession", nRet);
goto clean;
printf("Session with Dinamo established.\n");
/* Creates the secret */
nRet = DSKeepNewSecret(hSession, szId, bSecLevel, wAuthType, 0);
PrintError("DSKeepNewSecret", nRet);
goto clean;
printf("Secret successfully created.\n");
Retrieves information from the secret.
nRet = DSKeepProbeSecret(hSession, szId, &stProbeInfo, 0);
if (nRet)
PrintError("DSKeepProbeSecret", nRet);
goto clean;
printf("Secret information successfully retrieved.\n");
/* Splits the secret into N parts */
nRet = DSKeepSplitSecret(hSession, szId, bSecLevel, wAuthType, M, N, shares, 0);
if (nRet)
PrintError("DSKeepSplitSecret", nRet);
goto clean;
printf("Secret split successfully.\n");
Check the validity of the parties.
nRet = DSKeepMatchSecret(hSession, szId, shares, M, 0);
if (nRet)
PrintError("DSKeepMatchSecret", nRet);
goto clean;
printf("Parts successfully verified.\n");
/* Remove the secret */
nRet = DSKeepRemoveSecret(hSession, szId, bSecLevel, wAuthType, 0);
if (nRet)
PrintError("DSKeepRemoveSecret", nRet);
goto clean;
printf("Secret successfully removed.\n");
DCloseSession(&hSession, 0);
printf("Session closed.\n");
printf("Libraries finished.\n");
return nRet;
HSM Application Programming Interface (API) Dinamo.
Definition dinamo.h:68
Definition dinamo.h:1948
unsigned short WORD
Definition dinamo.h:48
unsigned char BYTE
Definition dinamo.h:45
Definition dinamo.h:585
#define SS_USER_PWD
Definition dinamo.h:576
int AAP_API DOpenSession(HSESSIONCTX *phSession, DWORD dwParam, BYTE *pbData, DWORD dwDataLen, DWORD dwFlags)
int AAP_API DCloseSession(HSESSIONCTX *phSession, DWORD dwFlags)
int AAP_API DInitialize(DWORD dwReserved)
int AAP_API DFinalize()
int AAP_API DSKeepNewSecret(HSESSIONCTX hSession, const char *cszId, BYTE bSecLevel, WORD wAuthType, DWORD dwReserved)
#define DN_SKEEP_SEC_LEVEL_160b
Definition dinamo.h:9083
int AAP_API DSKeepProbeSecret(HSESSIONCTX hSession, const char *cszId, SKeepProbeInfo *pstInfo, DWORD dwReserved)
int AAP_API DSKeepMatchSecret(HSESSIONCTX hSession, const char *cszId, const SKeepShare *cpstShares, DWORD dwSharesCount, DWORD dwReserved)
int AAP_API DSKeepRemoveSecret(HSESSIONCTX hSession, const char *cszId, BYTE bSecLevel, WORD wAuthType, DWORD dwReserved)
Definition dinamo.h:9086
int AAP_API DSKeepSplitSecret(HSESSIONCTX hSession, const char *cszId, BYTE bSecLevel, WORD wAuthType, BYTE bM, BYTE bN, SKeepShare *pstShares, DWORD dwReserved)
Definition dinamo.h:3089
int nPort
Definition dinamo.h:3091
char szUserId[MAX_USR_LEN]
Definition dinamo.h:3092
char szAddr[MAX_ADDR_LEN]
Definition dinamo.h:3090
char szPassword[MAX_USR_PWD]
Definition dinamo.h:3093
Definition dinamo.h:3626
Definition dinamo.h:3640
Definition dinamo.h:3649