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Library Return Codes

-10 - -000000A

  • Failed to create socket.
  • Socket creation failed. Possible causes: system error. See logs for more details.

-11 - -000000B

  • Failed to resolve HSM address.
  • The HSM address could not be resolved. Check the HSM address entered. If using load balancing, check the addresses in the configuration file. If the address is correct, see logs for more details.

-12 - -000000C

  • Failed to connect to the HSM.
  • Opening a session with the HSM failed. Possible cases for this error are: network/HSM unavailable; network subsystem failure. Other less likely causes are: connection rejected by the HSM; internal socket error. See logs for more details.

-13 - -000000D

  • Failed to send data.
  • The Client was unable to send data successfully. The most likely causes for this error are: session rimeout (client or server side); network/HSM unavailable; network subsystem failure. Other less likely causes are: internal socket error. See logs for more details.

-14 - -000000E

  • Failed to receive data.
  • The Client was unable to successfully receive the data. The most likely causes of this error are: session timeout (client or server side); network/HSM unavailable; network subsystem failure. Other less likely causes are: internal socket error. See logs for more details.

-15 - -000000F

  • Invalid package size.
  • The size of the data packet received is different than expected. See logs for more details.

-16 - -0000010

  • Failed to set socket options.
  • The setting of socket options has failed. The probable causes are: invalid parameter; network subsystem failure; connection timeout; internal socket failure. See logs for more details.

-17 - -0000011

  • Failed to retrieve socket options.
  • The setting of socket options has failed. The probable causes are: invalid parameter buffer size; network subsystem failure; internal socket failure. See logs for more details.

-18 - -0000012

  • All the HSMs on the load balancing list are unavailable.
  • The HSMs in the load balancing list are all unavailable. After unsuccessfully trying to access all the HSMs listed, this error is returned. In this specific case, after this error is returned, all the addresses registered in the list become available for new access attempts without going through the suspension time. Possible causes: network failure on the client machine; failure to access the HSM network; failure of all HSMs.

1 - 80000001

  • Failed to create SSL context.
  • SSL context creation failed. Possible causes: system or internal failures. See logs for more details.

2 - 80000002

  • Failed to create TLS structure.
  • The creation of the TLS connection structure failed. Possible causes: system or internal failures. See logs for more details.

3 - 80000003

  • Failed to start TLS handshake with HSM.
  • The TLS handshake with the HSM failed. At this point the socket connection to the HSM has already been established and the TLS handshake has failed. Possible causes: TLS handshake failure, use of old HSM (very old versions) with new client library (or vice versa), failure at protocol level, Connection failure. See logs for more details.

4 - 80000004

  • Generic fault in the internal cryptography library.
  • The internal encryption library has failed. One of the causes may be insufficient resources (memory) on the local machine. See logs for more details.

101 - 80000065

  • Generic fault in the internal connection encryption library.
  • The internal connection encryption library has failed. One of the causes may be insufficient resources (memory) on the local machine. See logs for more details. Related to communication between the local machine and the target server.

102 - 80000066

  • The server's certificate chain could not be loaded.
  • The CA chain/certificate was not found or is in the wrong format. Related to communication between the local machine and the destination server.

103 - 80000067

  • The server name could not be resolved.
  • The server name cannot be resolved or is incorrectly formed. Check the server name. Related to communication between the local machine and the destination server.

104 - 80000068

  • It was not possible to connect to the server.
  • Failed to connect to the server. Check the server name. Related to communication between the local machine and the destination server.

105 - 80000069

  • Timeout failure.
  • The operation has exceeded the timeout limit. Related to communication between the local machine and the target server.

106 - 8000006A

  • Server certificate/fingerprint verification failed.
  • The server's certificate/fingerprint could not be verified. Related to communication between the local machine and the destination server.

107 - 8000006B

  • TLS handshake failed.
  • A problem has occurred in the SSL/TLS handshake. It could be certificates (format, paths, permissions), passwords and others. Related to communication between the local machine and the destination server.

108 - 8000006C

  • Failed to send data.
  • There was a problem sending data. Check the network connection. Related to communication between the local machine and the destination server.

