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Firefox example



Remember to close and open your browser to ensure that it loads the new environment variables.

  1. Open the menu and click on Options.

    Firefox menu screen.
    Firefox menu screen.

  2. Select Privacy and Security and click on Security devices.

    Firefox options screen.
    Firefox options screen.

    1. Click on Load and enter:

      1. a name for the module (e.g: Dinamo)
      2. the path of the PKCS#11 library Dinamo

      Loading screen.
      Loading screen.

      1. Then click OK and then OK again.
  3. Click on View certificates, select the Your certificates tab. If there are keys/certificates properly installed in the HSM, they will appear here.

    If you want to import a new certificate, you can do so via Firefox itself, just click Import, select the file in PKCS#12 format (.pfx) and click OK.

    Firefox options screen.
    Firefox options screen.

Once imported, your certificate can be used in Firefox.

Certificates in Firefox.

Certificates in Firefox.

Key Import

There are several ways to import a key/certificate pair. One is via the remote console (hsmcon).

  1. Open hsmcon by entering your user id and password. You can run hsmcon from the command prompt (just type hsmcon and press ENTER) or from the start menu.

    Backup and restore operation
    Dinamo - Remote Management Console v. 2018 (c) Dinamo Networks
    HSM e - Engine (DXP) - TCA0000000  - ID master
    Main Menu
    Keys/Objects              Users                        HSM
     1 - Generate...          17 - Create                  33 - Info
     2 - Remove               18 - Remove                  34 - Logs...
     3 - Attributes           19 - List                    35 - Backup...
     4 - Import...            20 - Attributes              36 - Monitoring...
     5 - Export...            21 - Trust Relations         37 - Firmware Update
     6 - List                 22 - Password Policy         38 - Replication...
     7 - Permissions...       23 - My Password             39 - IP Filter...
     8 - Key Backup...                                     40 - Telemetry
                                                           41 - Policies
                                                           42 - Tools...
                                                           43 - SPB...
                                                           44 - EFT...
                                                           45 - EFT Direct
                                                           46 - Safe Keeping...
                                                           47 - Blockchain...
     0 - Exit
  2. Select the option - Import..., Asymmetric Keys and then PKCS#12.

    1. Choose the PKCS#12 (.pfx) file containing the key/certificate you want to import;
    2. Enter the password for the file (.pfx);
    3. Select whether the private key is exportable or not;
    4. Choose the name of the private key;
    5. Choose the name of the certificate;
    6. Choose the name of the public key;

    The name of an object (private key, public key, certificate, etc.) in HSM can contain up to 32 alphanumeric characters or an underscore (_).

    Backup and restore operation
    Dinamo - Remote Management Console v. 2018 (c) Dinamo Networks
    HSM e - Engine (DXP) - TCA0000000  - ID master
    Keys/Objects - Import - Asymmetric Keys - PKCS#12
    File (local) : c:lab.pfx
    Private key password : ********
    Exportable (y/[n]):y
    Private key name : lab
    X.509 certificate name (HSM) : lab_cert
    Public key name (ENTER for none) : lab_pub
    File loaded successfully.
    Press ENTER key to continue...

Done! Your key is installed and ready to use.


If your certificate is a valid ICP-Brasil certificate, you can use it to access, for example, the Receita Federal Service Portal, e-Cac. When you open Firefox on the e-Cac website, a screen will appear where you select the desired certificate and click OK to access the protected site.

PKCS#11 Login to the site.

PKCS#11 Login to the site.