
Main menu option: 18 -Remove

Remove a user from the HSM. The operation must be confirmed.

When a user is removed, their corresponding partition with all the objects it may contain are also permanently removed.


Removing a user and their corresponding partition is a definitive operation. All the keys and objects contained in the user's partition will be irretrievably deleted.

The master user (default HSM administrator) cannot be removed.

Dinamo - Remote Management Console v. 2018 (c) Dinamo Networks

HSM e - Engine (DXP) - TCA0000000 - ID master

Users - Remove

User ID: alice
Confirm permanently removing user 'alice'. (y/[n]): y

User 'alice' successfully removed.

Press ENTER key to continue...

If the user was created with the Partition Authorization attribute (schema M of N), it will be necessary to change the partition state as described in the Partition Authorization topic before removal.