109 - 8000006D

  • Failed to receive data.
  • There was a problem receiving data. Check the network connection. Related to communication between the local machine and the target server.

110 - 8000006E

  • Failed to use the local certificate.
  • A problem occurred when using the local certificate. Related to communication between the local machine and the destination server.

111 - 8000006F

  • Failed to verify the certificate issuer.
  • There was a problem verifying the issuer of the certificate. Related to communication between the local machine and the destination server.

112 - 80000070

  • Authentication failed.
  • There was a problem with the authentication function. Related to communication between the local machine and the destination server.

113 - 80000071

  • Nothing was returned by the HTTP server.
  • Nothing has been returned by the server and in this case it is an error. Related to communication between the local machine and the destination server.

114 - 80000072

  • Protocol not supported.
  • The protocol passed in the URL is not supported. Related to communication between the local machine and the destination server.

115 - 80000073

  • Poorly formatted URL.
  • The URL is not formatted correctly. Related to communication between the local machine and the destination server.

116 - 80000074

  • Server response not recognized.
  • The server sent a response that could not be understood. Related to communication between the local machine and the destination server.

117 - 80000075

  • Access to remote resource denied.
  • Access has been denied to the target URL resource. Related to communication between the local machine and the target server.

118 - 80000076

  • HTTP2 windowing layer failure.
  • This error can have several causes, see the logs for more details. Related to communication between the local machine and the target server.

119 - 80000077

  • Internal failure of the write callback.
  • This error can have several causes, see the logs for more details. Related to communication between the local machine and the target server.

120 - 80000078

  • Internal failure of the read callback.
  • This error can have several causes, see the logs for more details. Related to communication between the local machine and the target server.

121 - 80000079

  • HTTP POST failure.
  • This error can have several causes, see the logs for more details. Related to communication between the local machine and the target server.

122 - 8000007A

  • Operation aborted by internal callback.
  • This error can have several causes, see the logs for more details. Related to communication between the local machine and the target server.

123 - 8000007B

  • Too many redirections.
  • The maximum number of supported redirections has been reached. Related to communication between the local machine and the destination server.

124 - 8000007C

  • Failure to use the specified encryption algorithm.
  • The specified cryptographic algorithm could not be used. Related to communication between the local machine and the destination server.

125 - 8000007D

  • Content encoding not recognized.
  • The content encoding could not be recognized. Related to communication between the local machine and the destination server.

126 - 8000007E

  • Login denied.
  • The remote server denied login. Related to communication between the local machine and the destination server.

127 - 8000007F

  • Failure to install subscription calls.
  • The installation of the signature calls failed. These calls are related to the signature used in the TLS tunnel between the local machine and the destination server. Please generate the debug logs and contact technical support.

128 - 80000080

  • Failed to load TLS certificate.
  • Failed to load the TLS certificate stored in the HSM. Check that the certificate exists in the HSM and that its name and type (x.509) are correct.

129 - 80000081

  • Failed to load the TLS certificate chain.
  • Failed to load the TLS certificate chain stored in the HSM. Check that the certificate chain exists in the HSM and that its name and type (X.509 or PKCS#7) are correct.

130 - 80000082

  • Failed to load the TLS private key.
  • Failed to load the TLS private key stored in the HSM. Check that the private key exists in the HSM and that its name is correct.

2001 - 800007D1

  • Invalid Winsock (Windows Socket) DLL version.
  • The Winsock library version is not supported by the HSM client library. Check minimum installation requirements on Windows machines. This error only applies to Windows platforms.

2002 - 800007D2

  • Memory allocation failure.
  • The requested memory could not be allocated. Check the memory available for the process and the machine.

1001 - 800003E9

  • Invalid parameter passed to the API.
  • The parameter passed to the API is invalid. Check parameters passed (e.g. passing an invalid flag parameter, not passing a key handle when creating an HMAC in DCreateHash, etc.). See logs for more details.

