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The JCA/JCE CSP Dinamo offers the following cryptographic algorithms:


  1. MD5
  2. SHA
  3. SHA256
  4. SHA384
  5. SHA512


Allowed modes: ECB and CBC.

Paddings allowed: NoPadding, PKCS5Padding and ZeroPadding.

  1. DES
  2. DESede (sizes 128 and 192 bits)
  3. DESX
  4. AES (sizes 128, 192 and 256 bits)
  5. RC4 (size 128 bits)
  6. RSA (sizes 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 1152, 1408, 1984, 2304, 2560, 2816 and 3072 bits), only in ECB mode and PKCS1v1_5 padding.


  1. MD5withRSA
  2. SHA1withRSA
  3. SHA256withRSA
  4. SHA384withRSA
  5. SHA512withRSA
  6. SHA1withRSA/PSS
  7. SHA224withRSA/PSS
  8. SHA256withRSA/PSS
  9. SHA384withRSA/PSS
  10. SHA512withRSA/PSS
  11. SHA1withECDSA
  12. SHA256withECDSA
  13. SHA384withECDSA
  14. SHA512withECDSA

For transformations with paddings /PSS algorithm is used PSS specified in the PKCS#1 2.2 with MGF1using the same hash algorithm for the message and the MGF1 and salt with the same output size as the hash.

Key Pair Generator

  1. EC
  2. RSA

Key Generator

  1. DES
  2. DESede
  3. DESX
  4. AES
  5. RC4
  6. HmacMD5
  7. HmacSHA1
  8. HmacSHA256
  9. HmacSHA384
  10. HmacSHA512

Secret Key Factory

  1. DES
  2. DESede
  3. DESX
  4. AES
  5. RC4

Key Factory

  1. EC

Key Agreement

  1. ECDH
  2. ECCDHwithSHA256KDF (It should be used to generate SecretKey with the parameter spec DNECDHX963ParameterSpec).


  2. DESedeCMAC
  3. HmacMD5
  4. HmacSHA1
  5. HmacSHA256
  6. HmacSHA384
  7. HmacSHA512

Named Curves

  1. secp112r1
  2. secp112r2
  3. secp128r1
  4. secp128r2
  5. secp160k1
  6. secp160r1
  7. secp160r2
  8. secp192k1
  9. secp192r1
  10. secp224k1
  11. secp224r1
  12. secp256k1
  13. secp256r1
  14. secp384r1
  15. secp521r1
  16. prime192v1
  17. prime192v2
  18. prime192v3
  19. prime239v1
  20. prime239v2
  21. prime239v3
  22. prime256v1
  23. brainpoolp160r1
  24. brainpoolp160t1
  25. brainpoolp192r1
  26. brainpoolp192t1
  27. brainpoolp224r1
  28. brainpoolp224t1
  29. brainpoolp256r1
  30. brainpoolp256t1
  31. brainpoolp320r1
  32. brainpoolp320t1
  33. brainpoolp384r1
  34. brainpoolp384t1
  35. brainpoolp512r1
  36. brainpoolp512t1