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Detailed description

Standard authentication OATH.

Initiative OATH

The OATH (Open Authentication) initiative is a collaboration supported by various members of the security industry to develop an open and interoperable strong authentication architecture. This goal is achieved by defining open standards available to all.

The OATH ecosystem is made up of device manufacturers (tokens, chips, smart cards, computers, cell phones, PDAs, tablets), platform manufacturers (web services, identity managers, application servers, identification federation systems), application manufacturers (VPN, CRM, ERP, DRM, e-commerce, roaming, Wi-Fi) and system integrators (ISPs, government agencies, credit card brands, etc.).

Module OATH

The HSM can be used as a seed generator OATH and as an OTP (One Time Password) authenticator. The HSM implementation complies with the standards listed below.

By providing a secure cryptographic frontier, a controlled environment and approved algorithms, HSM has advantages when it comes to being adopted as a strong authentication system.

HSM's OATH module has three basic services: issuing, authentication and resynchronization:

  1. emission consists of the HSM generating the seed, which causes the emission of a blob, which is returned to the application for storage in a database. With the blob kept in a database external to the HSM, the emission process is very flexible, without generating a load on the HSM, and maintaining the necessary secrecy and confidentiality.
  2. the module's authentication service is certainly the most used in day-to-day production. When the application needs to perform an authentication, it must retrieve the blob from the database, send it to the HSM, receive the result together with the updated blob, to be returned to the database.
  3. the resynchronization service basically consists of opening the normal tolerance window and asking the user to enter OTPs n and n+1.

Generation and Authentication Scenarios

In the generation and authentication scenarios described below, what changes is the origin of the seed and how it is received by the application to create the blob and sent to the user (as a seed or embedded in a physical token). Once the blob has been created, authentication in any scenario always follows the same format. In the scenarios below, it doesn't matter whether the token is HOTP or TOTP.

Scenario I: Token: the seed is generated by the token manufacturer and sent in PSKC format

a. Generation

  1. Application selects or generates a master key;
  2. Application receives PSKC file and transport key;
  3. Application asks HSM to translate PSKC file into blob;
  4. HSM returns blob;
  5. Application receives blob, creates relationship between blob and user and stores in database;
  6. The application sends the physical token to the user;

b. Authentication

  1. See below;

Scenario II: Token: the seed is generated by the token manufacturer and sent in clear text

a. Generation

  1. Application selects or generates a master key;
  2. Application receives a seed in clear text;
  3. Application prepares a blob structure OATH;
  4. The application asks the HSM to encrypt the blob OATH with the master key;
  5. HSM returns encrypted data, which is the blob;
  6. Application receives blob, creates relationship between blob and user and stores in database;
  7. The application sends the physical token to the user;

b. Authentication

  1. See below;

Scenario III: Soft Token: the seed is generated by the user and received in clear text

a. Generation

  1. Application selects or generates a master key;
  2. User generates and exports seed in their application OATH (smart phone, desktop, etc.);
  3. User sends seed to application;
  4. Application receives a seed in clear text;
  5. Application prepares a data structure OATH;
  6. The application asks the HSM to encrypt the data structure OATH with the master key;
  7. HSM returns an encrypted structure, which is the blob;
  8. Application receives blob, creates relationship between blob and user and stores in database;

b. Authentication

  1. See below;

Scenario IV: Soft Token: HSM generates the seed

a. Generation

  1. Application selects or generates a master key;
  2. Application requests blob issue OATH;
  3. HSM generates seed, prepares blob and returns to application;
  4. Application receives blob, creates relationship between blob and user and stores in database;
  5. Application sends the blob to HSM and requests the seed in clear text;
  6. The application sends the seed to the user, usually using a secure channel;
  7. User imports seed into their application OATH (smart phone, desktop, etc.);

b. Authentication

  1. See below;

User authentication in any scenario:

  1. User submits generated OTP to application;
  2. The application retrieves the user's blob from the database and requests verification from the HSM by passing the blob and OTP;
  3. HSM processes request and returns result and processed blob;
  4. The application receives the blob and updates the database;
  5. Application informs user of authentication result;