1002 - 800003EA

  • Invalid type of parameter passed to the API.
  • The type of parameter passed to the API is invalid. This error is generic. It can be related to data types, keys, blobs passed in API parameters in certain situations (e.g. using a symmetric key in a symmetric operation, unsupported output data type, etc.). See logs for more details.

1003 - 800003EB

  • The handle status is invalid.
  • The handle used has an invalid status. This error can occur when the handle is used without being properly initialized or in a different use (e.g. a session cannot perform other operations when in remote logging). See logs for more details.

1004 - 800003EC

  • Log not initialized.
  • Currently not in use.

1005 - 800003ED

  • More data is needed.
  • The buffer passed as a parameter in the API is not big enough to receive the output data. Check the documentation of the API called in the manual and that the API has returned the required size for the output buffer. See logs for more details.

1006 - 800003EE

  • HSM 's answer invalid.
  • The response to the request sent to the HSM is not recognized. One possible cause is that the version of the client library is out of date with the HSM. In this case, download the latest version of the client library. Another possibility is a fault in the HSM (rare). In this case, please contact support.

1007 - 800003EF

  • Invalid context.
  • The context (session handle, key handle, etc.) passed to the API is invalid. In most cases it is the session context. Check that the context is valid, not NULL and initialized appropriately.

1008 - 800003F0

  • Key generation failed.
  • Currently not in use.

1009 - 800003F1

  • Key removal failed.
  • Currently not in use.

1010 - 800003F2

  • The key doesn't exist.
  • Currently not in use.

1011 - 800003F3

  • Invalid input data size.
  • The size of the input data/buffer is invalid. Check the API documentation for the required size. See logs for more details.

1012 - 800003F4

  • Invalid key algorithm.
  • The algorithm of the key used is invalid for this operation. Possible causes: using a symmetric key for asymmetric operations (vice versa), etc. Check the type of key passed, the documentation of the API called and cryptography fundamentals for the correct use of keys. See logs for more details.

1013 - 800003F5

  • Invalid padding.
  • The padding type requested by the API is invalid/not recognized. Check the padding type passed and the documentation for the padding types accepted by the API. See logs for more details.

1014 - 800003F6

  • Invalid key.
  • The key passed to the API is not valid or is not appropriate for this use. Check that: the key context is not NULL, the key context is initialized correctly, the algorithm matches the operation. See the API documentation for the types of keys accepted. See logs for more details.

1015 - 800003F7

  • Invalid input data.
  • The input data is invalid or corrupted. See API call documentation for accepted input data. See logs for more details.

1016 - 800003F8

  • Invalid public key.
  • The public key used in this operation is invalid or could not be used. Possible causes: invalid key format, unavailable public key, inconsistent/corrupted key, etc. See logs for more details.

1017 - 800003F9

  • Invalid algorithm.
  • The algorithm used is invalid for this operation. The algorithm can be any object accepted by the HSM. The algorithm can be valid but invalid for a given operation. See the API documentation for the types of algorithms accepted. See logs for more details.

1018 - 800003FA

  • Invalid hash.
  • The hash handle passed to the API is invalid. Possible causes: NULL hash handle, uninitialized hash, etc.

1019 - 800003FB

  • Failed to start hash operation.
  • The hash initialization operation failed (rare). See logs for more details. Contact support.

1020 - 800003FC

  • Invalid hash status.
  • The hash has an invalid state. The hash works on operations defined as start/middle/end. Operations outside this sequence may fail due to this error (e.g. finalizing a hash that has not been initialized or has already been finalized, etc.). See documentation for correct use of the API call. See logs for more details.

1021 - 800003FD

  • Failed to finalize hash operation.
  • The hash operation failed to complete. Possible causes: internal or server error. See client library and HSM logs for more details.

1022 - 800003FE

  • Failed to retrieve information from the HSM.
  • The client failed when trying to retrieve information from the server. Possible causes: server error. See HSM logs for more details.

1023 - 800003FF

  • Invalid PIN size.
  • The PIN has an invalid size (e.g. backup PIN size larger or smaller than allowed). See documentation of the API call for more format details. See logs for more details.

1025 - 80000401

  • Failed to open file on local machine.
  • The name/path of the file passed as a parameter could not be opened/created. Possible causes: access permissions, path, etc. See logs for more details.

