Partition Authorization

Allows you to change the status of partitions configured for M of N authentication.

The status of the partitions can be changed to associate them with a set of cards and also to authorize an already associated partition.

Cryptographic keys can be created while the partition is in an unauthorized state and can be used effectively when authorization is granted.

After entering the id of the partition (this is the same as the user id), a screen will appear informing you of the current state of the partition, the permissions currently configured and options that allow you to change the state.

The actions possible with the partition keys are defined according to the permissions enabled and the status. For example, the Key Export permission may be enabled, but an (exportable) partition key can only be exported when it is in Authorized status. The table below shows the possible actions depending on the status and permissions.

To change state, you need to present the set of cards from set M of N and enter the partition's password credential.


If the HSM is part of a Replication Domain, the state change in the partition will be replicated to the other nodes.

As of firmware version, it is possible to change state online, using one of the HSM consoles or via API. The user's workstation must have the HSM client software installed and a certified smart card reader plugged in (see Remote Management), as well as the presence of the partition card custodians. In remote operation there is a unique state for the specific session in which the user is connected to the HSM: Session Authorized. A change to this state is not reflected in the other sessions or in the local state of the partition in the HSM. The Authorized state can be set online if the corresponding policy is enabled.

The service must be running during the change of state.

The possible permissions for the partition are:

  1. Key Read: implicit, cannot be changed;
  2. Key Export: allows keys to be exported, provided they have the exportable attribute;
  3. Key Destroy: allows keys to be destroyed;
  4. Key Block: allows keys to be blocked, preventing them from being used, even when a1. rized;
  5. Partition Remove: allows the complete removal of the partition and destruction of all the keys on it, and includes the Key Destroy permission;

The actions allowed and authorized for the keys are executed via API or remote console.

The figure below illustrates the state transitions.

title: Transições de estado na autorização de partições via API

%%{ init: { 'flowchart': { 'curve': 'basis' } } }%%

    state "Initial" as initial
    state "Associated" as associated
        note left of associated
             Set Permissions
        end note
    state "Authorized" as authorized
        note left of authorized
             Set Permissions
        end note
        note right of authorized
            Set online if Policy
        end note
    state "Session Authorized" as e_auth
        note left of e_auth
             Online only
        end note

    classDef KeyUsage fill:darkgreen
    classDef KeyBlocked fill:darkred
    classDef movement font-style:italic
    classDef badBadEvent fill:#f00,color:white,font-weight:bold,stroke-width:2px,stroke:yellow

    %% the trailing spaces are needed, do dot delete them.
    initial --> associated: 
    associated --> authorized: 
    %associated  --> associated: Set permissions
    associated --> initial: reset
    associated --> e_auth: 
    authorized --> initial: reset 
    %authorized --> authorized: Set permissions
    authorized --> associated: 
    authorized --> e_auth: 
    e_auth --> associated: 
    e_auth --> authorized:  
    e_auth --> initial: reset

    class e_auth KeyUsage
    class authorized KeyUsage
    class initial KeyBlocked
    class associated KeyBlocked

The table below shows the possible actions and the necessary conditions (status and permissions) for them to be carried out successfully.


The state of the partition is maintained between reboots of the HSM.

Action Partition status Necessary permission enabled
Key generation Initial or Associated -
Locking keys Associated Key Block
Key destruction Associated Key Destroy
Complete partition removal Associated Partition Remove (destroy all keys)
Key export Authorized Key Export
Use of keys (cryptography) Authorized -
                        Dinamo - Local Management Console

              ┌───────────────────┤ nsauth ├────────────────────┐
              │                                                 │
              │                                                 │
              │     State: Initial                              │
              │                                                 │
              │     [ ] - Key Read                              │
              │     [ ] - Key Export                            │
              │     [ ] - Key Destroy                           │
              │     [ ] - Key Block                             │
              │     [ ] - Partition Remove (destroy all keys)   │
              │                                                 │
              │                                                 │
              │   ┌─────────────┐  ┌─────────────┐  ┌───────┐   │
              │   │  Associate  │  │  Authorize  │  │ Close │   │
              │   └─────────────┘  └─────────────┘  └───────┘   │
              │                                                 │

  Service running...                                Replication Domain: <none>
Partition status and permissions