Standard authentication OATH. More...


int AAP_API DOATHIssueBlob(HSESSIONCTX hSession, char *szMasterKeyId, DWORD dwParamBlobType, void *pvParamBlob, DWORD dwParamBlobLen, BYTE *pbOTPBlob, DWORD *pdwOTPBlobLen, DWORD dwFlags)
int AAP_API DOATHCheckOTP(HSESSIONCTX hSession, char *szMasterKeyId, char *szOTP, BYTE *pbOATHBlob, DWORD *pdwOATHBlobLen, DWORD dwFlags)
int AAP_API DOATHGetNextOTP(HSESSIONCTX hSession, char *szMasterKeyId, BYTE bOTPLen, BYTE *pbOATHBlob, DWORD dwOATHBlobLen, char *szOTP, DWORD dwFlags)
int AAP_API DOATHGetBlobInfo (const HSESSIONCTX hSession, char *szMasterKey, BYTE *pbInBlob, DWORD dwInBlobLen, DWORD dwOutBlobType, BYTE *pbOutInfo, DWORD *pdwOutInfoLen, DWORD dwParam)
int AAP_API DOATHBlobResync(HSESSIONCTX hSession, char *szMasterKeyId, char *szOTP1, char *szOTP2, BYTE *pbOATHBlob, DWORD *pdwOATHBlobLen, DWORD dwFlags)
int AAP_API DOATHPskcTranslate(HSESSIONCTX hSession, char *szMasterKey, BYTE *pbPSK, BYTE bPSKLen, BYTE *pbPSKC, DWORD dwPSKCLen, void **pvBlobList, DWORD *pdwBlobListQuantity, DWORD dwParam)



int AAP_API DOATHIssueBlob ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
char * szMasterKeyId,
DWORD dwParamBlobType,
void * pvParamBlob,
DWORD dwParamBlobLen,
BYTE * pbOTPBlob,
DWORD * pdwOTPBlobLen,
DWORD dwFlags )

#include <dinamo.h>

Generates or imports a blob OATH for use in HSM.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szMasterKeyIdName of the master key, used to protect the blobs, of maximum size MAX_OBJ_ID_FQN_LEN.
[in]dwParamBlobTypeThe following table is accepted.
value Meaning
Generates HOTP blob in the HSM. The seed is generated inside the HSM.
The following structure parameters must be filled in: bSeedLen e bTruncationOffset. The rest must be zero.
Generates TOTP blob in the HSM. The seed is generated inside the HSM.
The following structure parameters must be filled in: bSeedLen, bTruncationOffset, wTimeStep e otT0. The rest must be zero.
ISSUE_OATH_IMPORT_HOTP Type of pvParamBlob: structure ISSUE_OTP_BLOB.
Import a HOTP blob. The seed is passed by parameter. The following structure parameters must be filled in: bSeedLen, pbSeed e bTruncationOffset. The rest must be zero.
ISSUE_OATH_IMPORT_TOTP Type of pvParamBlob: structure ISSUE_OTP_BLOB.
Import a TOTP blob. Seed is passed by parameter.
The following structure parameters must be filled in: bUseDefaultMovingFactor, bSeedLen, pbSeed, bTruncationOffset, wTimeStep e otT0. The rest must be zero.
[in]pvParamBlobPointer to the data or structures specified in dwParamBlobType.
[in]dwParamBlobLenSize of data or structure specified in dwParamBlobType.
[out]pbOTPBlobMinimum size buffer of ISSUE_OATH_OUTPUT_MAX_BLOB_LEN that will contain the generated blob.
[in,out]pdwOTPBlobLenBuffer size pointed to by pbOTPBlob. The entry must contain the buffer size pbOTPBlob in the output will contain the size of the blob written to the allocated buffer.
[in]dwFlagsReserved for future use (must be 0).
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


char * szMasterKeyId,
char * szOTP,
BYTE * pbOATHBlob,
DWORD * pdwOATHBlobLen,
DWORD dwFlags )