1026 - 80000402

  • HSM backup failed.
  • HSM backup operation failed. Possible causes: HSM failure. See HSM and client library logs for more details.

1027 - 80000403

  • HSM restore failed.
  • Currently not in use.

1028 - 80000404

  • Invalid callback function.
  • The callback function is invalid. See the documentation of the API called. Check that it is not NULL. See logs for more details.

1029 - 80000405

  • Functionality not implemented.
  • The requested functionality is not implemented. Check that the latest client library is installed. See the documentation of the API called.

1030 - 80000406

  • Authentication failure.
  • Authentication on this operation failed. Check user/password/OTP, or any password or credendial passed to this function call. See the HSM and client library logs for more details.

1031 - 80000407

  • Invalid open session operation.
  • This operation cannot be performed in an open (insecure) session. Restart this operation using an encrypted (secure) session.

1032 - 80000408

  • Failed to change user password.
  • The user's password change operation failed. Possible causes: password not compatible with HSM policy, etc. See HSM logs for more details.

1033 - 80000409

  • Invalid password length.
  • The password entered has an invalid length. See documentation on the allowed password length. See logs for more details.

1034 - 8000040A

  • Failed to import key.
  • Currently not in use.

1035 - 8000040B

  • Invalid key name.
  • The key name passed in is invalid. Key names must follow the standard described in the HSM manual.

1036 - 8000040C

  • Invalid flag passed to the API.
  • The flag passed to the API is invalid. Possible causes: old version of the client library that doesn't support the flag, invalid flag, etc. See the documentation of the API called for details of the flags. See logs for more details.

1037 - 8000040D

  • Invalid signature.
  • Signature verification failed. The public key was found and used but the verification of the signature content did not match what was expected. See logs for more details.

1038 - 8000040E

  • Invalid public key.
  • Currently not in use.

1039 - 8000040F

  • Invalid key status.
  • The state of the key is invalid for the requested operation. See logs for more details.

1040 - 80000410

  • User creation failed.
  • Currently not in use.

1041 - 80000411

  • There are no more objects to be received by HSM.
  • Internal error. Please contact support.

1042 - 80000412

  • Failed to set environment variable.
  • The creation of the environment variable failed. See logs for more details.

1043 - 80000413

  • File size is invalid.
  • The size of the file passed is invalid for the operation. E.g.: When passing a file larger than that allowed for writing to the HSM, this error will be returned. See logs for more details.

1044 - 80000414

  • Invalid text size.
  • Currently not in use.

1045 - 80000415

  • File access failed.
  • Access to the file failed. Check access permissions. See logs for more details.

1046 - 80000416

  • Invalid counter.
  • Currently not in use.

1047 - 80000417

  • Invalid encryption mode.
  • The encryption mode used is invalid for this operation. Check that the encryption mode is consistent with the operation used. See the API documentation for accepted modes. See logs for more details.

1048 - 80000418

  • Invalid structure ID.
  • Currently not in use.

1049 - 80000419

  • Invalid IP address.
  • Currently not in use.

1050 - 8000041A

  • Failed to retrieve the peer's IP address.
  • Currently not in use.

1051 - 8000041B

  • Failed to decode certificate.
  • The decoding of the certificate has failed. This failure can occur at the X.509 decryption level or in specific expected data (e.g. SPB certificate where specific fields are required). Check the documentation of the API called to find out which types are accepted. Check logs for more details.

1052 - 8000041C

  • Part 1 of the key is invalid.
  • The first part of the key is invalid. The KCV (Key Check Value) of the first component of the ZCMK (Zone Control Master Key) Visa key is invalid. Check key entry or KCV.

1053 - 8000041D

  • Part 2 of the key is invalid.
  • The second part of the key is invalid. The KCV (Key Check Value) of the second component of the ZCMK (Zone Control Master Key) Visa key is invalid. Check key entry or KCV.

1054 - 8000041E

  • Part 3 of the key is invalid.
  • The third part of the key is invalid. The KCV (Key Check Value) check of the third component of the ZCMK (Zone Control Master Key) Visa key is invalid. Check key entry or KCV.

