Main Menu

The local console services screen consists of the title bar, main menu and a status bar.

The title bar at the top of the screen tells you the name of the console you are running (Local Management Console).

The main menu contains the main options and entries for sub-options of the HSM configuration tasks.

The status bar tells you the status of the HSM, which can be:

  1. Service stopped: the HSM service is stopped and ready to start up and load the modules (there is only network service);
  2. Service running...: the HSM service is running and the configured modules are loaded (the HSM accepts requests from applications over the network);
  3. Server stopping...: HSM services are being stopped and the modules unloaded;
  4. Running Self Tests...: the HSM is performing self-tests, which can be automatic (on HSM load) or on operator demand;
  5. Waiting smart card reader response...: the HSM has requested information or processing from the smart card CPU and is waiting for a response

In addition to the status information, the name of the Replication Domain is also displayed, if the HSM belongs to one.

Local Console main menu

Local Console main menu

The main menu options are:

  1. About: shows information about the HSM version, serial number and copyright.
  2. Start/Stop service: starts/stops the HSM service, loads the configured modules and starts accepting requests from client applications.
  3. Monitor: monitors in real time the utilization rate of physical memory, swap memory and CPU; active modules, active client connections and the general status of the HSM hardware.
  4. Config: configures network parameters (IP address, mask, default gateway, speed and routes) on the network interfaces, device date and time, operating mode, OEM security code, manages smart cards and resets the database.
  5. Lock console: immediately locks the remote console in the terminal emulator software. It can only be unlocked by inserting the smart card and entering the PIN.
  6. Reboot: restart HSM in an orderly fashion.
  7. Shutdown: prepares the HSM for shutdown.