#include <dinamo.h>

Checks an OTP value for a given blob OATH.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szMasterKeyIdName of the master key, used to protect the blobs, of maximum size MAX_OBJ_ID_FQN_LEN.
[in]szOTPOTP to be checked for minimum size ISSUE_OATH_MIN_OTP_LEN and maximum ISSUE_OATH_MAX_OTP_LEN.
[in,out]pbOATHBlobPointer to a buffer containing the blob that will have the OTP checked. This buffer will be rewritten with the updated buffer.
[in,out]pdwOATHBlobLenBuffer size pbOATHBlob. The entry will contain the size of pbOATHBlob and output the size of data written in pbOATHBlob.
[in]dwFlagsAs of firmware version 4.0.2, the size of the authentication look-ahead window can be set in this parameter. The default is 10 intervals more or less. In the case of HOTP tokens, the intervals will be counted by number of events; in the case of TOTP tokens, they will be counted by number of time-steps.
Value Meaning
0 Uses the default value of 10 intervals.
1 to MAX_OTP_LOOK_AHEAD_INTERVAL Sets the value of the authentication look-ahead window.

You can also pass the OATH_UPDATE_BLOBto allow the format of the OATH blob to be updated. When the OATH_UPDATE_BLOB is used, you must pass the current OATH blob in pbOATHBlob in a buffer large enough to hold the updated blob. pdwOATHBlobLen should contain the value of the buffer size passed in pbOATHBlob. The size of pbOATHBlob required, is returned in pdwOATHBlobLen in the call where the error D_OATH_BLOB_UPDATE is returned. The update only needs to be done after receiving the error D_OATH_BLOB_UPDATE. See Notes for more details.

0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
If the error is returned D_OATH_BLOB_UPDATE the function will return in pdwOATHBlobLen the size of the buffer that should be used to update the OATH blob in a later call. See details in the OATH_UPDATE_BLOB.


char * szMasterKeyId,
BYTE * pbOATHBlob,
char * szOTP,
DWORD dwFlags )

#include <dinamo.h>

Generates the next OTP from a blob OATH. The OATH blob will not be changed.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szMasterKeyIdName of the master key, used to protect the blobs, of maximum size MAX_OBJ_ID_FQN_LEN.
[in]bOTPLenSize of the OTP to be generated, which can be a value between ISSUE_OATH_MIN_OTP_LEN and ISSUE_OATH_MAX_OTP_LEN.
[in]pbOATHBlobPointer to a buffer containing the blob that will be used to generate the OTP. This buffer will not be changed.
[in]dwOATHBlobLenBuffer size pbOATHBlob.
[out]szOTPBuffer that will contain the generated OTP. It must have a minimum size of bOTPLen + 1 (null terminator).
[in]dwFlagsReserved for future use (must be 0).
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DOATHGetBlobInfo ( const HSESSIONCTX hSession,
char * szMasterKey,
BYTE * pbInBlob,
DWORD dwInBlobLen,
DWORD dwOutBlobType,
BYTE * pbOutInfo,
DWORD * pdwOutInfoLen,
DWORD dwParam )

#include <dinamo.h>

Retrieves the internal information of a blob OATH.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szMasterKeyName of the master key, used to protect the blobs, of maximum size MAX_OBJ_ID_FQN_LEN.
[in]pbInBlobPointer to a buffer containing the blob for extracting the information.
[in]dwInBlobLenBuffer size pbInBlob.
[in]dwOutBlobTypeIndicates the type of output data. The following table is accepted.
Value Meaning
OATH_ISSUE_OATH_BLOB_t Type of pbOutInfo: ISSUE_OATH_BLOB_t. The pbInBlob Buffer must be a V1 type blob with size ISSUE_OATH_OUTPUT_BLOB_V1_LEN.
OATH_ISSUE_OATH_INFO_t Type of pbOutInfo: ISSUE_OATH_INFO_t. This option accepts blobs of type V1 and V2 with sizes ISSUE_OATH_OUTPUT_BLOB_V1_LEN and ISSUE_OATH_OUTPUT_BLOB_V2_LEN, respectively.
[out]pbOutInfoPointer to a buffer that will receive the information from the blob. It should be as described in dwOutBlobType.
[in,out]pdwOutInfoLenBuffer size pointed to by pdwOutInfoLen.
[in]dwParamReserved for future use (must be 0).
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.