1055 - 8000041F

  • Failed to check DAC.
  • Failed to verify DAC (Data Authentication Code). The DAC passed is not the one expected. See the API documentation for more details.

1056 - 80000420

  • This feature has been discontinued.
  • The requested functionality is no longer supported.

1057 - 80000421

  • No matching key was found.
  • Currently not in use.

1058 - 80000422

  • Failure of the callback function.
  • Currently not in use.

1059 - 80000423

  • Internal failure.
  • This failure can occur for various internal reasons. See logs for more details.

1060 - 80000424

  • The key is not exportable.
  • The requested operation is trying to export a non-exportable key.

1062 - 80000426

  • The SPB ID is invalid.
  • The SPB ID passed is invalid. Please check the appropriate format in the API documentation.

1063 - 80000427

  • The JSON parse failed.
  • JSON parse failed. See logs for more details.

1064 - 80000428

  • The JSON parse failed because of a request of an invalid type.
  • JSON parse failed. The data type is different from the type expected by the requested operation. E.g.: Requesting a string of an integer data type. See logs for more details.

1065 - 80000429

  • JSON failed when trying to set a new value to an object.
  • Failed to set a value to the JSON object. See logs for more details.

1066 - 8000042A

  • JSON failed when trying to remove a value from an object.
  • Failed to remove a value from the JSON object. See logs for more details.

1067 - 8000042B

  • JSON didn't find the value inside the requested object.
  • Failed to find the value inside the JSON object. See logs for more details.

1068 - 8000042C

  • JSON was able to create the requested object.
  • Failed to create JSON object. See logs for more details.

1069 - 8000042D

  • Failed to parse the server's SLP response.
  • The SLP response from the server cannot be parsed as expected. See logs for more details.

1070 - 8000042E

  • Failed to perform SLP operation.
  • The SLP operation was not performed successfully. See logs for more details.

1071 - 8000042F

  • Failure due to excessive responses from HSM servers.
  • The number of SLP responses from HSM servers has exceeded the limits. See logs for more details.

1072 - 80000430

  • The server version is not compatible with the operation.
  • This operation failed because the server does not have a compatible firmware version. See logs for more details.

1073 - 80000431

  • Failed to generate PKCS#12 file.
  • The generation of the PKCS#12 package failed. See logs for more details.

1074 - 80000432

  • Failed to define the load balance list.
  • Balancing list definition failed. See logs for more details.

1075 - 80000433

  • The blob OATH must be updated.
  • The blob OATH must be updated. See the flag OATH_CHECK_UPDATE_BLOB in the API documentation. See the API documentation for more details.

1076 - 80000434

  • Failed to compress data.
  • Failed to compress data using gzip. See logs for more details.

1077 - 80000435

  • HTTP status code not expected.
  • The HTTP status code is not as expected. See logs for more details.

1078 - 80000436

  • Base error64.
  • The base64 operation failed. This error is related to encoding and decoding operations. See logs for more details.

1079 - 80000437

  • Smart card reader not ready.
  • Check that the smart card reader is connected and ready for use and that the smart card is inserted.

1080 - 80000438

  • The smart card is not formatted.
  • Please format the card before use.

1081 - 80000439

  • The smart-card PIN is invalid.
  • Check that the PIN is correct and try again.

1082 - 8000043A

  • Failure in the smart-card reading operation.
  • Check that the smart card is compatible. Please contact support.

1083 - 8000043B

  • SVMK status of the smart-card not expected.
  • Check that the smart-card has been written with a valid SVMK m of n.

1084 - 8000043C

  • Failed to load USB library.
  • Check that the USB library is installed and that the user has permission to access it.

3001 - 80000BB9

  • Keep alive failure.
  • Currently not in use.

3002 - 80000BBA

  • Failed to receive logs.
  • Receipt of remote monitoring logs failed. Possible cause: HSM error. See HSM logs for more details.

3003 - 80000BBB

  • Server failure notification.
  • This error is generic. See the logs for more details.