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The services aggregate endpoints from our APIs to provide complete functionalities to the contracting accounts. Each service meets a specific profile of cryptographic needs. Depending on the desired application, it may be necessary to contract multiple services.

The services page lists the available services. Those already contracted should show a green ✓ indicator at the top of the service.

Services available

Simply click on the desired service to open the details page, where you can find out about the benefits, APIs included and prices, as well as contracting the service.

Types of Billable Occurrences

An occurrence is the unit of use of the APIs. Each occurrence is generated as a result of using one of the endpoints of our APIs.

An occurrence type represents an endpoint's consumption of a specific service. For example: when signing a CSR with one of its cryptographic keys, an event of type "P10 SIGN" is generated.

API_TOKEN="Place here your API Token"

curl -X GET "${KEY_ID}/csr" -H "accept: application/json; charset=utf-8" -H "X-Api-Key: ${API_TOKEN}"


When you contract a service, you can use the APIs included immediately. To mark the link between a contracted service and your account, we create a contract, which has a start date, an end date and an identifier.

The start of the contract is typically the date on which the service is contracted, while the end date is always left open and recorded in the event of discontraction. It is possible to discontinue a service at any time; the terminated contract will remain available for consultation in your billing history. To see which contracts are active in your account, go to the Billing page in the navigation menu and select the contracts tab.


The cost of a service is made up of two parts, a fixed monthly fee and a variable part that depends on your use of the APIs.

The variable part is calculated from the total volume of occurrences associated with the service and the unit values of these occurrences. We divide the volume of consumption into bands, each of which has an occurrence unit value. Through the portal you can access the details of each offer to see the unit value of each band.

Thus, the variable part of the service cost is calculated by multiplying each portion of its total occurrences by the unit value of the corresponding range. For example: for consumption with a volume of 600,000 occurrences and a service with a unit value of R$0.02 in the range from 0 to 500,000 occurrences and with R$0.01 in the range from 500,001 to 1,000,000 occurrences, the variable cost will be 0.02 * 500,000 + 0.01 * 100,000 = 11,000.