int AAP_API DOATHBlobResync ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
char * szMasterKeyId,
char * szOTP1,
char * szOTP2,
BYTE * pbOATHBlob,
DWORD * pdwOATHBlobLen,
DWORD dwFlags )

#include <dinamo.h>

Re-synchronizes a blob OATH by displaying two continuous OTP values. Only for HOTP (OTP per event).

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szMasterKeyIdName of the master key, used to protect the blobs, of maximum size MAX_OBJ_ID_FQN_LEN.
[in]szOTP1OTP to be checked for minimum size ISSUE_OATH_MIN_OTP_LEN and maximum ISSUE_OATH_MAX_OTP_LEN.
[in]szOTP2Second OTP to be checked for minimum size ISSUE_OATH_MIN_OTP_LEN and maximum ISSUE_OATH_MAX_OTP_LEN.
[in,out]pbOATHBlobPointer to a buffer containing the blob to be synchronized. This buffer will be rewritten with the synchronized buffer.
[in,out]pdwOATHBlobLenBuffer size pbOATHBlob. The entry will contain the size of pbOATHBlob and output the size of data written in pbOATHBlob.
[in]dwFlagsAccept the flag OATH_UPDATE_BLOBto allow the format of the OATH blob to be updated. When the OATH_UPDATE_BLOB is used, you must pass the current OATH blob in pbOATHBlob in a buffer large enough to hold the updated blob. pdwOATHBlobLen should contain the value of the buffer size passed in pbOATHBlob. The size of pbOATHBlob required, is returned in pdwOATHBlobLen in the call where the error D_OATH_BLOB_UPDATE is returned. The update only needs to be done after receiving the error D_OATH_BLOB_UPDATE. See Notes for more details.
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.
As of firmware version 4.0.2, the window will be extended by up to 200 intervals. In the case of HOTP tokens the intervals will be counted by number of events, in the case of TOTP tokens they will be counted by number of time-steps. If the error D_OATH_BLOB_UPDATE the function will return in pdwOATHBlobLen the size of the buffer that should be used to update the OATH blob in a later call. See details in the OATH_UPDATE_BLOB.


int AAP_API DOATHPskcTranslate ( HSESSIONCTX hSession,
char * szMasterKey,
void ** pvBlobList,
DWORD * pdwBlobListQuantity,
DWORD dwParam )

#include <dinamo.h>

Imports seeds enveloped in the PSKC(Portable Symmetric Key Container) standard, RFC 6030.

[in]hSessionContext acquired through the DOpenSession() function.
[in]szMasterKeyName of the master key, used to protect the blobs, of maximum size MAX_OBJ_ID_FQN_LEN output.
[in]pbPSKMaximum buffer size OATH_MAX_PSK_LEN containing the transport key that protects the seeds reported in pbPSKC.
[in]bPSKLenBuffer size pbPSK.
[in]pbPSKCPSKC buffer containing the seeds that will be transformed into blobs in the HSM format.
[in]dwPSKCLenBuffer size pbPSKC.
[out]pvBlobListPonteiro para ponteiro que apontará para um buffer alocado internamente contendo um array de estruturas OATH_PSKC_TRANSLATE_OUTPUT. Esta estrutura conterá internamente os blobs das sementes traduzidas para o formato do HSM e o identificador de cada semente como na tag "<pskc:Key Id=>".
[out]pdwBlobListQuantityPointer to the number of blobs returned in the buffer pvBlobList.
[in]dwParamReserved for future use (must be 0).
0 (ZERO) if the function is successful.
See the Return Codes section for other values.