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Quick Guide

  1. Install the HSM client according to your platform

  2. Windows

  3. Linux

  4. Setting basic environment variables

  5. DFENCE_PKCS11_IP: IP of the HSM

  6. DFENCE_PKCS11_USER: HSM user name

For more information, see the configuration section.

In Windows, you can configure environment variables via System Properties.

A shortcut to open the System Properties is to press the Windows+R and then runsysdm.cpl.

  • Select the Advanced tab and click on Environment variables.

System properties screen.

System properties screen.
  • Create the user's new environment variables.

Environment variables screen.

Environment variables screen.

In Linux you can set the environment variables in the profile according to the specific environment (e.g: ~/.bash_profile, ~/.profile, ~/.login etc) by adding and making the appropriate substitutions:

export DFENCE_PKCS11_IP=ip_hsm
export DFENCE_PKCS11_USER=id_user_hsm

Integrating with Applications

Applications that use PKCS#11 only need two pieces of information:

  1. The location of the PKCS#11 library Dinamo;
  2. the password of the HSM user configured in PKCS#11.

The PKCS#11 library Dinamo is copied to the machine during installation of the HSM client. The file name is tacndp11.dll (Windows) or libtacndp11.so (Linux).

In windows the PKCS#11 library will be in the subfolder <diretório de instalação>\HSM Dinamo\sdk\c. If you have used the 64-bit version of the installer, the 32-bit version will also be available in the folder <diretório de instalação>\HSM Dinamo\sdk\32-bit.


C:\Program Files\Dinamo Networks\HSM Dinamo\sdk\c\tacndp11.dll

C:\Program Files\Dinamo Networks\HSM Dinamo\sdk\32-bit\tacndp11.dll

On Linux, the PKCS#11 library will be in the system libraries folder.


