The APIs of the Pix module are designed to use the functionalities of signing, verifying, sending and receiving HTTP requests Pix.
The HSM does not directly access the Pix/DICT servers, but is positioned on the network for use by the PSP's internal servers.
title: Diagrama físico de rede
%%{ init: { 'flowchart': { 'curve': 'basis' } } }%%
flowchart LR
psp[Aplicação PSP]
spi["SPI (Pix/Dict)"]
subgraph redepsp [Rede PSP]
hsm <--> psp
psp <--> fw
fw <--> rsfn
rsfn <--> spi
Signature and verification
The signature and verification APIs Pix are based on the ISO 20.022 standard, and the DICT APIs follow the XMLDSig format, both defined by SPI in the document "Annex IV - Security Manual".
The API functions for use with Pix and DICT signatures require the internal storage in the HSM of the digital certificates for digital signing and the complete chain of trust of the certificates for verification.
To write a digital certificate (or file) to the HSM, use the remote management console or the DWriteFile() API.
The digital certificate for signing must be encoded in ASN1 DER binary format and also follow the X.509 standard. The file containing the chain of trust for verifying the digital signature must be encoded in PKCS#7 format (Public Key Cryptography Standard #7 - Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard).
The JWS signing and validation functions Pix follow RFC 7515 and the SPI documentation.
HTTP requests
The HTTP request APIs Pix provide secure HTTP communication with the Pix or DICT servers, using the keys and certificates protected by the HSM.
The standard secure communication functions Pix that follow the definitions described in the following documents: "Annex IV - Security Manual", "Technical and business specifications of the Brazilian instant payment ecosystem" and "Annex III - Communication Interfaces Manual" defined in the SPI.
The secure connection is made between the PSP server and the Pix/DICT server, the HSM is only used to use PSP objects and private keys.
Access to the HSM only occurs during the TLS handshake. After the tunnel is closed, communication is only maintained between the PSP server and the Pix/DICT server.
title: Visão geral handshake TLS utilizando o HSM
%%{ init: { 'flowchart': { 'curve': 'basis' }} }%%
participant hsm as HSM
participant psp as PSP
participant spi as SPI (Pix/Dict)
Note over hsm: certificado TLS
psp ->> spi: Inicia handshake TLS
spi ->> psp: Requisita<br>credenciais do PSP
psp ->> psp: Autentica SPI
psp ->> hsm: Requisita informações<br>de autenticação
hsm ->> hsm: Gera assinatura<br>para autenticação TLS
destroy hsm
hsm ->> psp: Envia assinatura
psp ->> spi: Envia dados<br>de autenticação
spi ->> spi: Autentica PSP
loop Canal TLS
%% necessário manter o espaço após o spi: (ou usar um text)
psp ->> spi: Requisição<br>Pix/Dict
spi ->> psp: Resposta
An HTTP connection is associated with the HSM session handle that was used to open the HTTP session. This makes it possible to maintain the association and access to the connection objects (private key, certificate and certificate chain) within the HSM.
title: Handle de sessão do HSM
%%{ init: { 'flowchart': { 'curve': 'basis' } } }%%
flowchart TB
hsm[Sessão HSM]
http[Sessão HTTP]
%% necessário manter os espaços após o subpgraph (ou usar um text)
- The HTTP session is only opened in HTTP request calls Pix.
- The HTTP session is closed when its respective HSM session is physically closed (session closure with cache disabled or explicitly set to physically close the session).
- A closed session (with no explicit definition of physical closure and no cache disabled) does not close the associated HTTP session because there is no physical closure of the session.
- The HTTP session is reused in subsequent HTTP calls, regardless of the type of HTTP operation (POST, GET, DELETE or PUT) used.
- The HTTP session is not reused when the connection parameters (IP, port) are changed.
For example: suppose a POST operation is performed, the HTTP session is kept open within the HSM session handle. When you close the HSM session (without disabling the session cache) the session is stored in the session cache along with the HTTP session. If a new session is requested, the cached session will be returned. When reusing the HSM session handle for a GET operation, the HTTP session is reused because it was stored in the HSM session handle.
The Pix module provides APIs to help use the dynamic QR Code Pix. APIs are available for signing and checking JWS (JSON Web Signature).
Specific API documentation for the Pix module, with functions, classes and examples.