Password policy

Main menu option: 22 - Password Policy

Defines HSM's password policy parameters, such as the minimum length and number of special characters, upper and lower case, as well as the maximum number of invalid login attempts and the number of days for the password to expire.

Dinamo - Remote Management Console v. 2018 (c) Dinamo Networks

HSM e - Engine (DXP) - TCA0000000 - ID master

Users - Password Policy

Minimal length : 8
Number of special characters : 0
Number of uppercase characters : 0
Number of lowercase characters : 0
Number of invalid logins before block (0 for disabled) : 0
Number of days for expiration (0 for disabled) : 0

Do you want to edit it (y/[n]): y

Minimal length (8-16):
Number of special characters :
Number of uppercase characters :
Number of lowercase characters :
Number of invalid logins before block (0 for disabled):
Number of days for expiration (0 for disabled) :

Policy changed successfully.

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