Neighborhood Scan

Neighborhood scanning is for informational purposes only. Using SLP(Service Location Protocol) with IP multicast, the auto-discovery mechanism tries to locate all the replication service announcements configured on the network segment.

The nodes with active replication service found are listed and displayed with the syntax {endereço IP}:{porta}@{domínio de replicação}:

  • IP address: interface address of the node through which replication communication is taking place (on each node the replication interface can be assigned automatically or manually via Interface Binding );
  • port: fixed at TCP 4433
  • Replication Domain: name of the Domain to which the node belongs.

Screen with results of a neighborhood scan

Screen with results of a neighborhood scan

The result of this scan is a little different from the scan carried out in the Domain configuration, although the operation is the same; here all the nodes of each Domain found are displayed, while in the scan of the Domains option only the Domains are displayed, with no particular node information.


The Domain name is an administrative convenience for grouping related nodes. What effectively defines the operation of replication is first the fulfillment of the conditions mentioned in the Domain item.